Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:04AM
Thanks to teebonesy's thread, I'm pretty sure I know what to do in order to install the Homebrew Channel so I can finally play Brawl+ (and other games in the future, I'm sure), as well as do other various things that Homebrew apps have to offer...

Anyway, I have (possibly) two questions regarding my SD card (which is a 2 GB SanDisk Wii card) and its contents:

1) Do I need an empty card to put the HackMii installer in? And, if so:

2) How can I back up my SD card's contents (copied game save data, etc.) to my computer (or to be more specific, my Macbook Pro)? Do I just drag and drop files into a folder, then copy them back when I'm done installing?

And, just to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing, are the following steps the correct way to go in order to install what I want?

1) Follow steps in order to run bannerbomb on my 4.0U virgin Wii.

2) After running bannerbomb, use HackMii Installer v0.1 (making sure to rename the elf file to boot.elf in the root of my SD card) to install its contents.

3) Add apps such as Gecko OS, some codes for it, and enjoy the fruits of your guys' labor.

Also, to give additional specs, my Wii's serial # starts with LU61 and, as mentioned above, is a virgin running system menu 4.0U.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2009 07:10AM by nintendude.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:14AM
1) Do I need an empty card to put the HackMii installer in? And, if so:

2) How can I back up my SD card's contents (copied game save data, etc.) to my computer (or to be more specific, my Macbook Pro)? Do I just drag and drop files into a folder, then copy them back when I'm done installing?

1) No, but I did it practically empty, anyway.
2) Sounds more or less like that standard way to do it. Just like a USB stick drive, or well a hard drive(but you can remove this one easily). Try googling for a tutorial if it seems more complex than that.

And, just to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing, the following steps are the correct way to go in order to install what I want?

1) Follow steps in order to run bannerbomb on my 4.0U virgin Wii.

2) After running bannerbomb, use HackMii Installer v0.1 (making sure to rename the elf file to boot.elf in the root of my SD card) to install its contents.

3) Add apps such as Gecko OS, some codes for it, and enjoy the fruits of your guys' labor.

Slight alteration to the steps if you have issues with wiimote input dying:
1) Same
2) Use loadmii as the boot.dol/boot.elf, and once loadmii is running wait until the wiimote powers itself off before proceeding
3) Boot the hackmii installer and install HBC
4) Reboot, add Homebrew Browser to /apps/ and enjoy

I want my part of the cookie, damnit ;-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2009 07:24AM by PhoenixTank.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:16AM
No you don't have to remove your old files, just rename the pre-existing 'private' folder to something else like 'privateold', then put bannerbomb in place. Next up put the Hackmii installer onto the root of your SD card under the name 'boot.elf' (of course without ' '). I don't know if there is still a freezing but with bannerbomb, but just to be safe I recommend that once the hackmii installer loads, leave the wiimote alone until it idles out, then push a button to reconnect. It'd suck to get frozen part way through installing HBC. Don't forget the Homebrew Browser so you can download stuff!

EDIT: Oh snap this time I got beat to the answer!!! Well played!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2009 07:17AM by Kage52124.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:32AM
Where do I get the Homebrew browser and will my Wii remote only timeout once throughout the installing process? Also, does my SD card need to be formatted and, if so, what format and should I then need to worry about backing up everything to my MBP?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2009 07:35AM by nintendude.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:44AM
HomeBrew Browser (download link on the right)
If it does affect you... I believe the wiimote just needs to time out once without input, and then you are okay.
Mine is FAT(16) but, if you are using it successfully with your wii for saves, then you won't need to reformat.
If for some reason you do need to format it, yes you need to back up your stuff, unless you want to lose it.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:55AM
It's not a big deal if I back up or not as I could just copy everything from my Wii onto my SD all over again (a little time consuming, but not a big deal). I'll check the format, but I'm sure I'll be fine since my Wii's been reading and writing to it just fine since day 1 of owning said card. Thanks for the info! I'll give you and Kage each a cookie, and once I get everything said and done with the installation, then I'll give one of you a cookie jar full of cookies! :O In the mean time, enjoy your cookie! ;)

Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 15, 2009 07:58AM
Chocolate chip, thanks! :P
Best of luck.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 03:17AM
I like cookies too........

