In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 06, 2008 01:13PM
This I'm writing without previous knowledge of the flow of control in the System Menu.

Menu loader patches the System Menu loading the title from the nand patching and restarting it. What about dvd apploader? Freeloader does probably patches the system menu in memory when it's apploader runs.

So can't this region patching be extended to patch other aspects of the system menu?

Probabilities are
1. An extended sadmenu patch so that system menu just displays disc channel (or better homebrew channel) and the rest is ignored.
2. Patching to display Recovery menu (this needs restart I guess, can apploader do this?)

I think these more now because I got a brick from an incorrectly packed u8 archive. Nothing autoboots even my wii is chipped. It just displays "...System files are corrupted..." mesage on press of the A button on wiimote.

So I plan to delve into the system menu patching using the apploader from freeloader... And any good ppc assembly book that you can suggest?
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 07, 2008 02:28PM

I think these more now because I got a brick from an incorrectly packed u8 archive. Nothing autoboots even my wii is chipped. It just displays "...System files are corrupted..." mesage on press of the A button on wiimote.
You should have installed Starfall, then you can get the recovery menu by holding Y on boot.
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 07, 2008 03:17PM

I think these more now because I got a brick from an incorrectly packed u8 archive. Nothing autoboots even my wii is chipped. It just displays "...System files are corrupted..." mesage on press of the A button on wiimote.
You should have installed Starfall, then you can get the recovery menu by holding Y on boot.

Well It didn't install on my machine, I do not know why. It requested pressing 2+B at the same time... no matter how much I tried it didn't work...

I was careless because I thought I would be able to autoboot and fix the banner brick... So autoboot didn't work :(
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 10, 2008 03:22PM
Well started working on it on my own...
In the apploader disassembly, below data is significant
0x817FC8C0, 0x40, 0x440, 0x817FFF80, 0x40, 0x2000, 0x817FC8C0, 0x40, 0x440

It seems like a patch data, a memory address, expected value, patched value... yet it probably will fail with different sys menu versions unless the data always loaded into the same memory address in all system menu versions. There can be a range in either the patch data or in the code but this time just 0x40 or 0x440 do not qualify for a search term.

And the addresses above doesn't fit anywhere in the sys menu disassembly.

And below strings,
Report function was %08x, now is %08x
Searching for region patches
found patch at %08x
done extra Wii patch
found update check at %08x
found update flag at %08x
found runner at %08x
found real runner at %08x

There doesn't seem to be any cross references to them, so it seems the references are indirect. They used them probably for debugging.

