Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 02:56PM
Is it possible to use the wiis miis in a game because maybe a sim game could be created that uses miis!
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 02:58PM
Not yet.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 04:44PM
Well there's Libmii which retrieves Mii info. I guess nobody has every used it for a HB game.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 06:22PM
Can someone help me create some basic apps for it then??? Start off with some apps that will just show a picture of your miis on your wii (a bit of a slide show app) and then finish with a game!
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 06:24PM
take a look @ []

It provides you with the information you need to create the Mii. You would have to create the 2D or 3D representation of the Mii.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 06:44PM
take a look @ []

It provides you with the information you need to create the Mii. You would have to create the 2D or 3D representation of the Mii.

Thanks for your information but it seems that libmii is still under development which is probably why none has tried to make an app with a mii in it before.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 04, 2010 09:53PM
take a look @ []

It provides you with the information you need to create the Mii. You would have to create the 2D or 3D representation of the Mii.

Thanks for your information but it seems that libmii is still under development which is probably why none has tried to make an app with a mii in it before.
I read your comments as "OOOOOOO LEMME DO IT!!!" ... "Oh, this requires work, uhm, nevermind..."

Anyways, it would be stupid for libmii to do a real graphic representation of the miis due the numerous popular graphics libraries that exist (which would make for inevitable conflicts). Really, someone should make a libmiilibwiisprite and libmiigrrlib extensions to be used with libmii.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2010 02:20AM by Arikado.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 05, 2010 02:56AM
not a bad idea Arikado... and it shouldn't be too hard. Just get a graphic with all the mii part sprites and then tile it up. I'll give it a go for GRRLIB. Gotta just find some good sprites now...
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 06, 2010 12:55AM
@mdbrim : Once I decompiled a mii creator flash file for this job, it has all the stuff you need in it.

such as this one : []

Though licensing deals could be present when you use this stuff. Still the images could be reworked by an homebrew graphics artis.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 06, 2010 02:11AM
do you have all the images from that / can you get them? I sent the creator of that an email to see if he would allow me permission to use his graphics in this project (with him getting credit of course).

If he's not cool with it, i'll just use them as a template and have my graphic artist redo them all.

I'm not up on all the decompiling flash tricks so if you got em/can get em, let me know.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2010 02:12AM by mdbrim.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 01:33AM
I suggest taking a look at this, it may provide somewhat more knowledge of reading Mii, and displaying them:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2010 01:40AM by hunterm.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 02:27AM
If we did follow my 'library extension idea', we could actually use the same artwork for each of the 'extensions'. However, because of the nature of the graphics libraries, the Miis would have to be rendered in 2D and complicated movements and animations involving the Miis would probably have to end up being custom coded by users.

I could see the libmii 'extensions' using a powerful sprite class with variables for each of the Mii components based off data from libmii and with simple functions to render the complete Mii using the graphics library it's being based on being the only 'custom' part.

I've got too many things going on ATM to put any working time into this but maybe one day in the not too distant future I'd be willing to set-up some universally applicable groundwork.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 03:49AM
If someone provides the graphics parts I'd be willing to do an SDL example for those using SDL. I think this is really good idea and one thing that homebrew has been missing.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 03:50AM
If someone actually went all out and made it for an existing library I would be willing to drop everything in order to port it to work with libwiisprite.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2010 04:11PM by Arikado.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 05:49AM
its working well!

I've found a good set of graphics to use, it is just tedious getting ALL the sprites set up right.

You are correct Arikado, the 3D stuff is gonna be a bear, but the 2d stuff (for simple icon usage, display of miis, etc) is looking REALLY good. manipulation of the final 2d mii in a 2d world would be simple... but if you wanted head turning in the 3d plane that's gonna be tough (well, maybe not)

The images i have have the shading and lighting effect of LOOKING 3d, but it is just a 2d image that has shine etc. Still trying to get in touch with the "owner" of the images for his permission

but until then i've got a little bit of code that scrolls thru my miis and displays them.

actually hunterm, that is the site i'm using... his graphics are real good and have the shadow and glow to them that make them look 3d. His source code is just for the flash player stuff. All i need is the images and then i'll have my code put all the pieces together using the variables from libmii.

It looks freakin good. I'll try to get a beta up so you guys can test it to make sure that it is displaying your miis the way you want (need to tweak a few things)

So right now i'm shooting for displaying the head on view of the mii for use in the 2d world. Sample applications would be display of custom icon next to score, personalization of cards in card games, poker chips, targets in wii shooting gallery, etc. The 2d stuff has got some good potential!

3d stuff will be a bit more advanced!
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 06:20PM
Just out of interest, can it access Miis without the use of exploits or do you need trucha or ES_Identify or something? I assume that you don't because games can access Miis without identifying as System Menu afaik, and you shouldn't need trucha to access files, just to install content, but I just want to check.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 07, 2010 06:54PM
@mdbrim : I had used Softhink decompiler on that one (actually the site was [] ) . I guess you already got the images and did something, that's great! Decompiling that stuff was not that completely successful by the way.

@sifjar : libmii uses isfs to read that face blah blah file, may require nand access patch on the ios dunno.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 10, 2010 12:21AM
turns out the data read from the wii on the miis is not correct... values don't match up to what libmii says they are... so, until I / someone can figure that part out, i'm just going to make a mii channel (more accurately this) for homebrew so we can make some mii's, store them on SD cards in a universal format and then have it be a library for other homebrew to use... then once we figure out the libmii stuff and make it correct, we'll be able to pull from the wii as well.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2010 12:54AM by mdbrim.
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 11, 2010 07:03AM
We could attempt to find the correct values, use the mii extracter, and maybe look in the extracted miis, or maybe look to see what values myavatareditor is using?
Re: Is it possible to use miis in a hbc game? If it is........
February 12, 2010 03:17PM
yeah, i'm using the data from the extracted miis, the data is different from what is posted on the wiibrew page and libmii was based on that code. I've been in touch with the maker of libmii and he mentioned that he never really got most of it to work. Either nintendo changed the Mii code, or the original stab at decoding it was incorrect. i'm dissecting my current extracted miis and i think i can update libmii to work with the "new" format. either way it'll be nice to both use your existing miis, and make some homebrew only miis to store on your sd card (maybe with a few more options as well)
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