There on the h/d but you can't get them to work are there titles ment to come up on the main screenby col72 - Getting Started
Hard drive done can't play games just watch filmsby col72 - Getting Started
Using windows 7 and fat 32 does not come up just exfat and nt something it's got my head done in lolby col72 - Getting Started
Fat 32 doesn't come up exfat and nt something comes up sick as out of it now lolby col72 - Getting Started
What can I do if the wii does not recognise the hard drive its got my head battered lolby col72 - Homebrew General
struggling with hard drive wii wont reconise it what format should it be and how do i format itby col72 - Getting Started
sorry ment exfat what format should i be using and how do i get it and what is a os lolby col72 - Getting Started
how can i convert exfat to exfat32 so i can use it on the wiiby col72 - Getting Started
got hbc installed what format games can i play can i use pal gamesby col72 - Getting Started
The wii is about 4 or 5 years old got home brew on it can i watch a film on a hard drive on itby col72 - Homebrew General