Wow what a mess. I tried to manually install Ios 58 to get my usb keyboard to work. I would've used Tantric's
ios 58 installer but I don't have an online connection for my wii. Following the discussion on that page however I installed
Nus downloader, worked out the ID for IOS 58 as 000000010000003A v6175, then got
wad import to install the wad (I didn't set the patch option).
I used Bootmii to create a new backup of my nand before attempting to install the wad. Backup proceeded fine and I installed the wad which seemed to run as planned as well. Taking note of Tantric's message to reinstall Homebrew channel in order to recognize the new Ios, I tried to reinstall HBC through Bootmii. I ended up having two versions of the HBC on the system menu page, one version 0.8 the other 0.6 that I had earlier accidentally left on the SD.
I decided to delete the 0.6 channel through the wii setting menu and then copied a newer version of the hackmii installer .elf file to the root of the SD card (renaming the 0.6 HBC old.elf to keep it to one side). I whacked that sd card into the wii, hoping to reinstall HBC 0.8, ios 58 present with my usb keyboard ready to go. Then... disaster.
Priiloader started up stating there was an error booting HBC, maybe the title was not installed.
I tried going to the system menu but got a glitchy message from the wii saying the:
"System files are corrupted. Please refer to the Wii operations manual for help troubleshooting" Knowing there was not much information on Priiloader in the operations manual I decided to reboot Priiloader and enter the Bootmii menu. I thought if I had the nand files I could just start again, right? Well one of the menu options gave an error message trying to read the card and when I entered the sub-menu to upload the nand to the wii it said something like boot ios not found with a warning that it was dangerous to proceed. Slightly panicked, I decided to exit.
I entered Priiloader again with copies of the nand on two sd cards in case the original was faulty. Tried to enter Bootmii again but this time it gave me a message "could not find fat:/bootmii/armboot.bin" and then "error booting bootmii ios" Non-plussed at the prospect of owning a shiny white brick, I tried the other priiloader options to try and get anywhere.
I selected the load file option and incredibly (at least for me) the hackmii installer screen came up. Not sure what to do at this point I uninstalled HBC and went to exit. Hackmii installer exited to the wii system menu, behaving like it always did. (what the hell is going on?) Anyway. I shutdown, re-entered the hackmii installer with Priiloader's install file option, and reinstalled the HBC and exited into the HBC (it appears to be version 6). From the HBC i can return to the wii system menu but If I try to enter Bootmii the system freezes and my dvd drive flashes.
So now I'm considering reentering the hackmii installer and reinstalling (?) bootmii 'as an Ios', in order to upload the nand and (hopefully, hopefully) get a complete system restore. So I thought I'd ask for some guidance/ advice instead of taking any more chances.
I'm using Priiloader 0.6 on iosv60 system menu v418
HBC v0.8 (now v.06)
Wii 4.0E
Hackmii readout is 1.0.3 ios 61 v19.26
'Bootmii can only be installed as an IOS. The installed boot 1 version prevents a boot 2 install.' I can install bootmii as an ios and it asks me to prepare an sd card.
If you can help I'd greatly appreciate it.