Just my random findings...
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 12, 2008 04:59AM
80000003 game_region_byte:  .space 1        # DATA XREF: set_TV_mode
80000020 boot_magic: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+84
80000024 version: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+98
80000030 ArenaLo: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+A4
80000034 ArenaHi: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+B4
80000038 FST_buf: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+C4
8000003C FST_len: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+D4
800000CC TV_mode: .space 4 # DATA XREF: set_TV_mode+10
800000EC debug_mon_addr: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+E4
800000F0 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+F4
800000F4 BI2_buf: .space 4 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+100
80001800 jump_stub_loc: .space 4 # DATA XREF: install_jump_stub+1C
80001804 dword_80001804: .space 4 # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+3C
80001810 game_patch_stub: .space 4 # DATA XREF: install_jump_stub+4
80001814 dword_80001814: .space 4 # DATA XREF: sub_8120009C
800019A4 dword_800019A4: .space 4 # DATA XREF: sub_812020F8+3C
811FFFE0 date_stamp: .string "2001/09/08"
811FFFF0 apploader_entry: .long start
811FFFF4 apploader_length: .long 0x2314
811FFFF8 trailer_length: .long 0x192C0
811FFFFC .align 3
81200000 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81200000 # int __stdcall apploader_init(void *osreport_fptr)
81200000 apploader_init: # DATA XREF: start+C
81200000 .set var_4, -4
81200000 .set osreport_fptr, 4
81200000 stwu %sp, -0x10(%sp)
81200004 mflr %r0
81200008 stw %r31, 0x10+var_4(%sp)
8120000C stw %r0, 0x10+osreport_fptr(%sp)
81200010 mr %r0, %r3
81200014 lis %r9, report_func_ptr@h
81200018 cmpwi %r0, 0
8120001C lwz %r31, report_func_ptr@l(%r9)
81200020 stw %r0, report_func_ptr@l(%r9)
81200024 beq loc_81200044
81200028 lis %r3, a_Reportfunctionwas08xnowis08x@h # "Report function was %08x, now is %08x\n"
8120002C mtlr %r0
81200030 addi %r3, %r3, a_Reportfunctionwas08xnowis08x@l # "Report function was %08x, now is %08x\n"
81200034 mr %r4, %r31
81200038 mr %r5, %r0
8120003C crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200040 blrl
81200044 loc_81200044: # CODE XREF: apploader_init+24
81200044 mr %r3, %r31
81200048 lwz %r0, 0x10+osreport_fptr(%sp)
8120004C mtlr %r0
81200050 lwz %r31, 0x10+var_4(%sp)
81200054 addi %sp, %sp, 0x10
81200058 blr
81200058 # End of function apploader_init
8120005C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120005C install_jump_stub: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+280
8120005C lwz %r10, 0(%r3)
81200060 lis %r0, game_patch_stub@h
81200064 extlwi %r8, %r10, 24,6
81200068 srawi %r8, %r8, 6
8120006C add %r11, %r3, %r8
81200070 ori %r0, %r0, game_patch_stub@l
81200074 subf %r8, %r3, %r0
81200078 lis %r9, jump_stub_loc@h
8120007C lis %r10, 0x4800 # 0x48000001
81200080 ori %r9, %r9, jump_stub_loc@l
81200084 ori %r10, %r10, 1 # 0x48000001
81200088 rlwinm %r0, %r8, 0,6,29
8120008C stw %r11, ((jump_stub_loc-0x1800)@l)(%r9)
81200090 or %r10, %r0, %r10
81200094 stw %r10, 0(%r3)
81200098 blr
81200098 # End of function install_jump_stub
8120009C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120009C sub_8120009C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+390
8120009C lis %r0, dword_80001814@h
812000A0 ori %r0, %r0, dword_80001814@l
812000A4 subf %r0, %r3, %r0
812000A8 rlwinm %r0, %r0, 0,6,29
812000AC oris %r0, %r0, 0x4800
812000B0 stw %r0, 0(%r3)
812000B4 blr
812000B4 # End of function sub_8120009C
812000B8 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812000B8 do_krad_effect: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+60
812000B8 # do_region_patching+3B4
812000B8 .set var_8, -8
812000B8 .set var_4, -4
812000B8 stwu %sp, -0x10(%sp)
812000BC stw %r30, 0x10+var_8(%sp)
812000C0 stw %r31, 0x10+var_4(%sp)
812000C4 li %r11, 0
812000C8 lis %r9, 0xCC00
812000CC cmplw %r11, %r3
812000D0 ori %r9, %r9, 0x2048 # 0xCC002048
812000D4 lhz %r5, 0(%r9)
812000D8 bge loc_812001B0
812000DC srwi %r4, %r5, 8
812000E0 clrlwi %r30, %r4, 16
812000E4 mr %r31, %r4
812000E8 loc_812000E8: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+F4
812000E8 clrlwi %r9, %r4, 16
812000EC cmpwi %r9, 0
812000F0 addi %r12, %r11, 1
812000F4 beq loc_81200144
812000F8 lis %r8, -0x3400 # 0xCC002048
812000FC lis %r10, -0x3400 # 0xCC00202C
81200100 ori %r8, %r8, 0x2048 # 0xCC002048
81200104 ori %r10, %r10, 0x202C # 0xCC00202C
81200108 clrlwi %r7, %r5, 24
8120010C loc_8120010C: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+88
8120010C slwi %r0, %r9, 8
81200110 or %r0, %r7, %r0
81200114 sth %r0, 0(%r8)
81200118 addi %r11, %r9, -1
8120011C loc_8120011C: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+6C
8120011C lha %r0, 0(%r10)
81200120 cmpwi %r0, 0x20A
81200124 bne loc_8120011C
81200128 lis %r9, -0x3400 # 0xCC00202C
8120012C ori %r9, %r9, 0x202C # 0xCC00202C
81200130 loc_81200130: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+80
81200130 lha %r0, 0(%r9)
81200134 cmpwi %r0, 0x20A
81200138 ble loc_81200130
8120013C mr. %r9, %r11
81200140 bne loc_8120010C
81200144 loc_81200144: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+3C
81200144 li %r9, 0
81200148 cmplw %r9, %r30
8120014C bge loc_812001A4
81200150 lis %r10, -0x3400 # 0xCC002048
81200154 lis %r11, -0x3400 # 0xCC00202C
81200158 ori %r10, %r10, 0x2048 # 0xCC002048
8120015C ori %r11, %r11, 0x202C # 0xCC00202C
81200160 clrlwi %r6, %r31, 16
81200164 clrlwi %r7, %r5, 24
81200168 loc_81200168: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+E8
81200168 slwi %r0, %r9, 8
8120016C or %r0, %r7, %r0
81200170 sth %r0, 0(%r10)
81200174 addi %r8, %r9, 1
81200178 loc_81200178: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+C8
81200178 lha %r0, 0(%r11)
8120017C cmpwi %r0, 0x20A
81200180 bne loc_81200178
81200184 lis %r9, -0x3400 # 0xCC00202C
81200188 ori %r9, %r9, 0x202C # 0xCC00202C
8120018C loc_8120018C: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+DC
8120018C lha %r0, 0(%r9)
81200190 cmpwi %r0, 0x20A
81200194 ble loc_8120018C
81200198 mr %r9, %r8
8120019C cmplw %r9, %r6
812001A0 blt loc_81200168
812001A4 loc_812001A4: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+94
812001A4 mr %r11, %r12
812001A8 cmplw %r11, %r3
812001AC blt loc_812000E8
812001B0 loc_812001B0: # CODE XREF: do_krad_effect+20
812001B0 lis %r9, -0x3400 # 0xCC002048
812001B4 ori %r9, %r9, 0x2048 # 0xCC002048
812001B8 sth %r5, 0(%r9)
812001BC lwz %r30, 0x10+var_8(%sp)
812001C0 lwz %r31, 0x10+var_4(%sp)
812001C4 addi %sp, %sp, 0x10
812001C8 blr
812001C8 # End of function do_krad_effect
812001CC # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812001CC do_region_patching: # CODE XREF: apploader_main+124
812001CC .set var_30, -0x30
812001CC .set var_2C, -0x2C
