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Noob questions about black screens and other freezes

Posted by DonsSword 
Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 16, 2010 02:56AM
I've just installed HBC and HBB for the first time on Wii Sys 4.3 using Indiana Pwns. I'm really enjoying how polished the apps are--a big thank you to the WiiBrew community for all your hard work--its awesome and a blast to toy with.

The challenge I have is that I seem to get at least 1 black screen crash per night. This usually happens when I am browsing Emulator file listings, or banner menus in the HBB. I also can't get WiiEarth to initialize, and Super Mario Wars has the well documented freezes. I'm running all the latest versions of the apps. My network set-up is pretty simple--my Wii is connected via AOSS using a Buffalo Wireless-G Wi-Fi Gamers Access Point to a wired D-Link LAN with a straight forward configuration. No weird DMZs, no tunnels. Freezes and crashes don't freak me out too much, but I would like a more stable set-up on my Wii.

I'm using one of the SanDisk 2GB SD cards branded for Wii use (with a larger card in my near future so I can install my VGA ROMS). I have installed apps via my laptop onto the SD card as well as using the HBB. I'm happy to move and reinstall files without fear. In fact, I'm going to try and reformat my card and reinstall everything to see if that doesn't clear things up, but I was wondering if part of my problem is that my SD card is just not fast enough? Will a reformat really resolve most of my issues? Is anyone successfully running the latest version of SMW 1.4 with Wii 4.3 and an updated HBC? How about WiiEarth 2.2?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2010 04:42AM by DonsSword.
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 16, 2010 06:16AM
Super Mario War works with older revisions of the HBC. However, I can't remember which revisions of SMW and the HBC would work best together. Also, WiiEarth has not been updated in a long time, and it used to work fine. Therefore, it would probably also work if you launch it through an older HBC.

I recommend you try HBC 1.0.6, and if you still have problems, go back to 1.0.3. Both of these revisions can be installed at the same time as 1.0.8, so you will not need to repeatedly update/downgrade the HBC. However, you will need to patch your system menu with StartPatch or Priiloader to remove the HAXX and JODI checks, or else the system menu will remove the older HBC. Also, you will need at downgrade an IOS for the older Hackmii Installer to work (if you are not using an "LU64+" model, use DOP-Mii to install IOS 36 v 1042 as this will also allow the StartPatch or Priiloader installer to work; otherwise try IOS 34 v3087, though in this case you are on your own as far as installing StartPatch or Priiloader).
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 16, 2010 04:45PM
Thanks for your reply. That's a lot to consider.

I'm going to try and clean my SD card with a reformat and reinstall everything sometime this weekend. If I am not happy at that point, I'll downgrade to 1.0.6 and see how happy that makes me.
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 17, 2010 01:12PM
Thanks for your reply. That's a lot to consider.

I'm going to try and clean my SD card with a reformat and reinstall everything sometime this weekend. If I am not happy at that point, I'll downgrade to 1.0.6 and see how happy that makes me.

Most people would recommend you not to downgrade, it is very likely it will brick your wii. Most people that have bricked wii's was because they downgraded.

As said on: [wiibrew.org]:

AnyRegion Changer
FirmWare Downgraders
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 17, 2010 04:46PM
Thanks for your reply. That's a lot to consider.

I'm going to try and clean my SD card with a reformat and reinstall everything sometime this weekend. If I am not happy at that point, I'll downgrade to 1.0.6 and see how happy that makes me.

Most people would recommend you not to downgrade, it is very likely it will brick your wii. Most people that have bricked wii's was because they downgraded.

As said on: [wiibrew.org]:

AnyRegion Changer
FirmWare Downgraders

This has nothing to do with this topic. He is talking about installing an old version of the Homebrew Channel, not downgrading the System Menu, which BTW can be done safely if the user knows what they are doing.
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 17, 2010 05:48PM
Thanks for all the replys. I'm a little overcautious, so if it involves potentially bricking my Wii, I won't be doing it.
Re: Noob questions about black screens and other freezes
October 17, 2010 07:22PM
Everything I suggested you do is completely safe. Aside from the installation of StartPatch or Priiloader (which is probably safer than the official system update that you performed), nothing I suggested could brick your wii. If you have an "LU64+" wii and you downgrade an IOS to a pre-October 23 2008 revision (IOS 36 v1042 in this case), some games and possibly homebrew will fail to work. However, this can be fixed by a system update, so you have nothing to worry about. Though again, if you are using an "LU64+" model, don't downgrade IOS to such an old revision.
IOS 34 v3087 will work fine.
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