I turned on my wii today and when I got to the health warning screen I would push a and the text would start to fade, but then it would just completely freeze up with the text still partly showing. I booted into maintenance mode and from there installed bootmii into boot2. I can boot into the HBC from bootmii. However now when I try to get into the wii system menu, it will let me pass the health and warning screen, and load the menu. Right as the system menu starting sound is about to end, the wii freezes up and starts making this buzzing sound.
I was able to make a backup of my NAND through bootmii and it said that 3 blocks were corrupt, so I put that through nandBinCheck and am unsure about the output. I've been playing Skyward Sword and have ran the update included on that as well as running a wii system update while in maintenance mode, but I was already up to date.
Here is the output of nandbincheck. I had to redirect it into a file to copy everything, but it still outputted some information to the command prompt, so I included both the command and it's output and the contents of the files I saved it to
Thanks for your help