Support for guitar hero
July 23, 2009 01:22AM

First sorry for my english ;).

I have a guitar with a usb for play on my computer to guitar héro do you think it's possible to make an homebrew for the wii accept this guitar by the usb ?

Think for all i don't if it's possible

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2009 01:24AM by Pondy.
Re: Support for guitar hero
July 23, 2009 06:28AM
For homebrew apps, it would be relatively easy to support that Guitar.

But if you are talking about making the offical Guitar Hero Wii game understand that guitar, well, that is quite hard.
Re: Support for guitar hero
July 23, 2009 09:47AM
Well , it's for play with my original guitar Wii :(

If someone have an idea for do that and want try to make a homebrew iam ok for test :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2009 10:00AM by Pondy.
Re: Support for guitar hero
July 23, 2009 04:53PM
When will people learn to read.

The question is: "I have a USB guitar for GuitarHero for the PC (windows). Would it be possible to support this guitar on the Wii?"

Answer is, "The USB GuitarHero guitars are not that well known. I've never seen one, and currently Homebrew for the Wii doesn't support them at all. And unless someone figures out how they communicate they never will be supported"
Re: Support for guitar hero
July 23, 2009 04:57PM
Merci pour la correction ;)
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