Hmm... Well then why is it available???by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I can't wait until this is done. Are you guys going to release a beta version beforehand, or just go directly to stable release?by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I'm not sure. I used CMii to create the wad file. I downloaded it from the app Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I like the idea of the reminder when posting, that is definitely a good idea...does Phorum support that?by Hman360 - Feedback & Support
Well for some reason I need to have the SD card in even if MPlayer CE is a channel in the System Menu from Hman360 - Ideas, requests
QuoteWarpedflashI think a decent Wii linux forum would be useful. The information for getting it all set up is kinda of scattered around the place so a forum to help out would be good... maybe a sticky or 2 with information about progress and one with how to install? In general this forum seems to be run quite well. a mod or two could help but it works well. Definitely. What we need are a few mby Hman360 - Feedback & Support
Oh... well I thought it was (see here). It doesn't seem to work for me, Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I've been looking around and I haven't been able to find any way to give me MPlayer CE as a channel. I know it is possible without WADs, so can anyone do this, or is it too complex? I think it would be very useful to anyone who dislikes having to insert their SD card whenever they want to watch a DVD on their Wii, and don't want to get a DVD player for whatever room their Wii is inby Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Understood. Do you think maybe a mod should be in charge of mega-merging topics when more than maybe 3 of the same thing appear and are very popular?by Hman360 - Feedback & Support
So, then what about the app WiiCustomize? Doesn't it make Channels out of WADs or something like that? I can never get it to work, though... I have no idea how the heck you use Hman360 - Feedback & Support
QuoteArikadoCan't the Homebrew Applications forum be used for that? (Also, the tutorials discussion was about coding tutorials, not homebrew (app) help ones) OH... okay, I get it now... Although maybe even then, you could have some guys post small tutorials, perhaps in response to other coders' requests? I do see your point on the "legal" wad forums... I suppose even with 200 mods, iby Hman360 - Feedback & Support
Exactly, thank you... and with homebrew, you can constantly update it, adding features the original doesn't have!by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Hey, I have one and I love it. I use mine for gaming, Blu-ray, as a media center, and multiple things. I think that if you want a PS3, then get one. Just make sure you are going to use it a lot. It all depends on how much you think you will be needing it. Also, remember to do a little research on what models do what. If you want to play PS2 on it, you'll need to buy a used 60 GB model becby Hman360 - Offtopic
Arikado, I know you don't like me, but I'm sure we can overlook our differences (and by that I mean my inexperience). I think a forum/board for tutorials is a great idea, maybe have a couple people who know how to use the programs (or the creators of the programs) show some of the features of the apps. Maybe the users could ask questions and the guys who know the apps could answer withby Hman360 - Feedback & Support
I understand what you're saying, but you're getting confused (or confusing me). I think yours was WiiXplore, and the file browser, WiiXplorer (which has already been released, BTW) has a name that isn't exactly the same. It has an r at the end. Similar to the Wii and the Vii. (Although I bet everyone knows the Vii is a cheap knockoff of the Wii anyway).by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Maybe, but it seems a little too generic... (Look at me, talking about the name when I'm not developing it...) BTW, if you guys need a GUI, then if you give me the requirements, I can make the images needed and perhaps design the layout. I'm good with Photoshop (or rather, GIMP), but that's it. I'm still working with BASIC, so I'm not much of a programmer and I can'by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Oh, okay. I understand what you guys are saying now. Thanks for finally clearing that up. By the way, I hope no one confuses WiiXplore (the internet browser) with WiiXplorer (the file browser) because I nearly did. What are you going to call the final project after merging? I would suggest using the WiiBrowse name to avoid confusion with WiiXplorer (the file browser).by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Which one, WiiBrowse+WiiXplore or memory outsourcing?by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I realize that. I try to offer good ideas, but as a person who is still learning to program, I cannot determine what would work and what would not, especially on a system I haven't the foggiest idea how to program Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I don't believe the real version allows you to customize your Hman360 - Ideas, requests
What if someone could design a Wii version of Monopoly, perhaps with a customizable board (as in put your own names and pictures for the locations)?by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Definitely. I think if WiiXplorer could work like that and set some form of file associations, it would make life easier. Maybe if it worked specially with the in-development web browser (like Windows Explorer and Windows Internet Explorer). It would work with Mplayer CE like Windows Media Player and maybe other things like that. Sorry for all the Windows references, I'm a PC ;-)by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
spyx, I like the idea of the memory outsourcing (Perhaps an external hard drive could be used for extreme memory needs). By the way, I thought you guys merged WiiXplore with Hman360 - Ideas, requests
It was just an idea... I thought it might be cool... No need to throw a Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I like this idea. It would work kind of like Windows Explorer, then, where it would create file associations?by Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Forget just a simple "for fun" app... Why not make an entire game out of it? Possibly without MotionPlus, if possible... Why not have a story and all that and make a game that you actually swing the lightsaber to fight? Maybe add an arena mode where you just fight waves of enemies or a free play mode where you just swing the saber around... And of course, color selection and possibly style, suchby Hman360 - Ideas, requests
wildgoosespeeder, you are right and thank you for understanding my question. ekeeke, you need to calm down. We are not trying to insult the authors of the program in any way. We just want to offer ideas to improve this program. I understand that it is an insult to keep going on about trying to port P64 instead of M64, but we are not saying that anymore. I never said that at all anyway... And, serby Hman360 - Ideas, requests
I think they do need a better graphics plug-in because I saw a screenshot of Spider-Man 64 and it looked...awful. BTW, is there any way that a graphics modification plug-in, similar to Rice Video can be developed for Wii64? And no, I don't mean port it, I mean can you make a texture replacement feature or plug-in at all? Here is Rice Video: Rice Video thread on EmuTalk.netby Hman360 - Ideas, requests
Would you really need this, though? You can just use a Hman360 - Ideas, requests
True, true,... but with me, I get a weird error whenever I try to download the new internet channel from the shop channel... BTW, any idea where I should discuss that (in case there's a topic already set up for it)?by Hman360 - Ideas, requests