my path is fine, I am able to get configure to complete :) your last error can either be hacked out of configure and fixed manually in the config.h file that is generated to define a type for socklen_t or you can add a CFLAG entry to your configure line and have the include directory have a sys/socket.h file that defines socklen_t , there are other issues that will need to be dealt with sinceby GPF - Coding
Is the error configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables if so, easiest way to get past that is to change those exit commands in the configure script to echo :) so it doesn't fail 3127c3127 < { (exit 77); exit 77; }; } --- > { (echo 77); echo 77; }; } I would love to know a better way, but haven't found it yet, maybe someway to write a config.cache fiby GPF - Coding
cool, Another option might be to use SDL_LoadBMP_RW , and just read the file into a buffer and use the SDL_RWFromMem to load the BMP Troyby GPF - Coding
I took a quick look at the SDL file code and only thing I can guess is that to use the new libfat with SDL, will require the file code to be updated, probably just replace the current SDL-PORT/src/file/SDL_rwops.c from the source release, or just comment out lines 423 #ifndef __GAMECUBE__ 472 #endif and update the Makefile.gamecube to not use its own old filecode, ie remove the fby GPF - Coding
might try calling fatInitDefault(); first before initializing SDL , or might try some other wii SDL app that has been released on the wiibrew application list and try compiling it to make sure your environment is function correctly. Troyby GPF - Coding
have you initialized libfat ? fatInitDefault(); Troyby GPF - Coding
i believe you have to use fontset = SDL_LoadBMP("/apps/wotef/images/fonts.bmp"); Troyby GPF - Coding
probably easiest way to fix it is to just rewrite the SDL_SYS_TimerInit(void) function in SDL-PORT/src/timer/gamecube/SDL_systimer.c int SDL_SYS_TimerInit(void) { return(SDL_SetTimerThreaded(0)); } or someone needs to rewrite SDL-PORT to use LWP threads the current SDL_GetTicks() , maybe isn't the best way to handle ticks on Wii? Uint32 SDL_GetTicks (void) { const Uint64 tby GPF - Coding
QuotegameplayuLbreakout is a game on , it's based on SDL, I want to port it to wii, it seems to use SDL thread, so I wrapped libogc thread into SDL, now, games running without SDL_SetERROR, but black screen. I compile Barrage(the game already port by mindcry), found the .elf much less than mindcry compiled, I don't know what wrong, is Makefile? Could you post your diff to adding tby GPF - Coding
QuoteVideogamerQuoteWiiPhlexThe dolphin emulator can mount dol and elf files, although still in development I believe there is a release. ) I've tried Dolphin, and while it will load GC games into memory, the window which is supposed to display an image displays NOTHING. I've used it to load an SNES emulator for GC (an emulator running from an emulator, because this was the only hoby GPF - Testing Corner
post some code of a BASIC port to WII or move this to offtopicby GPF - Offtopic
need to add LDFLAGS and LIBS to your Makefile or reconfigure with them as part of the command. I added this to the cyassl\ctaocrypt\test\Makefile and cyassl\ctaocrypt\benchmark\Makefile LDFLAGS = -g -mrvl -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map LIBOBJS = LIBS = -L$(DEVKITPRO)/libogc/lib/wii -logc -lz -lm and then you won't get the error about undefined referenceby GPF - Coding
#include then in beginning of main function add fatInitDefault(); and add -lfat to your Makefile LIBS line , before -logc then you just use standard c api fopen , fread etc. Troy(GPF)by GPF - Coding
Haven't tried to compile libogg/libvorbis for gc/wii yet, so not sure of updates needed to Makefiles, but you do need to use the OGG_MUSIC flag, as OGG_DYNAMIC wants to use a shared runtime libogg lib, which isn't available. Did a little code browsing to figure out the wiimote/gc pad usage in current SDL-Port, right now gc pad's are not enabled so no joystick usage will work, anby GPF - Coding
The SDL-Port doesn't have threads implemented, so its not enabled. SDL_Image supports BMP and JPG, adding png support is pretty easy just need to add a flag to makefile and recompile you need libpng and libz and there header files to use it. SDL_mixer can support all those types just need to add flags to Makefile and recompile. Troy(GPF)by GPF - Coding