Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 12:17AM
Hi I am trying to install homebrew and on one of the applications it keeps saying exeption dsi occuured, and a whole bunch of other stuff. What should I do? PLease PLease Please PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 12:21AM
What app were you running? Provided its not one that modifies NAND, its perfectly safe to just hold the power button till the Wii turns off, then turn it on again. Or if you press reset, it should take you back to HBC. If it was one that modifies NAND...well you don't have any choice but to do the same things. I'd advise pressing reset first and trying to return to HBC and attempting to re-do whatever the app was doing at the time. If its just a game/emulator/non-NAND modifiying app, its absolutely nothing to worry about, you only really need to worry if it happens WHILE installing something onto the Wii (e.g. an IOS or a System Menu in a relevant app).
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 01:22AM
I downloaded the homebrew channel on my wii 4.3u, that worked. Then I downloaded homebrew browser,that worked. I am running savegamemanager, and when I press load it comes up as exception dsi occured and a bunch of numbers, and stack dump then a bunch of numbers, and code dump and a bunch of numbers.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 02:07AM
It's nothing to worry about, it just means the app crashed. Press reset and return to the HBC.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 02:25AM
I know it crashed I am not worried I just want to know how to get savegamemanager. I need it for something and without that i can't do it. Thanks for the help though :)
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 11:12AM
Try Savegame Manager MOD by Arikado. It may work better.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 07:39PM
Okay so I downloaded it. What IOS should I use?
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 07:58PM
Any that has some patches applied to it. If you have used TBR and patched IOS36, use it. If you have a cIOS installed, use it.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 08:09PM
ok im so sorry but i am super new{2days} to this i dont have any idea what that means is there anyway u can dumb it down for me? can doing this brick our wii? thanks for all ur help.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 08:51PM
No it can't brick your Wii.

Have you run a program called Trucha Bug Restorer on your Wii? If not, read up on it, and use it to patch IOS36, then use IOS36 to run Savegame Manager MOD.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 09:42PM
Okay I have one question, sorry. How do I install it, what folder do I put it in?
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 12, 2010 09:49PM
If you have to ask that, I don't think you've read enough yet.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 12:19AM
I have looked and all I have found is that is an app. Is that correct? I am sorry I have so many questions, but when it comes to computer things I'm not very smart. I tried putting it in the apps folder, and it didn't work. I tried looking up what I did wrong but I couldn't find anything. This is all I need, is to get the savegamemanager working then I won't have to download anything else.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 12:28AM
I'm sorry, but if you can't work this out, I really don't think you should use TBR. It is a potentially slightly dangerous app if you don't know what you're doing.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 12:37AM
Okay well thanks bye.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 01:43AM
i get the same thing when i update homebrew via inet? I tried reinstalling the softmod and all goes well untill I try to update. if i try to bypasss the update the screen will not pull up any of the apps. i formatted my sd to reinstall the softmod. please help a newb out? I had it modded before but i think one of my kids let the system update to 4.2.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2010 01:44AM by dogger1331.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 04:30AM
Well I am up to 4.3u which was a bad mistake, and I can not get savegamemagnager at all. I formatted mine too but it doesn't work I don't know what to do.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 05:47AM
There is a site that has the updates for 3.3, or at least what has been updated thus far. This code stuff is really simple, it is more over thought than it is read. That is my problem. Now if save game manager has not been updated for that firmware yet there is nothing you can, until someone reads the code and rewrites a solution. Possible answers could be as simple as using another app for your save games. I'm not hip on the software you are using but I know I have an up to date version of wbfs, whether it works for your situation or it's another problem all together. I have read that the usb loader gs keeps up with updates quite well, maybe they have a solution? If you can pull apps up in homebrew you should be all set, just find the ones that have updates for 3.3. Please if I'm wrong someone edit my post, or shed better light on this subject. I still have a problem with the update though.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 05:52AM
It's very trivial to get Savegame Manager MOD (Just normal savegame manager won't work) working on the Wii. It doesn't need to be updated. SifJar has kindly explained the process to do so in this thread already.
Re: Help Help Help! Exception dsi occured
August 13, 2010 05:59AM
cool, I was just looking at some of the updates and noticed as of june 21st a lot has not had updates as of yet to make it easy. Do you have an idea on the situation that I have with the dsi error when updating homebrew? I'm also a newb in modding wii's. I have some understanding from limited C++ classes. I read like 6 guides when trying to mod for the first time and i think that caused huge conflicts in the way I installed the software and add the firmware. During the crash I hit reset and it says reload, but it freezes there ( at least for more than 5 min's). I have yet to have a solid working softmod. It's really simple I hear and I cant figure out why I'm having so many iisues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2010 06:02AM by dogger1331.
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