812001CC .set var_28, -0x28
812001CC .set var_24, -0x24
812001CC .set var_20, -0x20
812001CC .set var_1C, -0x1C
812001CC .set var_18, -0x18
812001CC .set var_14, -0x14
812001CC .set var_10, -0x10
812001CC .set var_C, -0xC
812001CC .set var_8, -8
812001CC .set var_4, -4
812001CC .set arg_4, 4
812001CC stwu %sp, -0x38(%sp)
812001D0 mflr %r0
812001D4 stw %r20, 0x38+var_30(%sp)
812001D8 stw %r21, 0x38+var_2C(%sp)
812001DC stw %r22, 0x38+var_28(%sp)
812001E0 stw %r23, 0x38+var_24(%sp)
812001E4 stw %r24, 0x38+var_20(%sp)
812001E8 stw %r25, 0x38+var_1C(%sp)
812001EC stw %r26, 0x38+var_18(%sp)
812001F0 stw %r27, 0x38+var_14(%sp)
812001F4 stw %r28, 0x38+var_10(%sp)
812001F8 stw %r29, 0x38+var_C(%sp)
812001FC stw %r30, 0x38+var_8(%sp)
81200200 stw %r31, 0x38+var_4(%sp)
81200204 stw %r0, 0x38+arg_4(%sp)
81200208 lis %r21, dword_80001804@h
8120020C ori %r21, %r21, dword_80001804@l
81200210 lwz %r9, ((dword_80001804-0x1804)@l)(%r21)
81200214 lis %r0, 0x4449 # 0x44495001
81200218 ori %r0, %r0, 0x5001 # 0x44495001
8120021C cmpw %r9, %r0
81200220 lis %r20, 0x8133
81200224 bne loc_8120023C
81200228 li %r3, 2
8120022C bl do_krad_effect
81200230 lis %r0, 0x4449 # 0x44495002
81200234 ori %r0, %r0, 0x5002 # 0x44495002
81200238 b loc_8120058C
8120023C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8120023C loc_8120023C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+58
8120023C lis %r0, 0x4449 # 0x44495002
81200240 ori %r0, %r0, 0x5002 # 0x44495002
81200244 cmpw %r9, %r0
81200248 bne loc_81200284
8120024C stw %r9, ((dword_80001804-0x1804)@l)(%r21)
81200250 b loc_81200590
81200254 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81200254 found_update_flag: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+2A4
81200254 lis %r9, report_func_ptr@h
81200258 lwz %r0, report_func_ptr@l(%r9)
8120025C lis %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@h # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200260 mtlr %r0
81200264 addi %r3, %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@l # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200268 addi %r26, %r26, 1
8120026C crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200270 blrl
81200274 lwzx %r0, %r29, %r31
81200278 clrrwi %r0, %r0, 16
8120027C stwx %r0, %r29, %r31
81200280 b loc_81200490
81200284 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81200284 loc_81200284: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+7C
81200284 lis %r4, -0x7EA3 # 0x815D0D2C
81200288 addi %r4, %r4, 0xD2C # 0x815D0D2C
8120028C lis %r3, a_Searchingforregionpatches@h # "Searching for region patches\n"
81200290 addi %r3, %r3, a_Searchingforregionpatches@l # "Searching for region patches\n"
81200294 mtlr %r0
81200298 lis %r24, 3 # 0x3FFFF
8120029C li %r26, 0
812002A0 li %r29, 0
812002A4 crclr 4*cr1+eq
812002A8 blrl
812002AC lis %r22, -0x7EE0
812002B0 li %r9, 0
812002B4 ori %r24, %r24, -1 # 0x3FFFF
812002B8 loc_812002B8: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+1DC
812002B8 cmplw %r29, %r24
812002BC addi %r23, %r9, 1
812002C0 bgt loc_812003A0
812002C4 slwi %r9, %r29, 2
812002C8 lis %r7, 0x2800 # 0x28000002
812002CC lis %r8, 0x3800 # 0x38000001
812002D0 lis %r28, 0x4082 # 0x4082001C
812002D4 lis %r27, 0x4800 # 0x4800001C
812002D8 lis %r10, 3 # 0x3FFFF
812002DC mr %r11, %r9
812002E0 ori %r7, %r7, 2 # 0x28000002
812002E4 lis %r5, 0x4082
812002E8 ori %r8, %r8, 1 # 0x38000001
812002EC lis %r6, 0x3800
812002F0 lis %r3, a_foundpatchat08x@h # "found patch at %08x\n"
812002F4 ori %r28, %r28, 0x1C # 0x4082001C
812002F8 ori %r27, %r27, 0x1C # 0x4800001C
812002FC lis %r25, a_doneextraWiipatch@h # "done extra Wii patch\n"
81200300 ori %r10, %r10, -1 # 0x3FFFF
81200304 addis %r31, %r9, -0x7ECD
81200308 loc_81200308: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+1D0
81200308 lwzx %r0, %r11, %r20
8120030C rlwinm %r0, %r0, 0,24,7
81200310 cmpw %r0, %r7
81200314 bne loc_8120038C
81200318 lwz %r0, 4(%r31)
8120031C clrrwi %r0, %r0, 8
81200320 cmpw %r0, %r5
81200324 bne loc_8120038C
81200328 lwz %r30, 8(%r31)
8120032C cmpw %r30, %r8
81200330 bne loc_8120038C
81200334 lwz %r0, 0x10(%r31)
81200338 cmpw %r0, %r6
8120033C bne loc_8120038C
81200340 lwz %r9, report_func_ptr@l(%r22)
81200344 addi %r3, %r3, a_foundpatchat08x@l # "found patch at %08x\n"
81200348 mr %r4, %r31
8120034C mtlr %r9
81200350 crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200354 blrl
81200358 lwz %r0, 0x30(%r31)
8120035C stw %r30, 0x10(%r31)
81200360 cmpw %r0, %r28
81200364 bne loc_81200380
81200368 stw %r27, 0x30(%r31)
8120036C lwz %r9, 0x2210(%r22)
81200370 addi %r3, %r25, a_doneextraWiipatch@l # "done extra Wii patch\n"
81200374 mtlr %r9
81200378 crclr 4*cr1+eq
8120037C blrl
81200380 loc_81200380: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+198
81200380 addi %r26, %r26, 1
81200384 addi %r29, %r29, 1
81200388 b loc_812003A0
8120038C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8120038C loc_8120038C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+148
8120038C # do_region_patching+158
8120038C # do_region_patching+164
8120038C addi %r29, %r29, 1
81200390 cmplw %r29, %r10
81200394 addi %r31, %r31, 4
81200398 addi %r11, %r11, 4
8120039C ble loc_81200308
812003A0 loc_812003A0: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+F4
812003A0 # do_region_patching+1BC
812003A0 mr %r9, %r23
812003A4 cmplwi %r9, 1
812003A8 ble loc_812002B8
812003AC lis %r11, 0x3863 # 0x38630010
812003B0 lis %r9, 3 # 0x3FFFF
812003B4 lis %r20, -0x7ECD
812003B8 li %r29, 0
812003BC lis %r6, 0x3881
812003C0 ori %r11, %r11, 0x10 # 0x38630010
812003C4 lis %r7, 0x4800
812003C8 lis %r8, 0x2C03
812003CC lis %r10, 0x4080
812003D0 lis %r3, a_foundupdatecheckat08x@h # "found update check at %08x\n"
812003D4 ori %r9, %r9, -1 # 0x3FFFF
812003D8 loc_812003D8: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+2C0
812003D8 slwi %r30, %r29, 2
812003DC lwzx %r0, %r30, %r20
812003E0 addis %r31, %r30, -0x7ECD
812003E4 clrrwi %r0, %r0, 16
812003E8 cmpw %r0, %r6
812003EC bne loc_81200484
812003F0 lwz %r0, 4(%r31)
812003F4 cmpw %r0, %r11
812003F8 bne loc_81200484
812003FC lwz %r0, 8(%r31)
81200400 clrrwi %r0, %r0, 24
81200404 cmpw %r0, %r7
81200408 bne loc_81200484
8120040C lwz %r0, 0xC(%r31)
81200410 cmpw %r0, %r8
81200414 bne loc_81200484
81200418 lwz %r0, 0x10(%r31)
8120041C clrrwi %r0, %r0, 16
81200420 cmpw %r0, %r10
81200424 bne loc_81200484
81200428 lwz %r9, 0x2210(%r22)
8120042C addi %r3, %r3, a_foundupdatecheckat08x@l # "found update check at %08x\n"
81200430 mr %r4, %r31
81200434 mtlr %r9
81200438 li %r29, 0
8120043C crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200440 blrl
81200444 addi %r3, %r30, 8
81200448 addis %r3, %r3, -0x7ECD
8120044C bl install_jump_stub
81200450 li %r0, 0x10
81200454 mtctr %r0
81200458 lis %r9, 0x3000 # 0x30000001
8120045C ori %r9, %r9, 1 # 0x30000001
81200460 mr %r4, %r31
81200464 loc_81200464: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+2B0
