Need Help Changing Region
March 08, 2009 10:30AM
It has been a long time since I've done anything related to homebrew on my Wii.

Right now, I have a U.S. Wii with v3.2 firmwre. (I need that, so Freeloader won't get blocked.)

I want to know what is up with Wii homebrew nowadays now.
Should I update to the latest firmware?
What are the best homebrew programs? (I've only used Gecko OS.)

Also, I would like to know how I could get my Wii to be region free.
I have a U.S. Wii like I've explained, but I want a Japanese firmware on it, so I can type Japanese, get Japanese Wii channels, and be able to play Japanese Wii and GameCube games without Freeloader.

How do I make my U.S. Wii have Japanese firmware, but still be able to play American Wii games?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2009 12:45PM by Yoloni.
Re: Has Been a Long Time
March 08, 2009 02:32PM
An application called anyregion changer will convert your Wii from 3.2U firmware to 3.2J firmware. Make sure you read it carefully before you use it.
Re: Has Been a Long Time
March 11, 2009 07:21AM
Ok, I know that 3.4 is the latest one.
If I install the updated Mii channel, and the updated Wii shop channel, would it work like 3.4?
Also, if I change the region 3.2J, is there a way to play American Wii games?

EDIT:Oh, and I also have some U.S. Virtual Console games, how will I be able to boot them after I change the region to 3.2J?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2009 07:48AM by Yoloni.
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