Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 06:33PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
Hi, Since DK:JB is only out in Japanese at the moment, with no determined release date for USA or EUR. I thought id have a go at translating all the Japanese text in the game to English. So far ive managed the following with no real trouble. Have Disc Image, extracted directories and files. Located 2-3 .arc files that I believe contain the text for the game; These are: Font.arc, Home.arc and message.arc Each of the 3 files are compresses arc containers, by viewing the files directly in a Hex editor - I can see they are Compressed with Yaz0. Found a Yaz0 decoder and encoder at [] My next step is to try and decode the files and see whats inside... ill update once i know. *Update: Well,I managed to decode the message.arc file, into a message.rarc file. using Yaz0Dec.exe Then decoded the message.rarc file using RarcDump.exe, the output from this was 3 files ..\message.rarc_dir\jpjapanese\messageid.tbl ..\message.rarc_dir\jpjapanese\struct.tbl ..\message.rarc_dir\jpjapanese\jpjapanese\message.bmg Is anyone familar with .BMG or .TBL files? The 2 tbl files show nothing interested as the first few bytes in a hex editor.. whilst the bmg file shows 'MESGbmg1' as the first 8 characters. I'l update when i know more... Please feel free to comment.
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 08:13PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 920 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 10:35PM | Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 5,132 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 10:41PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 68 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 10:41PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 10:46PM | Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 5,132 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 21, 2008 11:13PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 22, 2008 12:23AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 920 |
Only problem I see, is that in order to pull this off you'll need to run the game as a backup. Most people who would patch, probably wont own the original game. So I really don't support this type of work.
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 22, 2008 01:23AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 22, 2008 01:44AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 920 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 22, 2008 07:57AM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 152 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 22, 2008 10:49PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 23, 2008 12:24AM |
Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 920 |
Ive found the Text String for the game (I think), just need someone else to verify this...? (Please)
\JpJapanese\MessageData\message.arc ----> decoded into ------>
message.rarc ----> decoded into ------>
Im now stuck, because the Hex Editor im using - im new to. UltraEdit displays the characters as garbage. rather than the Kana(Or whatever) language characters for the Japanese writing.. which is making it impossible to translate..
Does anyone know how I get the hex edit software to display the Japanese characters?
I feel like im almost there..... right on the edge of this..its so fustrating.
I plan on making a small simple change, recoding the iso back together and testing on my Wii to see if the change in Characters are displayed on screen... but without the above...well you know.
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. December 23, 2008 02:38PM | Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 7 |
BMG File Format Text is encoded using UTF-16LE 0000 = MESGbmg1 0008 = 2 bytes that represent the address of the FLW1 tag 0010-001F = ? 0020 = INF1 0024 = 2 bytes to represent the size of the INF1 block 0028 = 2 bytes to represent the number of pointers in the file 002A-002F = ? 0030-0037+ = The first pointer, The first two bytes represent the offset from the beginning of the DAT1 block, next 4 bytes are "00000002" for unknown reasons, last two bytes represent the number off lines that may be printed at a time during dialog. (Pointers are listed one right after the next) DAT1 block: first two bytes after the title represent the size of the block FLW1 block: first two bytes after the title represent the size of the block FLI1 block: first two bytes after the title represent the size of the block Special Characters: 1A0008010A000300XXXX = load character XXXX slowly. 1A00080114000000 = instant load characters until linebreak 1A0008010A000F00 (should be the only hover over char codes) 1A000EFF020001WWWWXXXXYYYY00ZZZZ = print ZZZZ with WWWWXXXXYYYY as a hover over 1A000CFF020001WWWWXXXX00ZZZZ = print ZZZZ with WWWWXXXX as a hover over 1A000AFF020001WWWW00ZZZZ = print ZZZZ with WWWW as a hover over 1A0014FF020002SSSSTTTTUUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX00YYYYZZZZ = print YYYYZZZZ with SSSSTTTTUUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX as a hover over 1A0012FF020002TTTTUUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX00YYYYZZZZ = print YYYYZZZZ with TTTTUUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX as a hover over 1A0010FF020002UUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX00YYYYZZZZ = print YYYYZZZZ with UUUUVVVVWWWWXXXX as a hover over 1A000EFF020002VVVVWWWWXXXX00YYYYZZZZ = print YYYYZZZZ with VVVVWWWWXXXX as a hover over 1A00WWFF0200XXYYYY00ZZZZ = display WxYYYY as a hover over for XXxZZZZ 1A0008FF00000000XXXXYYYYZZZZ = black text for XXXXYYYYZZZZ 1A0008FF00000100XXXXYYYYZZZZ = red text for XXXXYYYYZZZZ 1A0008FF00000200XXXXYYYYZZZZ = green text for XXXXYYYYZZZZ 1A0008FF00000300XXXXYYYYZZZZ = blue text for XXXXYYYYZZZZ 1A0006FE0000 = Character Name 01FF = ! 1A0008011400 = ? i need to figure this out 1A000EFF0200 = ? i need to figure this out 1A000CFF0200 = ? i need to figure this out ??? ??? ??? ??????????????? ????????????????? ??? ? B???? ? ????0??? ??? 00000748 | 00 00 1A 00 | .... | .. 00000750 | 0A FF 02 00 01 51 30 00 | .ÿ...Q0. | ?.?0 00000758 | 88 6D 57 30 5F 30 C7 30 | ˆmW0_0Ç0 | ???? 00000760 | FC 30 BF 30 6F 30 1A 00 | ü0¿0o0.. | ???. 00000768 | 0C FF 02 00 01 82 30 68 | .ÿ...‚0h | ?.?? 00000770 | 30 00 43 51 6B 30 1A 00 | 0.CQk0.. | 0??. 00000778 | 0C FF 02 00 01 82 30 69 | .ÿ...‚0i | ?.?? 00000780 | 30 00 3B 62 8A 30 7E 30 | 0.;bŠ0~0 | 0??? 00000788 | 5B 30 93 30 4C 30 0A 00 | [0“0L0.. | ???. 00000790 | 54 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 | T.e.s.t. | Test 00000798 | 69 00 6E 00 67 00 1A 00 | i.n.g... | ing. 000007A0 | 0A FF 02 00 01 51 30 00 | .ÿ...Q0. | ?.?0 000007A8 | 88 6D 54 00 65 00 73 00 | ˆmT.e.s. | ?Tes 000007B0 | 74 00 1F FF 0A 00 | t..ÿ.. | t?. .?.?0? 00001A000AFF020001513000886D57305F30C730FC30BF306F301A000CFF020001823068300043516B301A000CFF02000182306930003B628A307E305B3093304C300A00540065007300740069006E0067001A000AFF020001513000886D54006500730074001FFF0A00
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. September 02, 2010 06:44AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. September 02, 2010 07:03AM | Admin Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 3,247 |
Re: Trying to create a Japanese to English in-game text modification to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat...but struggling a little.. September 10, 2010 07:18AM | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 74 |