81200464 lwz %r0, 0(%r4)
81200468 rlwinm %r0, %r0, 0,16,3
8120046C cmpw %r0, %r9
81200470 beq found_update_flag
81200474 addi %r4, %r4, 4
81200478 addi %r29, %r29, 4
8120047C bdnz loc_81200464
81200480 b loc_81200490
81200484 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81200484 loc_81200484: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+220
81200484 # do_region_patching+22C
81200484 # do_region_patching+23C
81200484 addi %r29, %r29, 1
81200488 cmplw %r29, %r9
8120048C ble loc_812003D8
81200490 loc_81200490: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+B4
81200490 # do_region_patching+2B4
81200490 lis %r10, 0x3C20 # 0x3C208160
81200494 lis %r11, 3 # 0x3FFFF
81200498 lis %r20, -0x7ECD
8120049C li %r29, 0
812004A0 lis %r6, 0x3BE0
812004A4 ori %r10, %r10, -0x7EA0 # 0x3C208160
812004A8 lis %r7, 0x6021
812004AC lis %r8, 0x38C0
812004B0 lis %r3, a_foundrunnerat08x@h # "found runner at %08x\n"
812004B4 ori %r11, %r11, -1 # 0x3FFFF
812004B8 loc_812004B8: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+3A0
812004B8 slwi %r9, %r29, 2
812004BC lwzx %r0, %r9, %r20
812004C0 addis %r31, %r9, -0x7ECD
812004C4 cmpw %r0, %r6
812004C8 bne loc_81200564
812004CC lwz %r0, 4(%r31)
812004D0 cmpw %r0, %r10
812004D4 bne loc_81200564
812004D8 lwz %r0, 8(%r31)
812004DC cmpw %r0, %r7
812004E0 bne loc_81200564
812004E4 lwz %r0, 0xC(%r31)
812004E8 cmpw %r0, %r8
812004EC bne loc_81200564
812004F0 lwz %r9, 0x2210(%r22)
812004F4 addi %r3, %r3, a_foundrunnerat08x@l # "found runner at %08x\n"
812004F8 mr %r4, %r31
812004FC mtlr %r9
81200500 li %r29, 0
81200504 crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200508 blrl
8120050C lis %r11, 0x4E80 # 0x4E800020
81200510 lis %r3, a_foundrealrunnerat08x@h # "found real runner at %08x\n"
81200514 ori %r11, %r11, 0x20 # 0x4E800020
81200518 b loc_81200524
8120051C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8120051C loc_8120051C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+36C
8120051C addi %r31, %r9, 4
81200520 addi %r29, %r29, 1
81200524 loc_81200524: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+34C
81200524 cmplwi %r29, 0xF
81200528 bgt loc_81200570
8120052C lwz %r0, 0(%r31)
81200530 mr %r9, %r31
81200534 cmpw %r0, %r11
81200538 bne loc_8120051C
8120053C lwz %r0, 0x2210(%r22)
81200540 addi %r3, %r3, a_foundrealrunnerat08x@l # "found real runner at %08x\n"
81200544 mr %r4, %r31
81200548 mtlr %r0
8120054C addi %r26, %r26, 1
81200550 crclr 4*cr1+eq
81200554 blrl
81200558 mr %r3, %r31
8120055C bl sub_8120009C
81200560 b loc_81200570
81200564 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81200564 loc_81200564: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+2FC
81200564 # do_region_patching+308
81200564 # do_region_patching+314
81200564 addi %r29, %r29, 1
81200568 cmplw %r29, %r11
8120056C ble loc_812004B8
81200570 loc_81200570: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+35C
81200570 # do_region_patching+394
81200570 cmpwi %r26, 4
81200574 beq loc_8120057C
81200578 loc_81200578: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching:loc_81200578
81200578 b loc_81200578
8120057C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8120057C loc_8120057C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+3A8
8120057C li %r3, 2
81200580 bl do_krad_effect
81200584 lis %r0, 0x4449 # 0x44495001
81200588 ori %r0, %r0, 0x5001 # 0x44495001
8120058C loc_8120058C: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+6C
8120058C stw %r0, 0(%r21)
81200590 loc_81200590: # CODE XREF: do_region_patching+84
81200590 lwz %r0, 0x38+arg_4(%sp)
81200594 mtlr %r0
81200598 lwz %r20, 0x38+var_30(%sp)
8120059C lwz %r21, 0x38+var_2C(%sp)
812005A0 lwz %r22, 0x38+var_28(%sp)
812005A4 lwz %r23, 0x38+var_24(%sp)
812005A8 lwz %r24, 0x38+var_20(%sp)
812005AC lwz %r25, 0x38+var_1C(%sp)
812005B0 lwz %r26, 0x38+var_18(%sp)
812005B4 lwz %r27, 0x38+var_14(%sp)
812005B8 lwz %r28, 0x38+var_10(%sp)
812005BC lwz %r29, 0x38+var_C(%sp)
812005C0 lwz %r30, 0x38+var_8(%sp)
812005C4 lwz %r31, 0x38+var_4(%sp)
812005C8 addi %sp, %sp, 0x38
812005CC blr
812005CC # End of function do_region_patching
812005D0 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812005D0 # int __stdcall apploader_main(void **addr, int *length, int *offset)
812005D0 apploader_main: # DATA XREF: start+18
812005D0 .set arg_4, 4
812005D0 stwu %sp, -8(%sp)
812005D4 mflr %r0
812005D8 stw %r0, 8+arg_4(%sp)
812005DC lis %r6, phase@h
812005E0 lwz %r9, phase@l(%r6)
812005E4 lis %r10, fake_params@h
812005E8 slwi %r0, %r9, 1
812005EC addi %r10, %r10, fake_params@l
812005F0 add %r0, %r0, %r9 # r0 = phase*3
812005F4 slwi %r0, %r0, 2 # r0 = phase * 12
812005F8 addi %r7, %r10, apploader_params.offset # r7 = 0x440
812005FC lwzx %r11, %r7, %r0 # r11 = memory_region_list + 8 + phase*12
81200600 addi %r8, %r10, apploader_params.length
81200604 stw %r11, 0(%r5) # offset = fake_params[phase].offset
81200608 lwz %r9, phase@l(%r6)
8120060C slwi %r0, %r9, 1 # r0 = phase*2
81200610 add %r0, %r0, %r9 # r0 = phase*3
81200614 slwi %r0, %r0, 2 # r0 = phase*12
81200618 lwzx %r9, %r8, %r0
8120061C stw %r9, 0(%r4) # length = fake_params[phase].length
81200620 lwz %r11, phase@l(%r6)
81200624 slwi %r0, %r11, 1
81200628 add %r0, %r0, %r11
8120062C slwi %r0, %r0, 2
81200630 lwzx %r9, %r10, %r0
81200634 stw %r9, 0(%r3) # addr = fake_params[phase].addr
81200638 lwz %r9, phase@l(%r6)
8120063C slwi %r0, %r9, 1
81200640 add %r0, %r0, %r9
81200644 slwi %r0, %r0, 2 # r0 = phase*12
81200648 lwzx %r10, %r7, %r0 # r10 = fake_params[phase].offset
8120064C cmpwi %r10, 0
81200650 bne return_to_bs2
81200654 lis %r9, boot_magic@h
81200658 lis %r0, 0xD15 # 0xD15EA5E
8120065C ori %r9, %r9, boot_magic@l
81200660 ori %r0, %r0, -0x15A2 # 0xD15EA5E
81200664 stw %r0, ((boot_magic-0x20)@l)(%r9)
81200668 lis %r11, version@h
8120066C ori %r11, %r11, version@l
81200670 li %r0, 1
81200674 lis %r9, ArenaLo@h
81200678 stw %r0, ((version-0x24)@l)(%r11)
8120067C ori %r9, %r9, ArenaLo@l
81200680 stw %r10, ((ArenaLo-0x30)@l)(%r9)
81200684 lis %r11, ArenaHi@h
81200688 lis %r0, -0x7E81 # 0x817FFF80
8120068C ori %r0, %r0, -0x80 # 0x817FFF80
81200690 ori %r11, %r11, ArenaHi@l
81200694 lis %r9, FST_buf@h
81200698 stw %r0, ((ArenaHi-0x34)@l)(%r11)
8120069C ori %r9, %r9, FST_buf@l
812006A0 stw %r0, ((FST_buf-0x38)@l)(%r9)
812006A4 lis %r11, FST_len@h
812006A8 ori %r11, %r11, FST_len@l
812006AC li %r0, 0x24
812006B0 stw %r0, ((FST_len-0x3C)@l)(%r11)
812006B4 lis %r9, debug_mon_addr@h
812006B8 ori %r9, %r9, debug_mon_addr@l
812006BC lis %r0, -0x7E80
812006C0 stw %r0, ((debug_mon_addr-0xEC)@l)(%r9)
812006C4 lis %r11, simulated_mem_size@h
812006C8 ori %r11, %r11, simulated_mem_size@l
812006CC lis %r10, 0x180
812006D0 lis %r9, BI2_buf@h
812006D4 lis %r0, -0x7E81 # 0x817FC8C0
812006D8 stw %r10, ((simulated_mem_size-0xF0)@l)(%r11)
812006DC ori %r9, %r9, BI2_buf@l
812006E0 ori %r0, %r0, -0x3740 # 0x817FC8C0
