Homebrew channel scrolls to the right with more than 4 programs installed
June 03, 2009 02:43AM
I have found that when I have more than 4 programs installed in the HBC, the menu where I select programs will scroll to the right constantly, making it impossible for me to run anything except those programs on the last page of my HBC programs list. This happens whether using either one of my wiimotes (which work fine for all other purposes) with my gamecube controller unplugged, or when using only my gamecube controller (with both wiimotes off), by booting direct to the HBC via bootmii. Thanks for your help.

Here are my vitals:
System Menu 4
Homebrew channel 1.03
2 gb SD card
Bootmii beta installed as part of boot2

Note: I have searched to see if this question has been posed before and could not find it. If it has been posted somewhere previously, please feel free to direct me to it, and accept apologies for my ineptness at searching.
Re: Homebrew channel scrolls to the right with more than 4 programs installed
June 03, 2009 02:47AM
If you click on the left arrow, will it move straight back to the right again? Also, have you tried booting homebrew from the system menu to see if it makes a difference?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2009 02:47AM by WaxyPumpkin72.
Yes to both questions. The problem arises whether loading directly via bootmii, or loading viaa the System Menu. Thanks for the quick response!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2009 03:08AM by Futuredoc.
Re: Homebrew channel scrolls to the right with more than 4 programs installed
June 03, 2009 03:37AM
Wow, this is really interesting. I've never heard of this happening before. Sometimes if i'm playing a gamecube game, the selection icon spazzes up and down when i'm trying to pick something. To reset it, i just hold X,Y, and Start, and then it stops. This also happens if i'm playing a wii game that requires a nunchuk sometimes. i just have to unplug it and plug it back in. I'm guessing that its probably your wiimote. i can't think of any other reason. try booting the homebrew channel and taking the batteries out of the wiimote while its still loading. Then, you can figure out if its your wiimote thats causing the problem. Also, take out any discs/GC controllers/GC memory cards before you launch the homebrew channel. i know thats kinda random, but you may as well try it.

Maybe there's a way to reset your wii remote, i don't know. :P
Thank you for the help. I'm sure it must have been a gamecube controller problem, because unplugging it while loading seemed to fix everything. Thanks a lot, WaxyPumpkin72!
Re: Homebrew channel scrolls to the right with more than 4 programs installed
June 03, 2009 04:10AM
You are very welcome! :D
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