Wii remotes wont work
August 20, 2009 11:21PM
Ok, I have not touched this wii in months. I have home brew on it and preloader v0.25. When i power up the wii it goes to this preloader screen and i cant get a remote to work. Any ideas would be great i dont need to save anything.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 20, 2009 11:46PM
I think you might have a broken Bluetooth module. You're either going to have to manually install one, or send it in to Nintendo.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 20, 2009 11:58PM
That makes not alot of sense as this wii is only 6 months old and has been used maybe 10 hours. Im thinking you cant sync remotes while in this preloader screen but i have no idea.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 11:10AM
I'm pretty sure you cant sync remotes in preloader. Do you have a GC controller? I think they may be usable to navigate preloader.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 11:13AM
No, I think you're thinking of Bootmii. I have preloader 0.29 and Wii Remotes sync fine. Let me take a look at the Changelog.

EDIT:No, I can't see anything. the only thing I can see relating to Wii Remotes is
Preloader 0.26 Changelog
-fixed a bug where only the first Wiimote was powered down when the Wii got turned off

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2009 11:16AM by metroid_maniac.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 11:44AM
I think he's talking about syncing with the red/orange button
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 01:31PM
I had this problem a few days ago when I brought my wii to a friend's place... since the wiimotes weren't synced, they wouldn't sync in preloader... I had to go get a gamecube controller to get past preloader, then they synced fine and stayed that way after that.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 01:34PM
hmm... getting a GC controller to load the Menu and syncing it normally should do the trick.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 05:42PM
ya thats what im thinking too. I think i found a buddy that has a controller. Thanks for all your input on this guys, I'll let you know what happens.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 10:40PM
Lets say that using a gamecube controller does not work and that the wii is actually frozen on this preloader screen what be my options?
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 21, 2009 10:59PM
If you dont have bootmii, then your options would probably be get a infectus/other NAND programmer and use it to install bootmii, then use betwiin to make a NAND dump from someone else's wii work on yours and then install it with bootmii. But if you dont have a vulnerable boot1, that would brick you.

See below post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2009 09:18PM by SifJar.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 22, 2009 09:18PM
ignore my last post - I have a better idea. What system menu does your wii have? If its <3.4, you could get yourself a GC controller, do the SaveMiiFrii trick and stick in a game with the 3.4 update (I know Wii Sports Resort has it, and loads others. Most recent games). It'll update, getting rid of preloader. Of course, that wont work if you already have 3.4 or above. But anyway, you should be able to get past the preloader screen with the GC controller, sync your remotes, then you'll be fine.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 23, 2009 04:18AM
Anyone know why I can't get 2nd remote to work in Resort? It says go to home menu and then settings and set up remote but I don't see anything for wii remotes. I see 3 pages I can view, as in lang , sensor bar ect. I have Homebrew and preloader installed and the 2nd wiimote works in older games when I choose 2 player as in wii sports ect but new games, I can't get the 2nd wiimote to sync. Any ideas will be very useful. Thanks
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 23, 2009 01:43PM
Dont troll other peoples threads. Especially if your problem is unrelated to theirs.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 27, 2009 04:57PM
I cant recall if it was 3.2U or 3.4U been a long time since i did this and i didnt pay alot of attention..my bad on that!
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 27, 2009 05:02PM
did you get it fixed using a GC controller to go past the preloader screen?
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 27, 2009 05:12PM
i have not gotten my hands on a GC controller yet im hoping for that tomorrow or tonight.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 27, 2009 05:19PM
i have 2 wii game counsels so i just kinda lost interest in the hobby but now want to get it back working.
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 29, 2009 03:39PM
ok the GC controller worked now i just want to get rid of preloader and make this thing work right!
Re: Wii remotes wont work
August 29, 2009 04:13PM
Well that's easy, just update the System Menu. But why do you want rid of preloader, may I ask?
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