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Questions about homebrew

Posted by Wackykid5000 
Questions about homebrew
July 03, 2010 11:53PM
So I just decided to get into homebrew, but my Wii is version 4.3. I tried the Smash Stack way of doing it, but for some reason it wont work. Should I just wait until there's another way to do it, or should I keep trying with smash stack? Thanks.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 12:08AM
Well, I would say keep trying Smash Stack, but wait until the new hackmii installer is out. As it stands now, you can't install the homebrew channel on 4.3, you can only run one app at a time via Smash Stack or Indiana Pwns.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 12:13AM
So basically, waiting until the new hackmii is out would be easier, right? Because all I really want is to use the Gecko OS for brawl textures. It would probably save a lot of frustration, too.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 12:29AM
It would definitely be easiest to wait for a new Hackmii Installer. Although it is possible to install homebrew on 4.3, it is somewhat complicated. Of course, you could just load the .elf version of Loadmii through Smash Stack for the time being. That can be used to launch any other application you like. If you can not get Smash Stack to load Loadmii, you must provide a good description of the problem, or else no one will be able to help.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 12:35AM
Alright. So this is what happens..
I can get the the Multi Mod Manager. There, only 4 WAD files appear(I don't think I'm supposed to be talking about those but for the sake of description, yeah) All 4 of those WAD files fail. I've been told it's because my Wii has been hacked before, but I don't remember it being hacked at all. Also, sometimes when I try to go into MMM, the screen goes black and freezes. Other times it just freezes. (Although, thats only when i press 2 on the wiimote instead of the GC controller, so I fixed that problem I guess.) So I'm pretty much stuck on the part where you need to install the WAD files, or whatever.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 01:07AM
If all you want to do is run Gecko OS, what's with the WAD files?
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 01:12AM
Don't I need Homebrew to run Gecko OS? And to get homebrew, run smash stack (Atleast for now, since I have version 4.3)? I don't know, I think I'll just wait until a new Hackmii installer comes out. The Smash Stack way seems more complicated to me >.<
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 02:41AM
You can run Gecko OS with smash stack I think. You definitely don't need Multi Mod Manager or any WAD files [both of which are not supported here].
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 02:49AM
Oh, okay. Is there some type of tutorial site/faq that can help me through it? (and sorry for mentioning it, I just needed help setting this up D:)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2010 02:50AM by Wackykid5000.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 06:16AM
So Gecko OS can run with Smash Stack? Can anyone confirm this? If it is true, could I install Brawl texture hacks codes using Smash Stack? And finally, if I can, is there a site or video to help me through it? (I have the slightest feeling that I need the Homebrew channel for all of this) And finally, is there a way to keep up to date with the Hackmii for version 4.3? I know a new version for 4.3 hasn't been released yet (as far as I know), but what site would have it up when it comes out? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks.
(Posted this here because I made a new a new thread about it. Sorry to bother)
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 06:43AM
So Gecko OS can run with Smash Stack? Can anyone confirm this? If it is true, could I install Brawl texture hacks codes using Smash Stack?

Smash Stack is an exploit that can run unsigned code (meaning nearly any homebrew software, or at least a .elf such as Loadmii). This is the whole point of Smash Stack and the other exploits. If you have any idea what Smash Stack is, you know this to be true and do not need any further confirmation.

And finally, if I can, is there a site or video to help me through it?

Have you looked at the Smash Stack page? It tells you all you need to know.

(I have the slightest feeling that I need the Homebrew channel for all of this)

I have the slightest feeling that we already explained why you don't need the Homebrew Channel for this.

And finally, is there a way to keep up to date with the Hackmii for version 4.3? I know a new version for 4.3 hasn't been released yet (as far as I know), but what site would have it up when it comes out? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks.
(Posted this here because I made a new a new thread about it. Sorry to bother)

When it is released, the new Hackmii Installer will be available at the same location as always.
Re: Questions about homebrew
July 04, 2010 06:46AM
Thanks :]. Yeah, I know I probably should've had some common sense there. >.<
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