Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 23, 2010 03:57AM
I bought my wii 3 months after it was released. I just recently installed some homebrew on my 4.3u wii, just bootmii as IOS and the homebrew channel, so nothing special. Later i decided to use my wii as a dvd player, so i followed this guide, but i didn't downgrade to 4.1 because the guide has changed since I installed, but i have the same wads installed (Not illegal wads, just ios's and channel forwarders). Now i recently signed up for netflix, and wanted to install Nintendo's official wii netflix channel (Just released) so i went in to bootmii, and loaded a nand backup i made in the guide before installing the IOS wads, and it turns out, that it deleted some IOSes, but i though it wouldn't, so now I'm siting here with a wii that will only boot up bootmii as boot2, wont load the system menu, wont load the hombrew channel. So here is what i want to do

Looking in the bootmii folder on my sd card, there is an elf file named "ppcboot.elf" can i simply place a wad installer elf file named ppcboot.elf (again not for illegal purposes, just to reinstall the ioses) into the bootmii folder and install the ioses provided in the guide, or is it more complex then that? If that just wont work at all, what are my options? the guide told me to install priiloader, so i did, but i dont think its still there anymore

Thanks for your time and effort, i just want to make sure that you know what i want to do in no way, involves piracy, i keep my wii hacking legal, always have always will

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2010 10:32PM by cre8ive65.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 23, 2010 09:09AM
That could work if there was a WAD installer that could run on MINI. This is not exactly the case; however, some builds of Comex's NAND formatter install WADs but do not format. Also, it could be launched through Bootmii itself; there is no need to replace any Bootmii files.

Obtain a system menu and its IOS, IOS 36, and the region select. Place them in the wad folder, and run Comex's NAND formatter. That should take care of it.

By the way, you should never follow soft modding guides. They have you do all sorts of bad and unnecessary things, which often cause problems later. Yes, I know that the guy who wrote that guide did a much better job than usual of explaining how to avoid a brick, but that still does not make it a good guide. Therefore, please remove the link, as it is not supported here.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 23, 2010 10:31PM
Ok, thank you very much for your help, when my wii wouldn't boot, i was really bummed out cause i though i wouldn't be able to play the conduit 2 when it comes out next year, the link has been removed. So, just to be clear, i only need to install IOS36, and the system menu via the comex wad thingy? And another questions, The only reason i followed that guide is because it allowed me to play games from a usb and watch dvds, what would be a better way about setting that up?
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 23, 2010 10:50PM
Checking out Comex Nand formatter now, it says formats the entire nand and install wads, id like to keep my gamesaves, any way of simply adding/removing wads without formatting the entire nand?
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 23, 2010 10:59PM
You must install the system menu's IOS and the region select as well. For example, have IOS 30 v1040, system menu 3.2U, the NTSC-U region select, and IOS 36 v1042 WADs in your wad folder (IOS 36 is not absolutely necessary, but it is useful to have an IOS on which homebrew can run). You may also want to install IOS 58 for USB 2.0 support in the HBC. Make sure that there are no other WADs in your WAD folder. Then, launch Comex's NAND Formatter through Bootmii.

If you want to keep your data, make a NAND backup before using Comex's NAND formatter. You can then decrypt the NAND dump and extract your game saves, which can then be installed onto your wii. However, this will take a bit of effort. Alternately, you could try a non-formatting build of the formatter (at least, I don't think that that build formats, you should still make a NAND backup first just in case). However, some people have had problems with that build.

