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Wiimote Plus still has 100 Hz sensor sampling rate??

Posted by brutusx 
Wiimote Plus still has 100 Hz sensor sampling rate??
January 27, 2012 08:45AM

I just noticed that I have a "Wii Remote Plus" which has a MotionPlus sensor inside of it. I know from a good source that the original Wii Remote (without the MotionPlus built-in) sent the sensor data at 97 Hz (10.3 ms between samples or "reports").

My question:
Is the sensor sampling rate (reports per second) affected by the inclusion of the MotionPlus inside?
In other words: Does the Wii Remote Plus have a slower sampling rate because it needs to send more data from the MotionPlus sensor inside? Or does the "Wii Remote Plus" have around the same sampling rate as the original Wii Remote?

I also heard that if you take an original Wii Remote and attach the MotionPlus with a Nunchuck, the sampling rate falls to around 50 Hz.

If someone knows the details of how the reports per second gets affected by any of this please let me know. I might have to buy some old wiimotes on ebay in the worst case scenario if it's much slower than 97 Hz...

Re: Wiimote Plus still has 100 Hz sensor sampling rate??
January 27, 2012 10:52AM
The motion plus wiimotes aren't any slower at all.
They have the same sampling rate as the original wiimote except for the case where both the motion plus and an extension are in active use because then the motion+ and extension reports are interleaved. If the motion+ isn't activated then the extension data is delivered at the regular rate.
Re: Wiimote Plus still has 100 Hz sensor sampling rate??
January 27, 2012 06:56PM
If you couldn't tell the difference, why does it even matter? Clearly this one was just fine until you thought there was a difference, so it can't be that bad ;) But tueidj has pointed out that there isn't actually a difference, so you definitely don't need to buy a different one.
Re: Wiimote Plus still has 100 Hz sensor sampling rate??
January 07, 2014 01:25PM
brutusx, where I can find the 97Hz information? What's the source?
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