April 06, 2013 01:53AM
I need help hacking my wii, I dont have access to youtube right now, so could someone give me a step by step guide of how to make it work using letter bomb, and I mean step by step, possibly with pictures, like what has to be moved and what stays ect.... I have tried with letter bomb, it works untill it tries to load the ios, then it crashes saying the wii doesnt have one. I'm using the newest version of hackmii installer v1.2 and i dont know what version of letterbomb, my menu version is 4.3U, Please help. Thanks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2013 01:58AM by Timelord_Skylord.
April 06, 2013 03:28AM
Guide: []

What has been done to your Wii? If the HackMii Installer is telling you there are no clean IOSes to use then it seems that your Wii has been modified before.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2013 03:29AM by bg4545.
April 06, 2013 11:08PM
uhh, nothing that I know of... how could I reset the system so i can double check?
April 11, 2013 11:17PM
When you run the hackmii installer it makes a log on sd:\installer.log. If you look at that and post it here it may help determine what your issue is. There are two possibilities, 1- your wii's ios have been modified and need a proper reinstall, or 2- you have a very old wii and in some rare cases hackmii 0.7+ refuses to install on them (0.6 works with the proper ios34 installed).
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