It's... been a while.
Anyways, while checking out why was it that Firefox was updated a full version number again in such short notice, one thing led to another, and I was led something I hadn't remembered in a very long while: the acid3 test.
According to it's entry in wikipedia, the acid3 test supposedly crashes the console. Unfortunately, this was not something I could try out since I'm not currently anywhere near my Wii, but a quick google search revealed me this:
and this
The latter is longer, yet a bit more precise and clearer than the first. Still advised to watch both (skip to around 5:00 in the latter), since they both display similar behaviour, yet act different in both instances.
As you can see, the acid3 test crashes Opera, and inherently, the Wii. I have no idea why it crashes. Maybe precisely because it's forced to display something on screen for which it was not designed to display. I think that it might be helpful somehow, and I thought I'd let you know (if you didn't know already).
While I'm aware that a couple of new exploits have been released in the last couple of months, I thought that at least one other wouldn't hurt (this, implying that Nintendo will ever bother to update the Wii, what with it's new console in the horizon).