Bought a pawn shop Wii, and the disc drive worked fine when I got it. Then I formatted the Wii Memory and did the following:
Upgraded to 4.3U
Letterbomb via SDHC 4gig
BootMii to Boot2
Homebrew Channel
Installed Homebrew Browser, WiiMC, FCEU GX, WiiMC Channel, FCEU GX Channel, a few games, but doubt that they're the culprits.
After installing all these things, I attempted to load a DVD with WiiMC, but it came back as "Unsupported DVD." Then I found out that somewhere along the line the disc drive was no longer working at all. The drive makes a lot of clicks when loading the Disc Channel, but ultimately fails to read an authentic Wii disc. BootMii backups didn't fix the issue. To attempt to resolve the matter I did the following:
Letterbomb via same SDHC 4gig
Uninstalled BootMii
Uninstalled HBC
Wii Settings Format Wii Memory
The drive still clicks, and doesn't read anything. So I Letterbombed again, and reinstalled everything. Any ideas?