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virtual console games no longer working?

Posted by karasuman 
virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 08:38PM
I successfully installed the homebrew channel a couple of weeks ago to play my imported copy of Fatal Frame IV. It's been doing that fine, and I didn't notice anything wrong with "normal" Wii applications... though I didn't really do much to test things out. Now I've noticed that most of my virtual console games no longer function correctly. A few of them, like the N64 Mario Kart, work fine; others, like Contra III and Super Mario Bros. 3, will load to the pause screen but only give a black screen after that. Resetting the game doesn't seem to help. Neither does resetting the system. I've tried this with the SD card with the homebrew stuff in and out, and I've tried deleting and redownloading the games that give me problems. Just in case it's not clear, these are all normal, legit VC games that I downloaded the usual way before ever trying homebrew. Ideas?
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 09:20PM
What version is your sytem menu? If its 3.3v1, then try launching the channels that don't work through gecko os. Do you get the same results?
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 09:26PM
My system menu version is 4.0U.
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 09:28PM
Oh, thats too bad. Nevermind. Have you ever tried tweaking the channels in any way with some sort of failure program?
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 10:16PM
This came up on the IRC the other day.

Tell me, can you start your shop channel?
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 10:18PM
He said he can delete and redownload them. I'm guessing that means he has access to the shop channel.....
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 10:37PM
Yes, I can use the shop channel just fine. It's just that certain games won't load.

What happens with Contra III is a typical case. Loading the game produces a blank black screen. Hitting the home button brings the usual menu and the game now displays properly in the background. Canceling out of the menu brings back the black screen. Here's the really strange part--after deleting and redownloading Contra, and doing this again, the Wii still "remembers" where I was in the game--I still see the old high score display.

I don't know what a "failure program" is.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2009 10:38PM by karasuman.
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 11:17PM
It seems like the problem is that installing the homebrew channel, or something involved with using it, changed my screen settings from HDTV to standard, preventing older virtual console games from displaying with enough lines for my TV to deal with. I changed the setting back, and things seem to be fine.
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 04, 2009 11:40PM
lol, thats kind of funny.
I'm glad you solved your problem, though. Now i can use this as a suggestion for next time someone is having trouble. "Try changing your TV settings.":P
Re: virtual console games no longer working?
July 05, 2009 09:35AM
As I read this thread, I was thinking about this:
This is a temporary fix to problems with various Virtual Console games being played over component cable on HDTVs. The mode can be enabled by accessing the operations guide of the game, and (with the Nunchuk attached) pressing the buttons Z + A + 2 simultaneously. A sound is played if the mode is enabled correctly. Several older games also have updates available to enable the feature, such as Super Castlevania IV. The mode can be disabled by using the same method, but with the button combination Z + A + 1 instead.[67]
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