repair defective Wiimote
August 25, 2008 07:41PM
hi everybody

it seems i found a way to repair some defective wiimote.
symptom of those defective wiimote are randomly diconnection when pressing minus or plus buton.
on ninty forum, they know the problem which concern principaly early wiimote produced.
and their solution is to tap on the bottom of the wimote. but it's useless cause sympton appear again few time later.

when i've disassembled my wiimote i saw that the braodcom chip (bluetooth) was near minus and plus button.
so my solution was to wedge this chip with a piece of rubber (about 2 mm of thickness).

and that works.
need more testing, but seems to be efficient.
if you encounter that problem, please try my solution and post your feed back.

Re: repair defective Wiimote
August 29, 2008 04:19PM
nobody else have this problem ???

PS: i knows it sounds like a "up"
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