I think that the problem is in the video thread. The original version ( mamewii 1.0 ) often crashes and using addr2line it seem to be happened in a LWPxxx memory access .by nebiun - Coding
Any ROM set after the 0.134u4 and clrMamePro can help you.by nebiun - Homebrew Applications
No one has tried this? :-(by nebiun - Coding
Hi, I'm working (again) on wiimame. Last useful meme version for this is 0.136 (mame changed too much after this version). Well: .dol is generated, works ok on doplhin (with SD emulation) but on real wii I obtain only a black screen. I make the .dol with last version of compiler and library from devkitPro.org. No error, no crash, simply only black screen (forever). Someone wouldby nebiun - Coding
Solved using code grabbed from WiiCraft project (thanks filfat!). Files: devicemounter.c & devicemounter.h from Wiicraft_launcher.by nebiun - Coding
Well. My wii mame works good with games on SD. But now I want play games from USB formatted in NTFS. I downloaded and installed libntfs and modified mame code to work with USB, but...does not work. Then I tried using the simple example from libntfs, but does not work either. Simply "No NTFS volumes were found and/or mounted." Loaders work very well with the same USB disk. Someone can help mby nebiun - Coding
Solved! The problem seem due to L2Enhance call. Removing this call all works flawless Now I have a wiimame version 1.35 splitted on 4 .dol to play (I hope ;-)) all roms supported by mame 0.135.by nebiun - Coding
I know, but I put a fprintf on file very early in main routine, and file is never created, then I suppose that the unaligned access is done by loader and not by the program. There is a flag that I can use to compile the sources to avoid unaligned accesses?by nebiun - Coding
Mame is build with separated libraries. Only few files in these libraries have "big" data. I tried to remove this objs from the dol, reducing the bss to about 3 mb (like version 1.0) but no changes (same crash). Data segment is about 10 kb (same of version 1.0).by nebiun - Coding
Source code is available if someone is interested.by nebiun - Coding
[Hi, I'm Nebiun. I'm trying to build a more complete version of Wii Mame to contain *every* drivers of original Mame version 0.135. I downloaded the sources for version 1.0 of Wii Mame and the sources of Mame version 0.135, combined them togheter and built a complete .dol The size of the final .dol is too big to run on Wii and homebrew channel simply refuse to see it. Wii Dolphinby nebiun - Coding