812006E4 lis %r3, 0x8000
812006E8 stw %r0, ((BI2_buf-0xF4)@l)(%r9)
812006EC li %r4, 0x100
812006F0 bl flush_cache
812006F4 bl do_region_patching
812006F8 li %r3, 0
812006FC b loc_8120070C
81200700 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81200700 return_to_bs2: # CODE XREF: apploader_main+80
81200700 addi %r0, %r9, 1
81200704 stw %r0, 0x220C(%r6) # phase++
81200708 li %r3, 1
8120070C loc_8120070C: # CODE XREF: apploader_main+12C
8120070C lwz %r0, 8+arg_4(%sp)
81200710 mtlr %r0
81200714 addi %sp, %sp, 8
81200718 blr
81200718 # End of function apploader_main
8120071C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120071C apploader_close: # DATA XREF: start+20
8120071C lis %r3, nullsub_1@h
81200720 addi %r3, %r3, nullsub_1@l
81200724 blr
81200724 # End of function apploader_close
81200728 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81200728 start: # DATA XREF: RAM:apploader_entry
81200728 .set arg_4, 4
81200728 stwu %sp, -8(%sp)
8120072C mflr %r0
81200730 stw %r0, 8+arg_4(%sp)
81200734 lis %r9, apploader_init@h
81200738 addi %r9, %r9, apploader_init@l
8120073C stw %r9, 0(%r3)
81200740 lis %r11, apploader_main@h
81200744 addi %r11, %r11, apploader_main@l
81200748 lis %r9, apploader_close@h
8120074C stw %r11, 0(%r4)
81200750 addi %r9, %r9, apploader_close@l
81200754 stw %r9, 0(%r5)
81200758 lis %r11, phase@h
8120075C li %r0, 0
81200760 lis %r3, game_patch_stub@h
81200764 lis %r4, game_patch_code@h
81200768 stw %r0, phase@l(%r11)
8120076C addi %r4, %r4, game_patch_code@l
81200770 ori %r3, %r3, game_patch_stub@l
81200774 li %r5, 0x1A0
81200778 bl memcpy # memcpy(game_patch_stub, game_patch_code, 0x1a0)
8120077C lwz %r0, 8+arg_4(%sp)
81200780 mtlr %r0
81200784 addi %sp, %sp, 8
81200788 blr
81200788 # End of function start
8120078C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120078C memcpy: # CODE XREF: start+50
8120078C mr %r0, %r5
81200790 cmpwi %r0, 0
81200794 addi %r5, %r5, -1
81200798 blelr
8120079C loc_8120079C: # CODE XREF: memcpy+24
8120079C lbzx %r9, %r4, %r5
812007A0 mr %r0, %r5
812007A4 cmpwi %r0, 0
812007A8 stbx %r9, %r3, %r5
812007AC addi %r5, %r5, -1
812007B0 bgt loc_8120079C
812007B4 blr
812007B4 # End of function memcpy
812007B8 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812007B8 nullsub_1: # DATA XREF: apploader_close
812007B8 # apploader_close+4
812007B8 blr
812007B8 # End of function nullsub_1
812007BC # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812007BC sub_812007BC:
812007BC cmplwi %r4, 0
812007C0 blelr
812007C4 clrlwi. %r5, %r3, 27
812007C8 beq loc_812007D0
812007CC addi %r4, %r4, 0x20
812007D0 loc_812007D0: # CODE XREF: sub_812007BC+C
812007D0 addi %r4, %r4, 0x1F
812007D4 srwi %r4, %r4, 5
812007D8 mtctr %r4
812007DC loc_812007DC: # CODE XREF: sub_812007BC+28
812007DC dcbi %r0, %r3
812007E0 addi %r3, %r3, 0x20
812007E4 bdnz loc_812007DC
812007E8 blr
812007E8 # End of function sub_812007BC
812007EC # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812007EC flush_cache: # CODE XREF: apploader_main+120
812007EC cmplwi %r4, 0
812007F0 blelr
812007F4 clrlwi. %r5, %r3, 27
812007F8 beq loc_81200800
812007FC addi %r4, %r4, 0x20
81200800 loc_81200800: # CODE XREF: flush_cache+C
81200800 addi %r4, %r4, 0x1F
81200804 srwi %r4, %r4, 5
81200808 mtctr %r4
8120080C loc_8120080C: # CODE XREF: flush_cache+28
8120080C dcbf %r0, %r3
81200810 addi %r3, %r3, 0x20
81200814 bdnz loc_8120080C
81200818 blr
81200818 # End of function flush_cache
8120081C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120081C sub_8120081C:
8120081C cmplwi %r4, 0
81200820 blelr
81200824 clrlwi. %r5, %r3, 27
81200828 beq loc_81200830
8120082C addi %r4, %r4, 0x20
81200830 loc_81200830: # CODE XREF: sub_8120081C+C
81200830 addi %r4, %r4, 0x1F
81200834 srwi %r4, %r4, 5
81200838 mtctr %r4
8120083C loc_8120083C: # CODE XREF: sub_8120081C+28
8120083C icbi %r0, %r3
81200840 addi %r3, %r3, 0x20
81200844 bdnz loc_8120083C
81200848 sync
8120084C isync
81200850 blr
81200850 # End of function sub_8120081C
81200854 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81200854 sub_81200854:
81200854 cmplwi %r4, 0
81200858 blelr
8120085C clrlwi. %r5, %r3, 27
81200860 beq loc_81200868
81200864 addi %r4, %r4, 0x20
81200868 loc_81200868: # CODE XREF: sub_81200854+C
81200868 addi %r4, %r4, 0x1F
8120086C srwi %r4, %r4, 5
81200870 mtctr %r4
81200874 loc_81200874: # CODE XREF: sub_81200854+28
81200874 dcbst %r0, %r3
81200878 addi %r3, %r3, 0x20
8120087C bdnz loc_81200874
81200880 sc
81200884 blr
81200884 # End of function sub_81200854
81200888 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81200888 sub_81200888:
81200888 mfmsr %r3
8120088C rlwinm %r4, %r3, 0,17,15
81200890 mtmsr %r4
81200894 extrwi %r3, %r3, 1,16
81200898 blr
81200898 # End of function sub_81200888
8120089C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120089C sub_8120089C:
8120089C cmpwi %r3, 0
812008A0 mfmsr %r4
812008A4 beq loc_812008B0
812008A8 ori %r5, %r4, -0x8000
812008AC b loc_812008B4
812008B0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812008B0 loc_812008B0: # CODE XREF: sub_8120089C+8
812008B0 rlwinm %r5, %r4, 0,17,15
812008B4 loc_812008B4: # CODE XREF: sub_8120089C+10
812008B4 mtmsr %r5
812008B8 extrwi %r4, %r4, 1,16
812008BC blr
812008BC # End of function sub_8120089C
812008BC # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812008C0 a_Reportfunctionwas08xnowis08x:.string "Report function was %08x, now is %08x\n"
812008C0 # DATA XREF: apploader_init+28
812008C0 # apploader_init+30
812008C0 .byte 0
812008E7 .align 2
812008E8 a_Searchingforregionpatches:.string "Searching for region patches\n"
812008E8 # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+C0
812008E8 # do_region_patching+C4
812008E8 .byte 0
81200906 .align 2
81200908 a_foundpatchat08x:.string "found patch at %08x\n" # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+124
81200908 # do_region_patching+178
81200908 .byte 0
8120091D .align 2
81200920 a_doneextraWiipatch:.string "done extra Wii patch\n" # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+130
81200920 # do_region_patching+1A4
81200920 .byte 0
81200936 .align 2
81200938 a_foundupdatecheckat08x:.string "found update check at %08x\n"
81200938 # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+204
81200938 # do_region_patching+260
81200938 .byte 0
81200954 a_foundupdateflagat08x:.string "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200954 # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+90
81200954 # do_region_patching+98
81200954 .byte 0
8120096F .align 2
81200970 a_foundrunnerat08x:.string "found runner at %08x\n" # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+2E4
81200970 # do_region_patching+328
81200970 .byte 0
81200986 .align 2
81200988 a_foundrealrunnerat08x:.string "found real runner at %08x\n"
81200988 # DATA XREF: do_region_patching+344
81200988 # do_region_patching+374

