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Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops

Posted by Zero102 
Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 14, 2011 11:51PM
Trying to load homebrew channel. It reads the elf, says it installs then does not go to the 2nd screen. I cannpt figure out how to load the second screen where i choose the homebrew imstall. Can someone help? I am using a 1 gig sd caed - not hc. I have copiwd the boot.elf on the sd card.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 15, 2011 02:23AM
Need more info, what system menu are you on? What exploit are you useing?
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 15, 2011 02:29AM
I am using the Indiana Jones Lego exploit - Indiana Pwns. I am running System Menu 4.3u. Once I choose the switch to option (two silhouettes, staggered, with an arrow pointing between them) - it correctly launches into loading the boot.elf. It says its a valid elf file, reads it, and then stops. It does not go into the second screen to ask me to load the Homebrew Channel.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 15, 2011 02:34AM

Did you follow those steps? It explains it all how to get HBC. If you did go over them again and make sure you got it setup right.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 15, 2011 02:57AM
I do appreciate your help. I only have 2 objects on my SD card - The boot.elf and the private directory. The private directory only contains the saved games for the Indiana Jones exploit. When I run the exploit, it loads the boot.elf and then stops. It does not go to the following screen: (I also do not have anything else on the SD card. I assume the boot.elf should launch the screen for installing homebrew channel. I do not get there.

Part 4: Installing the Homebrew Channel
You will be presented with one of the screens below; if you have a new Wii you will only be able to install BootMii as IOS.
Select continue.
Go to Homebrew Channel > Install the Homebrew Channel. You will be asked whether you want to install the channel; select yes. After installation you should get a message "finished" and return you to the initial menu.
If possible, install BootMii as boot2; if not install it as an IOS. (What is BootMii?)
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 15, 2011 09:39PM
Im Having the same trouble but my system is 4,3e

I get to the point of installing HBC and the it comes up with Exception (DSI) OccurreD !

I am new to this I have followed all the guild but I can not get past this I have Tryed 4 diffrent SD cards

Can Any one Help

Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 21, 2011 10:25PM
I'm Having the same trouble but my system is 4,3e

I get to the point of installing HBC and the it comes up with Exception (DSI) OccurreD !

I am new to this I have followed all the guild but I can not get past this I have Tryed 4 diffrent SD cards

Can Any one Help

I think Indiana Pwns is a NTSC reigion code only so it won't load on your PAL region code Wii. I think! If I'm wrong feel free to call me a dumbass.

I am using the Indiana Jones Lego exploit - Indiana Pwns. I am running System Menu 4.3u.

Use Smash Stack instead of Indiana Pwns. It's easier, works better, and is less of a pain in the ass.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2011 10:37PM by technoman.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 21, 2011 10:36PM
I think Indiana Pwns is a NTSC reigion code only so it won't load on your PAL region code Wii.

I am using the Indiana Jones Lego exploit - Indiana Pwns. I am running System Menu 4.3u.

Use Smash Stack instead of Indiana Pwns. It's easier, works better, and is less of a pain in the ass.
Indiana Pwns works for the 3 main regions.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 21, 2011 11:02PM
I am using the Indiana Jones Lego exploit - Indiana Pwns. I am running System Menu 4.3u.

Use Smash Stack instead of Indiana Pwns. It's easier, works better, and is less of a pain in the ass.

Not easier if he doesn't have the game. And I haven't heard of Indiana Pwns being "a pain in the ass".

Try redownloading the HackMii Installer. Also, try loading another ELF file (for example, LoadMii), see if that works.
Re: Help. Trying to load boot.elf. Loads & stops
February 24, 2011 02:46AM

I am using the Indiana Jones Lego exploit - Indiana Pwns. I am running System Menu 4.3u.

Use Smash Stack instead of Indiana Pwns. It's easier, works better, and is less of a pain in the ass.

Not easier if he doesn't have the game. And I haven't heard of Indiana Pwns being "a pain in the ass".

Try redownloading the HackMii Installer. Also, try loading another ELF file (for example, LoadMii), see if that works.

It is. I have that game and tried to load it this way. Same thing happened and it was a big ass-biter so I just got Brawl and used Smash Stack. The only difference was I used NTSC.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2011 02:47AM by technoman.
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