Save Game Installer
April 26, 2009 11:56PM
How do I work this application? i don't understand the Wiki for the app so i'm asking it here. I've downloaded a saved game from a website, so do I just drag the file in the save game installer directory and run it on Homebrew? Also what files do the saves have to be?
Re: Save Game Installer
April 27, 2009 01:53AM
Why can't you just copy from the Wii Menu?
Re: Save Game Installer
April 27, 2009 11:31AM
Why can't you just copy from the Wii Menu?

Because some save files are locked, and can't be installed using Wii Menu (i.e Smash Bros)

Kezza826, be sure the save files are compatible with the installer.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 27, 2009 06:11PM
I thought that all savefiles could copy to the wii just not from it
Re: Save Game Installer
April 27, 2009 06:44PM
I thought that all savefiles could copy to the wii just not from it
nope, the no copy flag goes both ways

Kezza: preloader has hack that will remove the no copy flag. you could try that.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 28, 2009 10:39PM
Well, I just tried running the app (save installer) and it isn't showing up on the Homebrew menu. What do I do?=S

Do I put the extractor and the installer inside the apps directory or do I have to put them in a folder?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2009 10:48PM by Kezza826.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 28, 2009 10:53PM
Well, I just tried running the app (save installer) and it isn't showing up on the Homebrew menu. What do I do?=S
So this is less of "how do I use the app?" and instead its really "how do I get it to show up on the HBC?"
Topic moved to Getting Started.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 29, 2009 08:15PM
Yeah, but it's feedback/support of the app so technically it should be in the Homebrew Applications topic
Re: Save Game Installer
April 29, 2009 08:22PM
No because you didn't run the app...
Re: Save Game Installer
April 29, 2009 09:10PM
Yeah, but it's feedback/support of the app so technically it should be in the Homebrew Applications topic
No, because you can't even get the app to appear in the HBC. Thats a universal problem, thus this topic is for the getting started section. Hell, I even stickied an FAQ in this section of the forums detailing how to get apps to appear. If you had a specific problem with only this application then your topic could stay in homebrew applications.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:10PM by Arikado.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 30, 2009 06:32PM
Yeah, but it's feedback/support of the app so technically it should be in the Homebrew Applications topic
No, because you can't even get the app to appear in the HBC. Thats a universal problem, thus this topic is for the getting started section. Hell, I even stickied an FAQ in this section of the forums detailing how to get apps to appear. If you had a specific problem with only this application then your topic could stay in homebrew applications.

I've got it to appear, It just won't run properly! You mods think you know stuff but you don't.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 30, 2009 06:41PM
And you know more? Solve the problem yourself.
Re: Save Game Installer
April 30, 2009 07:36PM
I've downloaded a saved game from a website
In what format?

Also what files do the saves have to be?
Savegame extractor and installer copy the whole savegame file structure to an SD-Card
(to a folder called wiisaves/(Title ID))
Re: Save Game Installer
April 30, 2009 09:11PM
I've got it to appear, It just won't run properly! You mods think you know stuff but you don't.

Earlier in the topic...

Well, I just tried running the app (save installer) and it isn't showing up on the Homebrew menu. What do I do?=S

Do I put the extractor and the installer inside the apps directory or do I have to put them in a folder?

So what did you say after this that would let me know you even got the thing to appear...?

And now to more thoroughly reply to this:
You mods think you know stuff but you don't.
And if it matters, I wrote a ton of what is in the WiiBrew glossary. So yup, I know nothing at all.
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