Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 27, 2011 04:20AM
On August 25th my inbox started blowing up with users e-mailing me that no one could post on the forums. Months prior to this the forum had also begun having a handful of issues with it's SMTP (mail) functionality. I'm pleased to announce that I've finally fixed both of these issues by spending several hours playing with the forum software. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by both of these issues.

This incident has reminded me how little free time is actually available to me so I have decided that I will no longer continue my role as a forum administrator here on the WiiBrew Forums. I am currently seeking an active moderator or respected member of the forums to replace my duties. Upon finding one I shall relinquish myself of Administrator status.

Due to recent forum outage and suddenness of the change up in forum administration I will leave this topic open for discussion for awhile.

Thank you again for your patience and support during the last several days.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2011 04:23AM by Arikado.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 27, 2011 05:09AM
No problem for me, but don't leave what about pointing a second admin to help running the forum or find somebody to help when its needed.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 27, 2011 06:44AM
I can help if needed, unless you can find someone better :P
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 27, 2011 03:10PM
I am currently seeking an active moderator or respected member of the forums to replace my duties. Upon finding one I shall relinquish myself of Administrator status.
No problem for me, but don't leave what about pointing a second admin to help running the forum or find somebody to help when its needed.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 31, 2011 06:53PM
it seems you might wanna check your databases, got this when trying to reply to a pm:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6 bytes) in /home/hbc-www/ on line 248

and send a new pm:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 79 bytes) in /home/hbc-www/ on line 248
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
August 31, 2011 06:58PM
I also got it
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 01, 2011 07:59PM

It is a shame to read this. I have had the chance to talk to you in the past and you are indeed one of the most valuable persons to have hit the scene.

The time comes to everyone, and it is a normal step in our lives to put aside stuff we have enjoyed in order to dedicate our time and efforts in what is important to our future. I have witnessed how much you have grown in the computer-programming field and the dedication you have put in college.

Same has happened to me, since my babies are growing up and they have started going to school. Between that, and my job, I don't have much time left for hobbies.

I really hope you don't really 'leave', just pass your admin role over to somebody who has the time, the experience, and the right attitude to continue guiding this forum through the right path. I am looking forward to seeing you around, not as an admin, but as a valuable contributor to the scene. I also understand that the Wii scene has gone slow in the last year, and it is time to move over a newer technology, or to branch out to different ones, however, there are some very interesting projects for the Wii that you left behind due to your time constraints. I really wish you could find the time to wrap up at least a couple of them (In the personal, Doom and Duke3D are those I feel most eager to see completed some day).

I wish you the best of lucks in your enterprises, and I really hope that the one that comes after you to grab the reigns of wiibrew forums does a job as good as the one you always did.

Warm regards,
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 07, 2011 01:20AM
I am sorry to here that you are leaving and I would like to wish you well in the future. Also would you please consider letting me take your place? Throughout my time here I have become very knowledgeable about what is and isn't allowed on the forums. I wish you well with whatever path you may take outside of Wiibrew, its subsidiaries, and whatever coding endeavors that you do.

Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 07, 2011 04:54PM
technoman, no offence, I doubt you'll be replacing Arikado. Most likely I'd say it'll be a current moderator, such as perhaps bg4545. He would be a very good candidate in my opinion. Generally people will become moderators before becoming an administrator (Arikado certainly did). And probably a moderator in just a few boards before becoming a global moderator (this happened to me, and I think bg4545, but not completely sure).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2011 04:54PM by SifJar.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 05:06AM
it seems you might wanna check your databases, got this when trying to reply to a pm: ...
Oops! I'll be letting our server administrator know that he needs to increase the space available for our PM database. I don't have access to those files unfortunately.

I can help if needed, unless you can find someone better :P
After thinking about it at length for awhile I decided to promote you to administrator status. You've been here almost as long as I have and in many ways have done even more good for the forum than I have. With your unwavering dedication and commitment to the forum I'm sure you'll be an excellent administrator. I'll remain on as an administrator for now while I show you around the administration panel and share details on how the forum is run with you. Afterwards, I'll relinquish myself of administrator status and you're welcome to run the forum as you please from then on (including appointing additional administrators and moderators if you feel the need).

I am sorry to here that you are leaving and I would like to wish you well in the future. Also would you please consider letting me take your place? Throughout my time here I have become very knowledgeable about what is and isn't allowed on the forums.
Thanks but no thanks. I can't argue that you certainly have been here a long time and know your way around the forum very well. As SifJar suggested earlier perhaps someone in the future will see fit to give you some moderator permissions in the future for this reason. But for now unless you're a superstar coder or a longtime moderator whom I deeply trust I can't justify such a big step forward in responsibility for you.

SifJar :

I strongly considered making you an administrator as well but due to time constraints on my part I can really only spend time to train one. bg4545 actually has my personal cell phone number so it's trivial for me to quickly get him prepared to run the forum. Since our PM system is broken right now it would be just a bit too time consuming for me to do you the same favor right now. But I do strongly recommend that bg4545 considers promoting you to administrator status once he is in full charge of the forum.