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2009 03:18AM by WaxyPumpkin72.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 06:06AM
Quick question: do I put the banner bomb folder download (folder named 'aad1f_v104 with all of its contents) into the temporarily named 'privateold' folder or onto the root of my SD? Also, will taking all of the contents from the HackMii installer folder (boot.elf [renamed from whatever it was originally called], credits, license, read me) and putting it on the root of my SD work just fine? Also, where do I put the Hombrew Browser in my SD card?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2009 06:06AM by nintendude.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 06:12AM
Extract the banner bomb zip to the root.. so.. it'd end up being sd:\private\wii\title\aktn\content.bin
That is the important part, and yes put the hackmii installer in the root.

4) Reboot, add Homebrew Browser to /apps/ and enjoy

So, sd\apps\homebrew_browser\boot.dol
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 06:34AM
Alright, I did everything right, now I'm at the screen that talks about scams, etc. and then it says press 1 to continue. Do I wait for my Wii remote to power off before pressing 1? Or is it on the next screen? Also, the first time I tried, when I got to the installer screen, it said the following:

The Homebrew Channel: Can be installed
DVDX: Can be installed
BootMii: Can be installed in one variant
The installed boot1 version prevents a boot2 install (-2)

Especially the last line, does that mean I can't install anything or does it mean that I can't install BootMii (which I'm not really interested in since I don't need it to use Homebrew)?

Also, I noticed that when I waited for my Wii remote to time out on both the scam warning screen and the first screen of the HackMii installer, my Wii remote never timed out after waiting for a few minutes and the screen just froze. So, what's going on with that?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2009 06:59AM by nintendude.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 06:59AM
Can't guarantee the accuracy of this one since I haven't tested that part, but as soon as you click the yes to "load boot.dol" on bannerbomb, touch nothing until the wiimote turns itself off. Edit: try waiting longer - Not sure how long it takes. More info here.

You can't install bootmii as boot2 (but still can as an IOS)
Just stick with HBC (and DVDx if you want to enable DVD playback)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2009 07:01AM by PhoenixTank.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:24AM
I've currently been waiting about 5 minutes or so, but no luck still. While I continue to wait, what happens if my Wii remote doesn't time out at all after waiting a considerable amount of time (like maybe 20-30 minutes at most)? The thread that you linked me to had one person complain on the next page (the latest post) that his Wii remote never timed out after waiting a while.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:26AM
Yeah mine hasn't timed out either... Maybe it doesn't on all wiis?
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:28AM
No, if that were the case, then no one would successfully be able to install anything... (hopefully not me)
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:40AM
Success! I waited over 10 minutes, nothing. Then, I turned off my Wii, turned it back on, then followed all of the steps, and this time everything worked like a charm! Now, I'm going to get all of the required stuff (Homebrew browser and Gecko OS). Thanks for the help! Also, bg4545, I suggest trying what I did a few more times and let us know if you, too, had success.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:45AM
Also, I can delete the HackMii Installer and bannerbomb files now, right?
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:50AM
well i meant not all wiis time out (not none work...) but yeah i'll keep trying
yeah you can delete the files
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 07:59AM
Honestly, I can't provide any help for the wiimote trick. I have yet to try it myself, and my use of bannerbomb has been out of curiosity, and essentially took it on faith from that thread.
Unfortunately, Comex can't fix it yet... because he can't reproduce it.
A reliable alternative is using a cube controller for the install, if you have one.

Yes, you can delete them, Nintendude.
Re: Before I use HackMii installer...
May 16, 2009 08:05AM
Another question, when I downloaded the Gecko OS 1.9 to my SD card and unzipped it, do I just put the folder that was unzipped into the apps folders? (sd/apps/gecko1901/etc...)
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