If I could just get some answers (multiple questions)
August 31, 2010 06:27PM

Here goes:
Homebrew who made it?
Is homebrew legal?
Is hombrew browser legal?
I know playing wii games you dont have is illegal, but what about old snes/n64 games etc?
What type of code so I need to learn to contribute to homebrew apps? HTML?
If I ever did make an app how would I load it onto homebrew?

Re: If I could just get some answers (multiple questions)
August 31, 2010 06:40PM
1. Many people. Team Twiizers made HBC, the main homebrew loader, and most of the exploits used to install it, but many, many people develop homebrew.
2. Most homebrew is legal. There are some "packages" which bundle illegal copyright Nintendo code, but those "packages" are only for enabling piracy.
3. Homebrew browser is merely a piece of homebrew which connects to the internet and downloads more homebrew. If homebrew is legal, so is Homebrew browser, so yes its legal.
4. Playing ANY game you don't own is illegal, regardless of how old it is.
5. C++ or C. I think theres a Lua interpreter too (Lua is a scripting language, so easier to learn than C++ or C, but needs an interpreter and isn't as powerful). HTML is not programming language, its a markup language.
6. Same way as any other developer's app: put it in the "apps" folder on your SD card. If you mean how do you get it on Homebrew Browser, I'd advise posting it on the WiiBrew wiki at [www.wiibrew.org] and contacting the dev of Homebrew Browser over at [www.codemii.com]
Re: If I could just get some answers (multiple questions)
August 31, 2010 06:46PM
thanks dude, really helpful.
Re: If I could just get some answers (multiple questions)
August 31, 2010 08:47PM
Be aware though, that Homebrew is only legal when it has been created from scratch not using copyrighted material. This is why most homebrew is open source and most of the time it is based on other open source materials.

If a homebrew uses copyrighted material, or you use copyrighted material with it, then it is illegal. This includes, but is not limited to, backup loaders, or any other application that makes use of nintendo copyrighted code.

All the apps and games you can download from Homebrew Browser have been reviewed and analyzed not to make use of any copyrighted material, so feel confident that by using any of them, you are not doing anything illegal. However, it is illegal to sell or charge for using them, since they are released to public domain with no cost.
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