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Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..

Posted by blazefrom183rd 
Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 06:37PM
Hey you guys, I have an issue to discuss.. I have a bricked wii that has the following information to the wii:

Bootmii v1.1
Stub v1.1
mini v1.1

Console ID - 03528223 (idk if it's required)
Sysmenu - unknown Boot1b boot2v4 (I need to change "unknown" to an actual number)
Nand FS Usage - 5.5% (somewhere around 5%)

I originally had a 3.2U.. But it changed to unknown when I turned it back on..

Is there anything that I can do to get it fixed? I tried comex's nand formatter, which did install the IOS 30 and the Sysmenu 3.1U that I got from NUSD, but when it tried to install the EULA and RGNSEL files, it freezes.. And it still says Sysmenu - unknown..

Tried to upload someone else's working Wii Nand, which still saying it's from a different Wii, which I don't understand.. is there anyways I can fix this? at all? please respond fast? Thanks a lot..

BTW, My Bootmii still works.. I can restore and backup files normally, but I only have the backup file for the info above..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2009 06:41PM by blazefrom183rd.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 06:49PM
Can you boot the HBC?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 06:50PM
Actually, nothing boots up.. black screen everywhere.. except for the restoremii, backup, and the bootmii credits.. that's all..

the wii does have a specific reaction with the comex's nand formatter.. but nothing else to it..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2009 06:51PM by blazefrom183rd.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 07:48PM
So.. nothing that I can do?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 07:54PM
So... Don't post every 2 seconds? So... This is a forum, not an IRC channel?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 08:19PM
Well, I'm sorry.. But I need help.. So I'm trying to get answers quickly.. And these are forums, not an IRC Channel..
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 08:47PM
Well, I'm sorry.. But I need help.. So I'm trying to get answers quickly.. And these are forums, not an IRC Channel..

Uh, thats what Arikado said. It made sense in the context of his comment, not in the context of yours. Do you know what an IRC Channel is? Cause if so, you'd realise how stupid your comment is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2009 08:48PM by SifJar.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 09:02PM
Anyways, you can use Betwiin to convert a NAND dump from Wii to work on another.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 09:38PM
In fact, no, I do not know what an IRC channel is, And in this being a fact, I didn't make this post to make arguments.. I'm here to receive help, not fight to see who's right and who's wrong, okay? Listen, we all make mistakes, and please accept that fact.. So please, let this be another discussion at your own matter and time, not mines, because I'm here to not start any issues.. But to accept those who can help me.. So thanks for helping, if anything..

Anywho, For me to use Betwiin, I need other programs that supports Betwiin.. So in this case, I'm gonna have to download the other programs to use Betwiin, correct?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 11, 2009 09:58PM
yes. you need to install python and some libraries. if you're on windows, they're pretty easy to find with easily used installers for each.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 12, 2009 12:46AM
Thanks a lot..

Now since I got the required programs, how do I do this?

It has an input and output folder, Do I need 2 different key.bin's for this to work? Or do I put the same key file in each one?

And Same with the Nand.bin, any working Nand.bin file has to be only in input or in both?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 12, 2009 06:06PM
you need to put a working NAND.bin and the keys.bin from the Wii it came from in the input folder, renaming NAND.bin to flash.bin, and put the keys.bin from YOUR wii in the output folder, then run betwiin.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 12, 2009 06:53PM
OOOoooohhhhh.. OKAY.. Thank you so much.. Wow I didn't know about renaming it to flash.bin.. wow.. DX

I've heard of an alternative for the nand.bin.. about the hex editor? I got that program and everything.. is it easier with the Hex editor or the Betwiin program? Because for Betwiin, I need to download specific programs for it to work, and unfortunately, i guess it's not working..

And for the hex editor, I need to insert a "space" between console and ID in key.bin file, then copy it, then open the NAND.bin file, and paste it at the very end of it.. or so it seems.. Will either work? or is Betwiin the only possible way that I can fix it?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 12, 2009 06:57PM
You cannot use a Hex Editor. You obviously misunderstood some old instructions for betwiin. you dont need a hex editor before, but before you used to have to hex edit the NAND.bin before using betwiin.

EDIT: BTW, if you're on Windows, here are links to all you need to install:

Python : [python.org]
NumPy : [sourceforge.net]
PyCrypto : [www.voidspace.org.uk]

(I'm assumong you have 32-bit Windows.) Just download and run those files, the Python installer first, then the other two, and betwiin should work after that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2009 07:01PM by SifJar.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 12, 2009 08:41PM
I edited my response.. twice..

I'm actually using windows vista.. hopefully, it still operates just as well as an XP would or other system versions..

Thanks for the links.. I was wondering why didn't python 2.5 was working..

I do have a working Nand.bin file, but I don't have the keys.bin file that comes with it.. Can't I replace my own keys.bin file for the other required keys.bin file to make it work? Or do I need the working key.bin file that came with it?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2009 09:34PM by blazefrom183rd.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 13, 2009 09:24PM
Well, I'm sorry.. But I need help.. So I'm trying to get answers quickly.. And these are forums, not an IRC Channel..

Uh, thats what Arikado said. It made sense in the context of his comment, not in the context of yours. Do you know what an IRC Channel is? Cause if so, you'd realise how stupid your comment is.

what's an IRC channel? can i get it on freeview or is it sky & virgin only. any good films on it?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 13, 2009 09:35PM
Well, I'm sorry.. But I need help.. So I'm trying to get answers quickly.. And these are forums, not an IRC Channel..

Uh, thats what Arikado said. It made sense in the context of his comment, not in the context of yours. Do you know what an IRC Channel is? Cause if so, you'd realise how stupid your comment is.

what's an IRC channel? can i get it on freeview or is it sky & virgin only. any good films on it?

is that a joke? [en.wikipedia.org]
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 13, 2009 11:22PM
Can you please answer my question? Thanks?

I did get the nand.bin file and the keys.bin file from my cousin, I put both of them in the input folder, renamed nand.bin to flash.bin, and put my keys.bin in the output folder, doubleclicked "betwiin.py", then got a flash.bin file in the output folder..

1.Do I need to rename flash.bin to nand.bin, then put both the nand.bin AND the keys.bin file in the root of the SD card?
2.Do I need to leave flash.bin as is, and put it as the way I would do to a normal nand.bin on the SD card and likewise with the keys.bin?
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 13, 2009 11:40PM
rename the flash.bin to NAND.bin and copy it and YOUR keys.bin to the root of your card. Then do a restore in BootMii.
Re: Bricked wii - Sysmenu unknown w/no backup nand from Bootmii..
November 14, 2009 07:25PM
When I did that, it said "dump is from a different wii".. Anything I did wrong?

The only thing it did was improve my nand FS usage from 5.6% -> 71.0%.. IDK if it even makes a difference since my sysmenu still says unknown.. :\

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2009 07:39PM by blazefrom183rd.
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