81202000 fake_params: apploader_params <0x817FC8C0, 0x40, 0x440>
81202000 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+14
81202000 # apploader_main+1C
81202000 apploader_params <0x817FFF80, 0x40, 0x2000>
81202000 apploader_params <0x817FC8C0, 0x40, 0x440>
8120206C # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
8120206C # Attributes: thunk
8120206C game_patch_code: # DATA XREF: start+3C
8120206C b sub_812020F8
8120206C # End of function game_patch_code
81202070 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81202070 sub_81202070:
81202070 mflr %r31
81202074 bl set_TV_mode
81202078 mtlr %r31
8120207C li %r0, 0
81202080 li %r3, 0
81202084 li %r4, 0
81202088 li %r5, 0
8120208C li %r6, 0
81202090 li %r7, 0
81202094 li %r8, 0
81202098 li %r9, 0
8120209C li %r10, 0
812020A0 li %r11, 0
812020A4 li %r12, 0
812020A8 li %r13, 0
812020AC li %r14, 0
812020B0 li %r15, 0
812020B4 li %r16, 0
812020B8 li %r17, 0
812020BC li %r18, 0
812020C0 li %r19, 0
812020C4 li %r20, 0
812020C8 li %r21, 0
812020CC li %r22, 0
812020D0 li %r23, 0
812020D4 li %r24, 0
812020D8 li %r25, 0
812020DC li %r26, 0
812020E0 li %r27, 0
812020E4 li %r28, 0
812020E8 li %r29, 0
812020EC li %r30, 0
812020F0 li %r31, 0
812020F4 blr
812020F4 # End of function sub_81202070
812020F8 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812020F8 sub_812020F8: # CODE XREF: game_patch_code
812020F8 .set var_C, -0xC
812020F8 .set var_8, -8
812020F8 .set var_4, -4
812020F8 .set arg_4, 4
812020F8 stwu %sp, -0x18(%sp)
812020FC mflr %r0
81202100 stw %r29, 0x18+var_C(%sp)
81202104 stw %r30, 0x18+var_8(%sp)
81202108 stw %r31, 0x18+var_4(%sp)
8120210C stw %r0, 0x18+arg_4(%sp)
81202110 lis %r11, jump_stub_loc@h
81202114 ori %r11, %r11, jump_stub_loc@l
81202118 lwz %r9, ((dword_80001804-0x1800)@l)(%r11)
8120211C lis %r0, 'DI'
81202120 ori %r0, %r0, 0x5002 # 0x44495002
81202124 cmpw %r9, %r0
81202128 mr %r31, %r3
8120212C mr %r29, %r4
81202130 bne loc_81202164
81202134 lis %r3, dword_800019A4@h
81202138 lwz %r30, ((jump_stub_loc-0x1800)@l)(%r11)
8120213C addi %r3, %r3, dword_800019A4@l
81202140 mr %r4, %r31
81202144 bl strcmp
81202148 cmpwi %r3, 0
8120214C bne loc_81202164
81202150 mr %r3, %r31
81202154 mtlr %r30
81202158 mr %r4, %r29
8120215C blrl
81202160 b loc_81202168
81202164 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81202164 loc_81202164: # CODE XREF: sub_812020F8+38
81202164 # sub_812020F8+54
81202164 li %r3, -1
81202168 loc_81202168: # CODE XREF: sub_812020F8+68
81202168 lwz %r0, 0x18+arg_4(%sp)
8120216C mtlr %r0
81202170 lwz %r29, 0x18+var_C(%sp)
81202174 lwz %r30, 0x18+var_8(%sp)
81202178 lwz %r31, 0x18+var_4(%sp)
8120217C addi %sp, %sp, 0x18
81202180 blr
81202180 # End of function sub_812020F8
81202184 # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
81202184 set_TV_mode: # CODE XREF: sub_81202070+4
81202184 lis %r9, game_region_byte@h
81202188 lbz %r0, game_region_byte@l(%r9)
8120218C cmpwi %r0, 'P'
81202190 bne loc_812021A4
81202194 ori %r9, %r9, TV_mode@l
81202198 li %r0, 1
8120219C stw %r0, ((TV_mode-0xCC)@l)(%r9)
812021A0 blr
812021A4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812021A4 loc_812021A4: # CODE XREF: set_TV_mode+C
812021A4 cmpwi %r0, 'J'
812021A8 bne loc_812021C0
812021AC loc_812021AC: # CODE XREF: set_TV_mode+44
812021AC lis %r9, TV_mode@h
812021B0 ori %r9, %r9, TV_mode@l
812021B4 li %r0, 0
812021B8 stw %r0, ((TV_mode-0xCC)@l)(%r9)
812021BC blr
812021C0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812021C0 loc_812021C0: # CODE XREF: set_TV_mode+24
812021C0 cmpwi %r0, 'E'
812021C4 bnelr
812021C8 b loc_812021AC
812021C8 # End of function set_TV_mode
812021CC # =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
812021CC strcmp: # CODE XREF: sub_812020F8+4C
812021CC b loc_812021EC
812021D0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812021D0 loc_812021D0: # CODE XREF: strcmp+28
812021D0 lbz %r0, 0(%r4)
812021D4 addi %r4, %r4, 1
812021D8 cmpw %r9, %r0
812021DC addi %r3, %r3, 1
812021E0 beq loc_812021EC
812021E4 li %r3, -1
812021E8 blr
812021EC # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
812021EC loc_812021EC: # CODE XREF: strcmp
812021EC lbz %r9, 0(%r3)
812021F0 cmpwi %r9, 0
812021F4 bne loc_812021D0
812021F8 li %r3, 0
812021FC blr
812021FC # End of function strcmp
812021FC # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81202200 a__sysIOS: .string "/_sys/IOS"
8120220C phase: .long 0 # DATA XREF: apploader_main+C
81202210 report_func_ptr:.long 0 # DATA XREF: apploader_init+14

