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Language Translations Help

Posted by scanff 
Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 02:12AM
Hi all,

I'm working on adding language packs to WiiRadio and I need some help with translating the text. I would use bablefish but I know it translates pretty poorly.

Here's a list of English words/sentences I need translating. Please also specify what language you're translating to :)

"Stream Error"
"Sorry, SHOUTcast is not responding! Please try again by selecting another genre."
"Staion Name"
"Quit to loader"
"Quit to system"
"Scroll station text"
"Change Skin"

Thanks for your help!
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 04:34AM
I'll try German - prepare for some umlauts :-)

"Genre" dito.
"Playlists" - "Wiedergabelisten" (plural). If it were singular and you need a short word, I would actually use "Playlist"
"Browser" - need some context here. What exactly are we brosing? But I guess you should keep "Browser"
"Exit" - "Verlassen" (some context may help here)
"Buffering" - "Puffern" (sounds strange imho. How much space do I have)
"Connecting" - "Verbinde"
"Stream Error" - error in the stream? ("Streamfehler" or "Fehler im Datenstrom", there is not really a good word Stream in that context, and mixing languages sounds strange.) Or error streaming? ("Fehler beim Streamen")
"Playing" - "Wiedergabe"
"Stopped" - "Stop"
"Searching" - "Suche"

"Sorry, SHOUTcast is not responding! Please try again by selecting another genre." - "Es tut uns leid, " (We are sorry)
"SHOUTcast antwortet nicht!" ("SHOUTcast is not responding!")
"Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Genre und versuchen Sie es nochmal" (Please select another genre and try again)

"BitRate" - "Bitrate"
"URL" dito
"Staion Name" - "Stationsname" (if you want to keep Shoutcast's terminology), "Sendername" (if you want to keep the radio metaphor. Sender = Broadcaster, but most people say "Radiosender" and not "Radiostation")
"Next" - "Nächster" (if you have the English International keyboard layout selected in Windows type " followed by an a to get the ä. (Unicode U+00E4, Windows Ansi 132)
"Quit to loader" - "Zurück zum Loader" (there is no German word for Loader in an IT context, Zurück = back)
"Quit to system" - "Zurück zum System" (system menu ?)
"OK" dito
"Scroll station text"
"Change Skin" - "Design ändern" / "Oberfläche ändern" / "Skin wechseln" (I prefer the first one, from an user perspective, the last one from an IT perspective)
"About" - "Über" ("u, U+00F6, Ansi 154)
"Version" dito

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2009 05:29AM by daniel_c_w.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 04:55AM
So'ry, SHOUTcast is not respondin'! Fry mah hide! Please try agin by seleckin' t'other junre.

So'ry, SHOUTcast be not respondin'! Right on! Please try again by selectin' anoda' genre.

l33t h4x0r:
soryr, shioutcasr si not resp0Nding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ ololololololol PLZ TRY AGA1N BY SELECTING AMoTEHR FNERE!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2009 04:56AM by mdbrim.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 05:32AM
REDNECK: (...) JIVE: (...) l33t h4x0r:

I could give you Bavarian (the black Jive guys from "Airplane" (I hope you all know the movie) speak Bavarian in the German dubbing)

Can somebody do Klingon?
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 05:39AM
lol ... You go me thinking one of my favorite languages is "Huttese" (what Jabba The Hutt Speaks). I also found this [huttese.fw.hu]
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 06:47AM
Scanff, as you can see, I have some questionmarks in my translation. Could you reply to them?
Will the translation be part of the program or in a seperate file?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2009 06:48AM by daniel_c_w.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 08:23AM
Yes sorry Daniel I got a bit OT.

The translations will be in a separate file. With a syntax like so:


Each language will have a file.


"Exit" - "Verlassen" (some context may help here)
This is just a short version for the Quit to loader. I guess another word is just "Quit"


"Buffering" - "Puffern" (sounds strange imho. How much space do I have)
Not too much space :) Maybe twice as many character. This is just a status message.


"Stream Error" - error in the stream? ("Streamfehler" or "Fehler im Datenstrom", there is not really a good word Stream in that context, and mixing languages sounds strange.) Or error streaming? ("Fehler beim Streamen")
Just a status telling the user that there was a problem connecting to the stream. Like you said the translation may be weird so whatever sounds better.


"Next" - "Nächster" (if you have the English International keyboard layout selected in Windows type " followed by an a to get the ä. (Unicode U+00E4, Windows Ansi 132)
I think I can just paste it into the text file and it will be fine but I've yet to finish the code :)


"Quit to system" - "Zurück zum System" (system menu ?)
Yes the Wii system menu.