Wii game backups, including those run from a USB drive, are not supported here, since this is usually synonymous with piracy. I really don't care if you want to backup your legitimately purchased games, but don't talk about it here. As for DVD playback, simply launch WiiMC through the latest revision of the HBC, and it will be able to play DVDs (provided your disc drive is old enough).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2010 11:04PM by jbc007.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 03:46AM
Again, thank you so much for these tips, my wii disc drive is about as old as they get, i think my wii came with system menu 3.0u preinstalled when i got it, so all homebrew should work, however, i tried installing wiimc and the dvd wouldnt play, and i belive it said i needed ios222 to play dvds, thats the whole reason i followed that guide in the first place, or maybe the ios222 was for usbloadergx, im not too sure. If youre allowed, could you post links, or reference websites to where i can get the system menu, region, and all applicable ioses? that would be very much apperciated if you could
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 04:04AM
Use NUS Downloader to obtain the necessary system WADs. As for DVD playback, WiiMC used to require IOS 202. However, that is no longer necessary. Just make sure you launch the latest revision of WiiMC through the latest HBC. Also, you should make sure you have IOS 58 installed before installing the HBC, since that will allow USB 2.0 support.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 04:18AM
Cool thanks! when i originally did a nand backup, it came up with 4 bad blocks, the nand backup im doing rite now however, has 4 bad blocks, and about 6 uncorrectable pages (i didnt really count the uncorrectable pages, just a guess, However im sure i have 4 bad blocks) what exactly does that mean?
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 05:30AM
4 of the 4094 blocks of your wii's NAND are bad. This is completely normal, and has little significance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2010 05:30AM by jbc007.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 10:03PM
i know what the bad blocks are, but these 6 uncorrectable pages only just showed up, what is an uncorrectable page? and why is it there now, and wasnt there b4? also, which ios versions of 30, 36, and 58 do i need if i am installing system menu 4.3?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2010 10:10PM by cre8ive65.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 24, 2010 11:38PM
I'm not sure what an uncorrectable page is, but I doubt that you need to worry about. For 4.3, install IOS 36 v1042 and the latest revisions of IOS 58 and 80. IOS 30 is not necessary on 4.3.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 25, 2010 05:11AM
How do i boot the Comex elf via bootmii? do i go to the sd icon and navigate to the elf and select it? ive tried that with other files and they dont work, then again, the elf files i tried, run on IOS and not MINI. Also, ive got the nand dump, what do i use to extract the gamesaves,? and if i format the nand, and install the wad files, will i still be able to download the games i bought on the wii shop channel? or do i have to buy them again?

And lastly, is there any way the wads install, and the system menu still wont load, and removes bootmii in the process, and leave me with a fully bricked wii? Im very scared because i cant afford another wii right now
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 25, 2010 06:35AM
How do i boot the Comex elf via bootmii? do i go to the sd icon and navigate to the elf and select it? ive tried that with other files and they dont work, then again, the elf files i tried, run on IOS and not MINI.

That is exactly what you do. It only works with applications that run on MINI, such as Comex's NAND Formatter (there are very few others of these).

Also, ive got the nand dump, what do i use to extract the gamesaves,?

Try the non-formatting revision of the formatter first. If that does the job, you saves will not be deleted. If that does not work and you have to use the formatting build, extracting the saves will require some effort. It is complicated enough that I can't detail the process for you right now. However, if it comes to it, someone can explain it, if not link you to a proper guide (or you could search for such a guide).

and if i format the nand, and install the wad files, will i still be able to download the games i bought on the wii shop channel? or do i have to buy them again?

You should be able to redownload your shop channel purchases.

And lastly, is there any way the wads install, and the system menu still wont load, and removes bootmii in the process, and leave me with a fully bricked wii? Im very scared because i cant afford another wii right now

Comex's NAND Formatter has the lowest success rate of all non-epic fail homebrew that I know of. There actually is a good chance that something will go wrong, and you may have to try a few things before you get it to work. However, it absolutely can not remove Bootmii/boot2. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2010 06:36AM by jbc007.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
October 26, 2010 12:08AM
Thank you so much, ill try this tonight, see how it goes
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 01, 2010 01:21AM
Sorry for the delay, wiibrew must have been down. anyway, i made a folder called nandformatter and in it, i put the non formatting build, and a folder named WAD. The wad folder contains all 5 wads. i booted up the elf and the screen says ohai, world! and thats it. im leaving my wii on until i get a response just as a precaution, are the wads installing?
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 01, 2010 05:24AM
Well i turned it off, its just like usual, still bricked
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 01, 2010 01:54PM
The folder with the WADs must be named "wad" (no quotes, all lower case). It also must be on the root of your SD card.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 01, 2010 11:17PM
Ok thank you, i will try this again, just for future reference, what program can i use to decrypt the nand dump?
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 02, 2010 01:57AM
I put all 5 wads in the folder, it only installed the system menu wad, and no other wads. what should i do now, individually install each one with only one wad in the wad folder at a time?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2010 01:58AM by cre8ive65.
Re: Semi bricked 4.3u Wii and using bootmii boot2 as elf loader
November 02, 2010 02:13AM
You are not the first person to have this problem. Yes, try installing one WAD at a time. That has worked in the past.
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