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2008 05:40AM by bushing.
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 13, 2008 01:59AM
Neat, but I'm more curious about how the actual exploit works. Also, "/_sys/IOS"? Is that a path on the disc?
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 15, 2008 09:40PM
@bushing, thanks for the disassembly.

"/_sys/IOS", well it seems there is no direct reference to it. Now I see, with my current wii/gc system knowledge and ppc assembly I can only make little bits of the code clear, rest is a mystery.

It seems that it doesn't modify the system menu, instead it pollutes the disk information that is stored in a cache?
So patching system menu through modified freeloader may not be an option that I should consider.

I tested another thing, modified open source apploader and burned it... just changed the exit routine as below knowing that it won't work since the entry point of the dol probably not the actual memory address. Anyway, code executed and warning menu freezed.

My question is, at that point what are the limitations for the apploader? Can it make ios calls? Can it access nand of the wii? Can it access the memory used by the System Menu?

uint32_t return_entry_point(void) {
return bl_control.entry_point;

static void *al_exit(void)
printf("al_exit() = %p\n",bl_control.entry_point);
void (*ep)() = (void(*)())return_entry_point();
return bl_control.entry_point;
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 17, 2008 05:16AM
Code executed? You mean instead of the health warning it ran your code? Or it just froze at the warning screen?
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 17, 2008 09:18AM
Well of course executed my code and since it didn't make any sense it freezed.

Yesterday I investigated if I can put there a code that links to the libogc (to delete the offending title)... yet I don't think it's doable, there are lots of code that should be linked and that amounts to probably at least 100K-150K of binary code and the standard libraries clash with the apploader's ones (it compiles with an option -ffreestanding)
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 19, 2008 07:07AM
I suggest you go take a peek at YAGCD: []

Everything it says there about the GameCube still applies to the Wii, except replace "bootrom" with "System Menu".

The apploader is a piece of code that the system menu loads. It then calls that code to figure out how to load the DOL from the disc. Once that's done, the apploader exits, leaving the DOL in memory and returning control to the system menu. The system menu then jumps to the DOL.

The Freeloader disc doesn't even have a main DOL; instead of loading a DOL into memory, the Freeloader apploader patches the System Menu (in-memory), ejects the disc, and then jumps back into the (modified) menu.

You'll just have to experiment as to what you can actually do inside the Apploader, since it's not "supposed" to do anything other than help the menu load a DOL from disc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2008 07:11AM by bushing.
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 19, 2008 07:28AM
These are my two patches to remove the save game 'no copy flag' from the system menu, so allows you to copy save games to your SD card on games which are no permitted, The search bytes are the same on all versions, so easy to locate and patch.

Patch 1.

// search bytes
static const u32 nopcopyflag1[3] = {
	0x540007FF, 0x4182001C, 0x80630068

813BCD10 54 00 07 FF                 clrlwi. %r0, %r0, 31    # edit this line for no copy patch i.e 0x7C000000
813BCD14 41 82 00 1C                 beq     loc_813BCD30    # No copy Patch one check here
813BCD18 80 63 00 68                 lwz     %r3, 0x68(%r3)  
813BCD1C 38 80 00 F0                 li      %r4, 0xF0       
813BCD20 48 00 2D 69                 bl      anmSelectFadeout__Q33ipl5scene12SavedataEditFUl
813BCD24 38 00 00 0F                 li      %r0, 0xF        
813BCD28 90 1F 00 54                 stw     %r0, 0x54(%r31) 
813BCD2C 48 00 01 5C                 b       loc_813BCE88    

Patch 2.

// search bytes
static const u32 nopcopyflag2[3] = {
	0x540007FF, 0x41820024, 0x387E12E2

8134A9F0 loc_8134A9F0:                           # CODE XREF: ipl::NandSDWorker::do_copy_nand_save_to_sd((void))+F0j
8134A9F0 80 01 00 14                 lwz     %r0, 0x130+var_11C(%sp) 
8134A9F4 90 1D 00 08                 stw     %r0, 8(%r29)    
8134A9F8 80 1D 00 24                 lwz     %r0, 0x24(%r29) 
8134A9FC 54 00 07 FF                 clrlwi. %r0, %r0, 31    # edit this line for no copy patch i.e 0x7C000000
8134AA00 41 82 00 24                 beq     loc_8134AA24    # No copy Patch two check here
8134AA04 38 7E 12 E2                 addi    %r3, %r30, 0x12E2 #
8134AA08 4C C6 31 82                 crclr   4*cr1+eq        
8134AA0C 48 1B AE E1                 bl      OSReport        
8134AA10 80 78 00 00                 lwz     %r3, 0(%r24)    
8134AA14 38 00 FF F3                 li      %r0, -0xD      
8134AA18 3C 63 00 04                 addis   %r3, %r3, 4     
8134AA1C 90 03 A5 24                 stw     %r0, -0x5ADC(%r3) 
8134AA20 48 00 06 20                 b       loc_8134B040
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 20, 2008 07:52AM
So the apploader runs as soon as the disc is inserted? Interesting. I guess the Freeloader disc is simply fakesigned then? I thought they were using some sort of exploit that simply nobody else was interested in because we didn't need it. :-/
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 20, 2008 09:14PM
I suggest you go take a peek at YAGCD: []

Everything it says there about the GameCube still applies to the Wii, except replace "bootrom" with "System Menu".

The apploader is a piece of code that the system menu loads. It then calls that code to figure out how to load the DOL from the disc. Once that's done, the apploader exits, leaving the DOL in memory and returning control to the system menu. The system menu then jumps to the DOL.

The Freeloader disc doesn't even have a main DOL; instead of loading a DOL into memory, the Freeloader apploader patches the System Menu (in-memory), ejects the disc, and then jumps back into the (modified) menu.

You'll just have to experiment as to what you can actually do inside the Apploader, since it's not "supposed" to do anything other than help the menu load a DOL from disc.

