Just finished finals and have a winter break all to myself. I've got coding experience on me, where do I sign up?by ShinCrusader - Ideas, requests
QuoteThePalmtopTigerI have all of my homebrew loaded on to my external hard drive (FAT32) and all the apps can be executed flawlessly through Homebrew Channel. Although WiiSX itself loads fine, it fails to find any games. The exact message is : "Error opening directory : 'USB/Wiisx/isos'" Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it Okay so, I found out that I had the source toby ShinCrusader - Homebrew Applications
QuoteArikadolibogc itself has functions for playing MP3 and OGG. What more do you want? o_o;; Oh, it's not that! I was mostly curious because I prefer the tracker formats such as XM and S3M (which gcmodplay doesn't support). If nothing else, I'd probably end up finding a way to make GRRLIB and SDL play nice so I can use the latter for audio, but overall I was just wondering.by ShinCrusader - Ideas, requests
So I was wondering; has anyone tried to take the audio engine from, say, DragonMedia Player and port it into an independent library so it can be used in other games (or maybe some of the other media players or editors, such as Schism Tracker)? I actually looked through the source for DMP, though I'm a tad fuzzy on where to get started with such a task. Just wondering. ^__^by ShinCrusader - Ideas, requests
Welp, turns out it was two things: 1) I used GoldWave to convert the audio to 16-bit big-endian mono .snd files. 2) For some reason, ASND was paused by default. Is that normal?! The sound works nicely now, though. Set the Hz at 44100 and it plays perfectly! :D Thanks for your help, guys!by ShinCrusader - Coding
So, I was working on getting sound working in my game. I already have asndlib working fine, but the hitch is converting my .wav and .ogg files to the right format so they'll play. For the record, I used sox to convert them with the command-line found on the asndlib wiki page: sox input.wav -t raw -b 16 --endian big -c 2 output.raw After initializing the ASND system and error checkingby ShinCrusader - Coding