Greetings and first of all sorry if this has been asked and discussed before but I'm looking for a real "for dummies"-guide here.

I heard about the "Hackmii installer 0.2" first time yesterday. Before that I have seen homebrew in action and lots of cool stuff in it. So I was thrilled that there might be an easy way to install this and more. No, not for me

In my understanding the Hackmii Installer 0.2 keeps in three programs ... DVDX, Homebrew channel 1.0.3 and BootMii beta 2. Well, I was thrilled!

Then I found out that I should install BootMii first if I'm to have do this the first time. Then I read that I must have BannerBomb before that. Well I tried every version of that but no result. My Wii would always freeze.... is the only chance to get these things installed/working to buy twilight princess and use twilight hack?

Here the info I have for you.

- Wii is 3.4e (I think)

ask and I'll find out some more but I'd rather avoid buying and/or loaning any zelda games no matter what... and don't start flaming that you'd buy used one, borrow, loan and stuff - I'm not able to do it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2009 10:04PM by FinWii.
Re: Installing BootMii & the Hackmii Installer 0.2 for the first time
June 02, 2009 01:17PM
You dont need BootMii. Only install it if you truly undestand how it works.
Re: Installing BootMii & the Hackmii Installer 0.2 for the first time
June 02, 2009 01:19PM
well, I can't install it so that's not my worry here. I do need Bannerbomber, right? Can't install that either.
Re: Installing BootMii & the Hackmii Installer 0.2 for the first time
June 02, 2009 01:48PM
Bannerbomb is an exploit. It doesnt "install" anything. All it does is run an .elf or .dol file.

Yes, you need it.

Are you sure you've tried "every" version? Its certain to work on 3.4 even more so than 4.0 -- Also make sure you've followed comex's instructions perfectly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2009 01:52PM by Arikado.
Re: Installing BootMii & the Hackmii Installer 0.2 for the first time
June 04, 2009 05:25PM
Yep. I have tried evert version there is.

Always the same. Bannerbomb either freezes the channels menu OR I get a scam warning and screen goes black... nothing else
<(SOLVED)> Installing BootMii & the Hackmii Installer 0.2 for the first time
June 04, 2009 10:03PM
I self-solved this mothereffer :D

LoadMii and HackMii installer with correct folders did the trick with BannerBomb. Oh, and disabling WiiConnect24 was a spot on advice I got from one tutorial. It seems it was the cause of freezing probs
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