Well I patched this part of the freeloader code, thinking it is merely a debug output code
8120025C         lis     %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@h # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200260         mtlr    %r0
81200264         addi    %r3, %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@l # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200268         addi    %r26, %r26, 1
8120026C         crclr   4*cr1+eq
81200270         blrl

with this code,

3C 60 81 37 - lis %r3, 0x81374CC8@h
38 63 4C C8 - addi %r3, %r3, 0x81374CC8@l
3C 80 4B FF - lis  %r4, 0x4BFFEA99@h
38 84 EA 99 - addi %r4, %r4, 0x4BFFEA99@l
90 83 00 00 - stw  %r4, (%r3)
3B 5A 00 01 - addi    %r26, %r26, 1

my system menu disassembly looks like (ntsc 3.2)

seg006:81374CC0 loc_81374CC0:                           # CODE XREF: main+FCCj
seg006:81374CC0                 bl      BS2BootIRD
seg006:81374CC4                 b       loc_81374CCC
seg006:81374CC8 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg006:81374CC8 loc_81374CC8:                           # CODE XREF: main+FD8j
seg006:81374CC8                                         # main+FE8j
seg006:81374CC8                 bl      BS2Entry

and Nuke's disassembly looks like (either pal or 3.3 or both)
81374BEC 4B FF EA 99          bl      BS2BootIRD      # Branch
81374BF0 48 00 00 08          b       loc_81374BF8    # Branch
81374BF4             # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81374BF4             loc_81374BF4:                           # CODE XREF: main+FD8j
81374BF4                                                     # main+FE8j
81374BF4 4B FF E9 55          bl      BS2Entry        # Branch

After a bit of tweaking the used registers in the code, finally I was able to get it run but it had no effect. With my current ppc assembly knowledge I guess I can't get together a patch that searches for known code and replace it and do this especially in the freeloader's apploader code. For now It's too much for me.

What I'm not sure is, does my above code (we assume that it's executed in the apploader's main loop) really modifies the system menu or am I missing something badly?

And about the open source apploader, I'll pursue my quest to do a similar thing in that too... Sadmenu patch may help me in that regard I guess. Probably I'll need just these two functions SYS_ResetSystem and DCFlushRange from ogc to compile with apploader source.
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 21, 2008 07:42PM
So the apploader runs as soon as the disc is inserted? Interesting. I guess the Freeloader disc is simply fakesigned then? I thought they were using some sort of exploit that simply nobody else was interested in because we didn't need it. :-/

yep. they are "just" abusing the strncmp bug. this is also the reason why freeloader isn't working anymore on the strncmp-fixed IOS30 (i.e.mainly consoles with system menu 3.3)
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 22, 2008 03:52AM
Your asm is over writing the 'move the link register' in that code and later the code will branch to the link register, this is not safe code practice as you don't know where the link register is pointing too when it makes the jump as it will be holding the 'previous' set. Also you really should be keeping an eye on registers r3 and r4 as if its used which looks like they are you are destroying whats in them.

Well I patched this part of the freeloader code, thinking it is merely a debug output code

8120025C         lis     %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@h # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200260         mtlr    %r0
81200264         addi    %r3, %r3, a_foundupdateflagat08x@l # "found update flag at %08x\n"
81200268         addi    %r26, %r26, 1
8120026C         crclr   4*cr1+eq
81200270         blrl

with this code,

3C 60 81 37 - lis %r3, 0x81374CC8@h
38 63 4C C8 - addi %r3, %r3, 0x81374CC8@l
3C 80 4B FF - lis  %r4, 0x4BFFEA99@h
38 84 EA 99 - addi %r4, %r4, 0x4BFFEA99@l
90 83 00 00 - stw  %r4, (%r3)
3B 5A 00 01 - addi    %r26, %r26, 1

my system menu disassembly looks like (ntsc 3.2)

seg006:81374CC0 loc_81374CC0:                           # CODE XREF: main+FCCj
seg006:81374CC0                 bl      BS2BootIRD
seg006:81374CC4                 b       loc_81374CCC
seg006:81374CC8 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg006:81374CC8 loc_81374CC8:                           # CODE XREF: main+FD8j
seg006:81374CC8                                         # main+FE8j
seg006:81374CC8                 bl      BS2Entry

And about the open source apploader, I'll pursue my quest to do a similar thing in that too... Sadmenu patch may help me in that regard I guess. Probably I'll need just these two functions SYS_ResetSystem and DCFlushRange from ogc to compile with apploader source.[/quote]
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 22, 2008 07:36AM
Your asm is over writing the 'move the link register' in that code and later the code will branch to the link register, this is not safe code practice as you don't know where the link register is pointing too when it makes the jump as it will be holding the 'previous' set. Also you really should be keeping an eye on registers r3 and r4 as if its used which looks like they are you are destroying whats in them.

Well I noticed of that later, but since it doesn't freeze and the krad effect is continued... I assume it ran... Anyway I found a much larger place to change code in the above disassembly. It doesn't have a table for search values as I thought previously instead it statically in the code loads the expected consequent memory values into different registers, transfer these values to R0, do some bit shifting(optional) and compare with the memory value. If a consecutive match found in the memory then with a displacement this area is patched.

I slowly make progress in ppc assembly so it took me a while :)
Later I'll get my hands dirty on that search and replace patch code, if recovery mode patching still fails I'll try patching the title related subroutines.
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 24, 2008 12:13AM
Using Freeloader you can put update.elf on an SD card and it will boot this instead of using the internal patching.
You are in a good place to patch anything in the System Menu.
Once you have done your patches simply return (leave your app) and Freeloader will continue execution of the System Menu with only your patches.

The Freeloader apploader does nothing special, it simply loads a couple of sections off the DVD just to fool the Wii into thinking everything is as it should be. It still needs to be an apploader at the end of the day.

Just a quick note, there are two types of save protection, those you find on games like Elebits and the other from Guitar Hero. Elebits uses a flag in the banner and Guitar Hero has files in a NOCOPY directory.

A simple way to fix the NOCOPY is to simply search for the nocopy text from 0x81330000 to 0x81800000 and change it to something else. You will find 2 or 3 copies of the text so just change them all. You don't even need to change any code for that one.

For the other you need to find the code that checks the flag in the banner but I will leave that one to you. Just a hint, it only checks the flags when first displaying the icons, it doesn't do it again.

Good luck
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 24, 2008 07:12PM
Using Freeloader you can put update.elf on an SD card and it will boot this instead of using the internal patching.
You are in a good place to patch anything in the System Menu.
Once you have done your patches simply return (leave your app) and Freeloader will continue execution of the System Menu with only your patches.

The Freeloader apploader does nothing special, it simply loads a couple of sections off the DVD just to fool the Wii into thinking everything is as it should be. It still needs to be an apploader at the end of the day.

Well the disassembly is above and I can't see any elf loading from sd card. Do we talk about the same freeloader? Or did you mix it up with either Ocarina/Gecko Os or both?
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 24, 2008 10:51PM
Using Freeloader you can put update.elf on an SD card and it will boot this instead of using the internal patching.
You are in a good place to patch anything in the System Menu.
Once you have done your patches simply return (leave your app) and Freeloader will continue execution of the System Menu with only your patches.

I've seen this claim made on [], but there is no code to do this present in the copy of Freeloader that I disassembled. Have you personally tested this? Were there multiple pressings of Freeloader for each region?
Re: In Memory patching of System Menu like Freeloader
September 26, 2008 07:15AM
you can contact tik tok an botch at heh

I tried the above method but my freeloader was an original released version, I would like a splash screen version or new version as mentioned on tik tik and botch site.

Wiicrazy, is now open, it could be worth checking that out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2008 07:23AM by Nuke.
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