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Question about Smash Stack

Posted by Mestizo 
Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 06:46PM
After hearing that Smash Stack still works, I bought my cousin's copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl, as he was getting bored and frustrated of it. I'm still at 4.2, used WiiSCU (v0.21, the official one) to update the Wii Shop Channel. In the off-chance I update to 4.3 before Hackmii is available, I just have 1 question.

Does Smash Stack only load one thing, or can I have multiple homebrew programs?
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 07:33PM
It loads boot.dol from the root of the SD card. This could be an application such as LoadMii which then allows you to run other apps from SD card, without having to switch the boot.dol. Or Wii Homebrew Launcher, which seems to look a little nicer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2010 07:36PM by SifJar.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 07:35PM
So, for people with 4.3, the current alternative for Homebrew Channel is to use LoadMii in Smash Stack?
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 07:45PM
Yeah, pretty much. If you do decide for whatever reason you want to upgrade (there is NO reason to do so, I want to point out), I'd advise installing IOS202 before doing so, so that you will still have trucha bug after update, and then you could install a LoadMii or Wii Homebrew Launcher channel. I'd personally go for the later tbh, as it looks much nicer IMO. Well, actually I haven't seen LoadMii, but Wii Homebrew Launcher looks very nice and AFAIK LoadMii has a pretty much text based interface.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 07:59PM
I haven't done the trucha bug at all, and only use HBC to play emulators. I also didn't install IOS 202, as I have no intention to use DVDs on my Wii (Only console I do that kind of stuff for is Dreamcast). Can you post a link to a guide on how to do a trucha bug and when to apply it (before/after 4.3)?

EDIT: I seemed to have read that wrong. You seem to be saying that IOS 202 is already trucha bugged. How can I install WHBL as a channel on 4.3, if it can still load homebrew?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2010 09:11PM by Mestizo.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 10:20PM
If you install IOS202, it will have Trucha Bug. You'll need to get Trucha Bug back first though, by using dop-Mii to patch IOS36. After that, install IOS202.

Then, if you really must, update to 4.3, and use CustomizeMii to create a channel with the WHL .dol and then use this tool : [www.tepetaklak.com] to create an installer for said channel, choosing IOS202 as the installation IOS. Then run the resulting .dol via Indiana Pwns or Smash Stack, and it will install a WHL channel using IOS202, which survives the 4.3 update. Then you'll have easy homebrew loading in from a channel.

But really, there is no reason to update to 4.3. I cannot stress this enough.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 10:53PM
Ok, but I used WiiSCU v0.21 instead of v0.24. Is that ok? Wii Shop Channel boots without a hitch, and I was planning on getting Jett Rocket and Zelda: Majora's Mask soon.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 28, 2010 11:28PM
It doesn't matter what version of WiiSCU you use, as long as it works. WiiSCU 0.21 tries to get the latest version of the Shop Channel from NUS, and according to some reports, that fails on some Wii's, so I modified WiiSCU and released it as 0.24 allowing the user to choose exactly which version they want to install (the idea for this came from dop-SHOP, which was created for the same reason, but needed a patched IOS to do its job. If Shop Channel works, that means you have the latest version, and don't need to do anything, least of all update to 4.3.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 29, 2010 12:20AM
Well, it works... kinda. I just thoroughly tested Wii Shop now, remembering I've yet to re-download Tomena Sanner. First attempt, it couldn't contact the server (Turned out my router was busy with 2 computers, and one's wireless signal was closer to the Wii). Second attempt worked, downloaded Tomena Sanner to the SD card. Homebrew Channel's still functional, and so is Tomena Sanner.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
June 29, 2010 12:20PM
The error was nothing to do with having installed it via WiiSCU, just a general error in Wii Shop Channel that can occur at any time, to people who have never even heard of homebrew. If the channel boots and allows you to browse the shop, it "works".
Question on Smash Stack, Erasing the saved Smash Bros file
August 02, 2010 12:07AM
Hello I just softmodded my Wii using Smash Stack, but I erased the saved game file for Smash Bros. It contained 128 block space (somewhere around 124 mb), in a game I never played. Does this hurt my Homebrew, because now it seems my homebrew is not working as well emulating games as it did before. If I did damage my homebrew can I uninstall it and reinstall homebrew onto my wii?
If you know the answer to my question please contact me at ATK2.24.91@gmail.com or post something thank you.

I was loaned the Smash bros and therefore I really shouldn't of had any on save, it was the only time I have played it on my Wii.
Re: Question on Smash Stack, Erasing the saved Smash Bros file
August 03, 2010 12:47AM
Hello I just softmodded my Wii using Smash Stack, but I erased the saved game file for Smash Bros. It contained 128 block space (somewhere around 124 mb), in a game I never played. Does this hurt my Homebrew, because now it seems my homebrew is not working as well emulating games as it did before. If I did damage my homebrew can I uninstall it and reinstall homebrew onto my wii?
If you know the answer to my question please contact me at ATK2.24.91@gmail.com or post something thank you.

I was loaned the Smash bros and therefore I really shouldn't of had any on save, it was the only time I have played it on my Wii.

Game save data has nothing to do with homebrew. When you ran the hackmii installer, did you also install BootMii? HBC now runs off BootMii IOS, so, for homebrew stability, it's required to install it.
Re: Question on Smash Stack, Erasing the saved Smash Bros file
August 03, 2010 04:46AM
When you ran the hackmii installer, did you also install BootMii? HBC now runs off BootMii IOS, so, for homebrew stability, it's required to install it.

That is completely irrelevant. Although the latest Hackmii Installer requires Bootmii/IOS (and installs it automatically when it is run), the Homebrew Channel does not use or require Bootmii. It still runs on IOS (usually IOS 61).

Many applications run on IOS 61 when launched from the latest HBC (most applications usually run on IOS 36). This will cause issues with some applications until they are updated. In the mean time, either launch such problematic applications through Loadmii, or install HBC v1.0.6 (HBC v1.0.6 and v1.0.7 can both be installed at the same time, as they have different title IDs) and use it to launch problematic applications.
Re: Question about Smash Stack
August 04, 2010 07:42AM
Is there a way to uninstall BootMii IOS without Smash Stack?
Re: Question about Smash Stack
August 04, 2010 08:04AM
Run the hackmii installer via HBC
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