Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 02, 2013 09:01PM
My wii either freezes on the health screen or freezes a couple seconds into the system menu. Actually nowadays, only the latter occurs. It works in maintenance mode. It started after the blue light on the drive was flashing and I had a new message. I have no idea what the message was because it froze. So I suspect a mail brick. How do I fix it? I tried using FSToolbox with no success. Should I format? I have bootmii and homebrew installed; is it ok to format with them? Do I need to reinstall the system menu? Oh yeah, I'm running system menu 4.3U (which is strange because I don't remember updating to it.)
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 02, 2013 11:00PM
I tried formatting, but it didn't solve the issue and now I can't reach the homebrew channel. How do I reinstall homebrew?
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 03, 2013 06:31AM
Follow this guide to install the homebrew channel here []. So can you access to the system menu.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 03, 2013 06:45AM
I got homebrew reinstalled. I can access the System Menu for a few seconds before freezing, but I can access it in Maintenance Mode. Right now I'm trying to use betwiin to dump a donor nand file, but I'm getting a syntax error when I run I'm not sure where the syntax error occurs though.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 04, 2013 04:45AM
I'm not sure I got right info but give it a try. First, take your GC controller and press the D pad at the same time right after you turn on your wii which is little bit harder but you will be able to do it. That will take you to the rescue menu. This is the time to insert the normal disc and install fresh system menu. Good luck and please reply if you got any happen.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 10, 2013 12:48AM
deleted: found something else in other post

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2013 12:46AM by JjStAr.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 11, 2013 12:41AM
Yeah, try re-installing system menu with DOP- Mii. Also try getting IOS80 in the US version. Couldn't find that on the wiki, maybe someone else knows.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 11, 2013 02:10AM
But @mangodingo can't access to the system menu because it's froze.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 11, 2013 03:15AM
but I can access it in Maintenance Mode

I thought maintenance mode worked.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2013 03:17AM by JjStAr.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 13, 2013 12:24AM
Yeah, that should work. I couldn't thought that.
Re: Mail brick help! wii freezing
July 13, 2013 12:34AM
Actually, don't do IOS80. It's probably not nessacary (darn that word hard to spell :D).
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