Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
July 07, 2012 08:50PM
Is it possible to run the Savegame Installer and Extractor apps without using the Homebrew channel, or doing anything else that will leave a footprint that will invalidate the warranty?

All I am wanting to do is restore the grass in my kids Animal Crossing game. We have only had this Wii for a few months and my wife does not want me doing anything that will invalidate the warrany, so the Homebrew channel is not an option at this point.

Any suggestions?
Re: Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
October 30, 2012 11:23AM
Short answare: Nope.
Re: Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
October 30, 2012 01:15PM
Short answare: Nope.

Correct answer: yes. You can run homebrew such as those with Letterbomb (or bannerbomb on lower System Menu versions). There may be a minimal trace, but I'm not even sure there would be. I don't think it would cause anything that would be flagged were you to send it to Nintendo.
Re: Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
November 06, 2012 08:05AM
Ya if he run the letterbomb so will he do so the warranty will be invaild.. but i can have wrong
Re: Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
November 06, 2012 09:54AM
Unless he actually installs something (e.g HBC or BootMii), there shouldn't be a trace I don't think.
Re: Savegame Installer/Extractor Without Homebrew?
November 07, 2012 02:05PM
Ya you have right XD
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