Thank you I really appreciate that. At the moment I'm just ending my commitment to this forum, not to any of my Wii homebrew projects. However I do intend to begin doing my best to fulfill and thus end those commitments as well. In just the past year the following things have happened in my life:

* I started college and I take six to eight classes a semester which more than the recommended limit of five classes a semester. I'm hoping I can graduate a semester or two earlier by doing this.
* I have a job as a full time system administrator on my college campus. I'm responsible for all of the servers on campus as well as the imaging of all of the desktops. It's an incredibly demanding position and in about 15 weeks I'll be promoted to being the "head" system administrator so I get to deal with finances and "fun" business aspects of the position.
* I have a part time job writing Android software for a company. A product I've been developing from scratch since January 2011 will be launching this Sunday.
* I'm trying to start a programming club on my college campus since the campus does not currently promote any extra curricular computer science study at all. I've been working on this for a little over a year and the club will finally open in February. I'm really excited.
* I have an increasingly significant female companion in my life ;-D. Along with that, my social life in general has skyrocketed taking away any free time that I normally would've spent coding or on this forum. I wasn't going to mention this, but the more I think about it this really is a rather large time waster in my life for better or worse.

While it's probably debatable due to my recent lack of commitment toward both the forum and my coding projects, I like to think that I always put my responsibilities before anything else. And to that end, I'm doing the absolute best I can to my end my responsibilities I no longer have time for in a way that makes as many people happy as possible. With luck, most if not all of what you mentioned will happen by the time January hits. I'm really doing the best I can to try and achieve this.

Lastly :

Thank you to everyone who has ever used the forum. It's had it's ups and downs yet I've always been proud to be a leader of it every second. In retrospect, I haven't always made good decisions, I've actually messed up pretty bad more than a few times. But for what it's worth, I've really learned more than I can possibly express here from all 5,132 posts I've made here. Above all, I can honestly say that I had a genuinely fun time and I hope that everyone else has too. Thank you again, and good luck bg4545.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2011 05:10AM by Arikado.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 08:06AM
I can help if needed, unless you can find someone better :P
After thinking about it at length for awhile I decided to promote you to administrator status. You've been here almost as long as I have and in many ways have done even more good for the forum than I have. With your unwavering dedication and commitment to the forum I'm sure you'll be an excellent administrator. I'll remain on as an administrator for now while I show you around the administration panel and share details on how the forum is run with you. Afterwards, I'll relinquish myself of administrator status and you're welcome to run the forum as you please from then on (including appointing additional administrators and moderators if you feel the need).
Sounds good :) I'll text message you either tomorrow or Friday when I'm free to figure this Admin stuff out. Thanks and good luck to you too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2011 08:06AM by bg4545.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 06:30PM
Congrats bg4545, Arikado has made a good choice in appointing you to replace him.

Arikado: I understand you picking bg4545 over me, and I think he is much better suited to the task anyway. I probably wouldn't have enough time to be admin anyway.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 09:14PM
* I have an increasingly significant female companion in my life ;-D. Along with that, my social life in general has skyrocketed taking away any free time that I normally would've spent coding or on this forum. I wasn't going to mention this, but the more I think about it this really is a rather large time waster in my life for better or worse.

Congrats and best of lucks with that! (Which by the way you will find out it is much more complex than coding the most advanced of the systems lol!). My life also gave a 180 degrees turn when I met my significant other; I had to redistribute most of my time and activities to suit the changes that a female companion brings to your life, but I really hope you will do great and in the distant future you will have kids as well to share everything you know with (and to go nuts when they get sick!)

You really have a busy life, you took the right decision on stepping out from the forum administration. Don't ever feel pressured to give more time to your projects than to yourself, because at the end, what matters is what you learn and what you become. Sometimes it is good to be a bit selfish in order to become better.

And remember, life stops being life when it stops being fun! I'm telling you to do as many things you enjoy as possible.

You are a superb moderator, perhaps a bit cranky, but that's cool. However, I believe you have mentioned in the past that you are not a coder. Besides the time constraints you mention, I believe that the admin position would require a bit of programming knowledge. And I am not saying you wouldn't do well at it, I am just hinting that bg4545 is more skilled in that area.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 09:30PM
You are a superb moderator, perhaps a bit cranky, but that's cool. However, I believe you have mentioned in the past that you are not a coder. Besides the time constraints you mention, I believe that the admin position would require a bit of programming knowledge. And I am not saying you wouldn't do well at it, I am just hinting that bg4545 is more skilled in that area.

Indeed that is very true. As the first post in this thread indicated, that sort of knowledge was necessary for Arikado. And as you say, I do not have that sort of knowledge, and I definitely don't have time to learn that sort of thing right now.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 08, 2011 10:00PM
Congratulations bg4545 and thank you for explaining that to me Arikado. BTW, good luck in college Arikado.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 09, 2011 12:28AM
Congrat's bg4545,

I think you will do a great job, have done a good job as a moderator as well.
Re: Forum problems fixed; Arikado is leaving
September 12, 2011 09:23AM
Thanks everyone!

I hope you all will welcome your new overlord. :)
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