I have put together a [hopefully] simple guide for getting the Homebrew Channel set up using any of the exploits out there, including:
Twilight Hack-
Smash Stack (All regions, 3/3/11)
Indiana Pwns-
Bathaxx [added 1/26/11]
Return of the Jodi [added 2/3/11]
Eri HaKawai [added 3/29/11]
LetterBomb [added 8/9/11]
Wilbrand [added 12/23/12]
I've also provided the links to all these exploits as well as which System Versions and regions are supported by them.
Wii Homebrew Guide(Also, there's an alternate but slightly out-of-date version here: [
Also, PM me if you've got any questions or suggestions about the guide. I can always update and add more stuff (which I plan to).
PMs are working again, however if you'd like to ask me a question about the guide you can also do so on my site, here: [
Alternate ways to contact me are on Twitter @wiisixtyfour , or YouTube, username "wiisixtyfour".
Edited 12 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2020 05:06AM by bg4545.