"Change Skin" - "Design ändern" / "Oberfläche ändern" / "Skin wechseln" (I prefer the first one, from an user perspective, the last one from an IT perspective)
This refers to the look of the application. I looked on winamp.de and it refers to it as "Skin" (Tausende von Skins zum Anpassen des Designs von Winamp)

Let me know if I missed anything! Thanks for the help.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 01:00PM
In Turkish,
"Genre" , "Tür"
"Playlists", "Çalma listeleri"
"Browser", "Tarayici"
"Buffering", "Depolaniyor"
"Connecting", "Baglaniyor"
"Stream Error", "Akis hatasi"
"Playing", "Çaliyor"
"Stopped", "Durdu"
"Searching", "Araniyor"
"Sorry, SHOUTcast is not responding! Please try again by selecting another genre.", "Üzgünüz, SHOUTcast yanit vermiyor! Lütfen farkli bir tür seçerek yeniden deneyin."
"BitRate", "BitRate"
"URL", "URL"
"Staion Name", "Istasyon Adi"
"Next", "Sonraki"
"Quit to loader", "Yükleyiciye dön"
"Quit to system", "Sisteme dön"
"OK", "OK"
"Scroll station text", "Kayan istasyon metni"
"Change Skin", "Skin degistir"
"About", "Hakkinda"
"Version", "Versiyon"

You definitely need an unicode font and keep the text in utf-8 or other unicode encoding though. Some Turkish characters do not exist in the mostly used ANSI codepages.

ps: Hmm, even this forum doesn't handle unicode, changed those characters that are not in ISO-8859-1 with their weak equivalents (without umlauts and so on...). I can send them to you as unicode text though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2009 01:04PM by I.R.on.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 01:31PM
Even if we give him all the special chars, he needs a way to display them on the Wii.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 06:35PM
Hi I.R.on

I'll see what I can do. I'm using SDL TTF which I know has Unicode functions but I'd guess the ttf set would have to contain them too.

If you want to email me a file with the correct character my email is scanff at yahoo dot com.

Thanks for the help!
Re: Language Translations Help
August 12, 2009 08:49PM
I can translate to Hebrew if you wish :D
You should be aware though that Hebrew is written RTL - right-to-left.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 13, 2009 02:43AM
I can translate to Hebrew if you wish :D
You should be aware though that Hebrew is written RTL - right-to-left.

Sure why not, I can't promise I'd be able to add it right now. I'm really not sure how it's going to handle unicode.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 13, 2009 05:29PM
I'm really not sure how it's going to handle unicode.
I think JustWoody managed to do this with Mahjongg Wii. Perhaps you should check out the source?
Re: Language Translations Help
August 13, 2009 07:57PM
@scanff - check your inbox.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2009 09:08PM by AmitR.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 14, 2009 06:48PM
I'm really not sure how it's going to handle unicode.
I think JustWoody managed to do this with Mahjongg Wii. Perhaps you should check out the source?

I checked out his source and I think he stores the words as images. I'm allowing the user to skin the gui and add his/her own words.

I did find that SDL TTF supports UTF8 and UNICODE, this works. Although it seems to be very slow rendering Hebrew on the Wii, it drops the fps from 40 to less than one.

I'll have to run more test to figure out the problems.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 19, 2009 04:10PM
to swedish:

"Genre" =Genre
"Playlists" =Spelningslistor
"Browser" =Utforskare
"Exit" =Avsluta
"Buffering" =Buffrar
"Connecting" =Ansluter
"Stream Error" =Strömmningsfel
"Playing" =Spelar upp
"Stopped" =Stoppad
"Searching" =Söker
"Sorry, SHOUTcast is not responding! Please try again by selecting another genre."
=Ursäkta, SHOUTcast svarar inte! Försök igen genom att välja en annan genre.
"BitRate" =Bithastighet
"Staion Name" =Stationsnamn
"Next" =Nästa
"Quit to loader" =Avsluta till laddare
"Quit to system" =Avsluta till system
"OK" =OK
"Scroll station text"=Scrollstationstext
"Change Skin" =Ändra skal
"About" =Om
"Version" =Version
Re: Language Translations Help
August 19, 2009 07:43PM
Thanks profetylen,

For anyone who's interested in helping or wants to see what their language looks like I've release a windows build for skinning and testing out languages.

Re: Language Translations Help
August 20, 2009 02:10PM
I'm really not sure how it's going to handle unicode.
I think JustWoody managed to do this with Mahjongg Wii. Perhaps you should check out the source?

I checked out his source and I think he stores the words as images. I'm allowing the user to skin the gui and add his/her own words.

In mahjongg I store all translations as text and store these in utf8 text files. I wrote some additional functions in my version of grrlib.c to support utf-8 for european and japanese characters, these functions should also support hebrew and any other utf8 characters (although my renderer only supports the langauges that mahjongg wii supports including no right to left fonts)

No idea if it would be faster than whats in SDL though, the slowdown is more likely to be down to the rendering of the font

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2009 02:15PM by JustWoody.
Re: Language Translations Help
August 22, 2009 06:56PM
Thanks profetylen,

For anyone who's interested in helping or wants to see what their language looks like I've release a windows build for skinning and testing out languages.


Thanks, it correctly renders Turkish.. I guess you don't have extra folder for each language to skin the other buttons... how do we go about changing them so that you can distribute with your program?
Re: Language Translations Help
August 23, 2009 05:57PM
Thanks profetylen,

For anyone who's interested in helping or wants to see what their language looks like I've release a windows build for skinning and testing out languages.


Thanks, it correctly renders Turkish..

How does it render? Is it using the something from the Windows API?
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