Ok, so I've come across some problems.....
I used this guide -
GBAFailI was unable to install bootmii to boot2, so I installed it as an IOS. I DID back up my NAND though (thank god)
I skipped the IOS36 step and it all went fine.
Then I used
GBAFail again to update from 3.3 to 4.2
This ruined Preloader, and trying to reinstall it said something about IOS36 being edited.
Also, I was unable to run homebrew apps from SD, came up with the 'not a valid Wii application' error
I thought
some other fail was the answer, but that failed for some reason.
A quick look through one of the threads and some other advice, and I thought DOP-IOS was the answer - using that I patched IOS 21, 36 and 70
This turned HBC upside down, so I reinstalled HBC and it was fine. However, I was still unable to run homebrew apps from SD.
I reinstalled preloader, and now my system menu is corrupt. Also, bootmii is not appearing in the preloader system menu.
If I access 'boot.elf' through preloader I can get into HBC, and through that I can get into bootmii - however it said that bootmii is not installed thus restoring the NAND is extremely dangerous.
So, should I continue on here to restore my NAND or is there another method? I did come across
Almost GBAFail bad guideObviously trying to figure it out for myself reading threads on here hasn't gotten me anywhere :-)
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2009 09:00PM by Arikado.