Were can I find the file replacement code? I have the big long one by PW, and I tried using other codes in the txt file were in it, but nothing worked.by Jazeps - Homebrew Applications
Eh... I just bought mine. Maybe hacking the browser itself instead of making a new one would be better?by Jazeps - Ideas, requests
Yeah, GCT, keep getting confused about it, sorry. But what do I do?by Jazeps - Homebrew Applications
I'm in America, so it's NTSC (of all things I could forget to mention) Right now, Gecko OS says, "SD codes not found," so I'm doing something wrong. Okay, so I tried using other codes, and the free camera code worked, but not the textures. Do I have the code wrong or something?by Jazeps - Homebrew Applications
Yeah. Very sorry about that- it must have been asked about over a gajillioworln times, or whatever. So anyway, I was able to have it read before, but I deleted the GCT file some time ago for some stupid reason. And I just got an SDHC card and reader so I can use more textures, and I put it in there, try making a new GCT file, but no matter what I do, it never reads them. Sandisk SDHC 8GB caby Jazeps - Homebrew Applications