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Dynamic libraries

Posted by arasium 
Dynamic libraries
July 27, 2009 04:38PM
I've found a source code for the ld application (it is used to load dlls).


I think we can use that to dynamically load elf files.
Re: Dynamic libraries
July 27, 2009 05:23PM
I hope this puts everybody who doubted it would be possible to rest :D

The question is, does it serve our needs.
What exactly are our needs, anyway?
What exactly do we want or need to achieve via dynamic loading?
Re: Dynamic libraries
July 27, 2009 05:28PM
I think people mainly want dynamic loading for plugins.
Re: Dynamic libraries
July 27, 2009 06:07PM
yes I'd love a way to load a dynamic library for a plugin system.
Re: Dynamic libraries
July 28, 2009 09:38AM
Exactly, plugin system is the goal of dynamic loading :)

I havent tried to compile this (i'm on another project), but if someone could do this, everybody will love him :)
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