Errors everywhere
February 27, 2009 11:10PM
I unlocked my Wii with Twilight Hack and the HBC appears to be working fine (plenty of bubbles). Iv'e downgraded my Wii from 3.3U to 3.2U. IOS37-64-V2070.wad is on the root of my SD card but when I try to run CIOS Install I get the following error:

Adding Content Id 0000000
Install_IOS Object (0x0005db00, 0)
ES_Add Content Start (00000001,000000019, 0)
ES_Add Content Start (00000001,000000019, 0) failed –1017
Install failed -1

I was told to run Any Title Deleter to delete IOS249 but when I run Any Title Deleter I get the following error:

ES_Identify (ret= -1017)
Initializing FileSystem driver... OK!
Wiping off fingerprints...
-Deleting ticket file/ticket/000000001/0000000/.tik...
Ticket delete failed (No Ticket?) -102
-Deleting tittlefile/title/00000001/00000000...
Error! ISFS_Delete (ret = -102)
Checking System region
Pulling Sysmenu TMD...
Error! ISFS_Open (ret = -102)
Reading TMD Failed! 0
Error! Es_OpenContent (ret = -1017)
Region Detection failure! 0
Conf. region. 1

What am I doing wrong? Should I upgrade my Wii and start all over?
Re: Errors everywhere
February 27, 2009 11:21PM
It failed because it doesnt work on your firmware. I'm assuming that you didnt downgrade via anyregion changer?
Re: Errors everywhere
February 27, 2009 11:44PM
No I didn't use anyregion changer I was told to use cIOS_Downgrader_v1.1.dol. Should I start all over with a upgrade? Being a newb really sucks....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2009 11:50PM by grnerak.
Re: Errors everywhere
February 28, 2009 12:29AM
That downgrader doesnt downgrade everything like it claims too (which is one reason why you wont find it on WiiBrew). So unless someone can come up with something I'm overlooking you're pretty much out of luck with using the AnyTitleDeleter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2009 12:29AM by Arikado.
Re: Errors everywhere
February 28, 2009 12:39AM
I will delete everything and start over and see what happens from there.
Re: Errors everywhere
February 28, 2009 12:45AM
I''m almost sure that that shouldnt work, but good luck anyways.
Re: Errors everywhere
February 28, 2009 01:48AM
I did a do over using this link: Link Removed It Violates Our Forum Rules and the installations appear to have loaded completely. Now I have a different issue. I put the disk in the slot and try to run from the backup channel but the screen goes black, nothing happens and the system totally locks up. I have to power it off and back on the eject the disk. Do you have any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2009 01:58AM by Arikado.
Re: Errors everywhere
February 28, 2009 01:59AM
Yes, I know what you're doing wrong! You're using an illegal channel for an app our forums dont support.

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