I believe in reading the how's & to's I OK with this one, but I keep hitting a wall that I may see parts of elsewhere but not specifically what I'm getting....
I have the HBC, Menuing system 3.2U and IOS 249 amongst tons of other stuff I'm still sorting out in a system that just came to me. I didn't put it in originally and I'm not going to destroy all that I have trying to replace/upgrade it until I've got a solid clue on what I'm doing and what I have already so please skip those ideas.
When I go to the Wii Channels in Data Management, I can see the Wii Memory but when I hit the SD Card - I get an ISI Exception Error. I've seen these reported elsewhere without real solutions or fixes, thus I ask here to see what can happen. It's weird, everything else in and out of the HBC is fine! I can manipulate the SD's contents without a care, nothing happens.
What I read says that something's landing in the SD card's Channels storage that has a bad banner or something like that which causes the Exception error. Now, I will say in experimenting this started when I tried to copy over a Wii Channel I was going to get rid of so I could open up some blocks, etc. I thought moving it to the SD meant that I could keep it but not tie up the System Memory which doesn't seem to be the case unless someone can prove otherwise. I was able to copy something else over later on in trying to fix this, then magically I can get back into the SD Card's management.
Now - the strange bits. I have a ton of Wanikoko's stuff. I had WAD Manager 1.0 and 1.3 through the HBC and then on my own figured out and installed 1.5 - works like a charm. Won't unscrew what I screwed up, but still I can manipulate anything using these from the HBC with no problems! The trick is that what's apparently 'bricking up' with the ISI Exception and requiring a manual reboot each time is the HBC's (allegedly) wanting to boot WAD Manager 1.4? I don't even have nor can I find 1.4, but it blasts an HBC website link telling me if I paid for the software I got nailed and go read how to get even or whatever. That's exactly where it hits the Exception, I can't see the pop up box but a corner and have confirmed that's where it is - the Yes/No question about loading up the boot.dol to deal with this.
So how can I make this stop for good, is there upgrades, do I need to be copying my WAD 1.5 somewhere to upgrade the 1.4 version that's hitting the errors?
Sorry I come from 360 and PC land so the Wii stuff's a bit new, but with tons of background in MS, Linux, 360's, PC's etc. I mostly get what I'm screwing with - just not what the order is to make things fly, file structures and all that jazz - yet!
As I said, all my other 'stuff' works as far as apps, software, etc. with no glitching or lockups at all. Boots up fine, works great till you hit this specific wall. Any info I left out please let me know AND point me where to find it too!