Unfortunately all my WiiDev and this WiiPC project has had to come to a standstill while I sort out some other problems. I hope to be back on this soon.by musicinstinct - Offtopic
QuoteChuckBartowskiI didnt mean it like that when i said 1080p wii. I meant it would look like a wii and would be HD. Not that it would actually play wii games. yeah, got that - i was replying to an earlier comment about running dolphin.by musicinstinct - Offtopic
why not just use a CMS like Drupal or Wordpress?by musicinstinct - Offtopic
No... it's not going to run the Wii Emulator. But performance wise it's doing really well with just the generic video card drivers. I still have to work out how to compile the VIA drivers as I believe this is the answer to getting max performance out of the graphics. I've been busy with work over the past couple of weeks so I've not had much time to work on the WiiPC. I doby musicinstinct - Offtopic
Hello, it's the Pico ITX motherboard! And here's a first attempt at positioning stuff inside the Wii case: It's going to take some trial and error until I'm happy with the positioning. I've got a hard drive at the back of that picture connected to the motherboard via SATA connector. The 2.5" hard drive is bigger than the motherboard! There's a separaby musicinstinct - Offtopic
All the bits arrived today. I think I have the wrong cable for the hard drive I was hoping to use - but that can be fixed easily locally, so no more big delays. I've got some unboxing pics to upload. Everything fits quite nicely in the wii case. There are a few mounting holes that would have been useful, but unfortunately they're slightly out. I'm going to have to make someby musicinstinct - Offtopic
Rapid development is also much more fun! I like playing with Box2D in Actionscript 3 using the debug draw rather than creating any graphics. The only problem is stopping yourself playing with your game before you've redone all the graphics and finished it properly.by musicinstinct - Coding
The shipping service is actually quite good all things considered, although I didn't get any confirmation until I asked for it. The main delay was with my credit card :(by musicinstinct - Offtopic
The guys at 2DBoy (creators of one of my favourite Wii games, World of Goo) have released part of the framework of code they used to create World of Goo. [2dboy.com] I've not worked through much of the code yet, but there are some interesting bits and pieces to learn from. The compilation instructions are for windows, and I've only got bits of it to compile on Linux. I've notby musicinstinct - Coding
Finally got confirmation today that my goods have been shipped! The motherboard is now on it's way so I can hopefully get started on putting this thing together soon. I've had the case on the shelf for too long now awaiting it's internal organs.by musicinstinct - Offtopic
Thanks MtPeanut - that solved the first warning in the output - about utility.hpp - which I thought might have something to do with all the other errors. Unfortunately not, I'm still getting tons of "error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'boost'" from most of the boost hpp files.by musicinstinct - Coding
Also, I think HBC passes the CWD (current working directory) as argv - you could use that, in case the folder that your app launches from changes (i.e. someone renames the folder on SD card).by musicinstinct - Coding
In this file (part of Boost): boost/config/no_tr1/utility.hpp There is this include: #ifndef BOOST_CONFIG_UTILITY # define BOOST_CONFIG_UTILITY # ifndef BOOST_TR1_NO_RECURSION # define BOOST_TR1_NO_RECURSION # define BOOST_CONFIG_NO_UTILITY_RECURSION # endif # include <utility> # ifdef BOOST_CONFIG_NO_UTILITY_RECURSION # undef BOOST_TR1_NO_RECURSby musicinstinct - Coding
Still waiting for delivery of the motherboard board. Living on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean does have it's disadvantages! I am planning on installing this with a customised version of Ubuntu. I am going to add the bluetooth drivers to enable wiimote support. Eventually I plan on creating a custom startup app for launching Boxee, Firefox, games, emulators etc, but for nby musicinstinct - Offtopic
QuoteArikadoTo add to that, we use the term NAND because the Wiis NAND is made up of tons of NAND logic gates. A NAND (or Not AND) logic gate is an electronic gate that outputs a high only when all of its inputs are low, and outputs a low only when all of its inputs are high. nope, that would make it undefined when one input is high and the other is low. The truth table for NAND is: Aby musicinstinct - Getting Started
Has anyone managed to use the Boost libraries with devkitPPC? I would have thought at least the "header only" parts should just work straight out of the box, but I get lots of errors like this: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'boost' That error is repeated many times over, when attempting to compby musicinstinct - Coding
Case has finally arrived. over 2 weeks after ordering. I'm quite happy with it. The flap that covers the SD card slot doesn't seem to fit perfectly, and takes a bit of wiggling to get it to click into place when closing, but other than that it all fits together very well. I'll post up some photos later. I will probably end up gluing the battery holder in place as I wont be usinby musicinstinct - Offtopic
This could be a starting point:by musicinstinct - Offtopic
I originally wanted white, but the black case was cheaper, and came with free tools. If it works, I'll make the second version in white.by musicinstinct - Offtopic
Well - for my first version I've got this on order: A black Wii case, and the Pico-ITX motherboard. The operating system will be Ubuntu based. I've got my Wiimotes working under Linux, and I'm working on a desktop skin that looks more "wii-like". I'm considering using the Netbook Remix, as that might be more suitable for pointing at icons with the wiimote, or I may cby musicinstinct - Offtopic
QuoteKwartelAnd there WAS a way to put the ticket on it BUT nintendo blokked it :( Please excuse my slightly ill-informed question, but I was wondering if this was at all possible: As I understand it, code has to be signed and authenticated before it will run on the wii. This includes installing title data/metadata, which is required for the wii to run code. Would it be possible to run codeby musicinstinct - Homebrew General
I've started ordering some components. I'll be sure to document the build.by musicinstinct - Offtopic
There are some good free resources you can use to get up to speed:by musicinstinct - Offtopic
I've been experimenting with a bit of Wii Homebrew, but this is an offtopic post - about another interest of mine - pico and mini-itx computers. I've found replacement Wii plastic cases for sale on eBay at about 15 EUR. By my calculations this would be ample room to fit a pico-itx motherboard and construct a "wii pc". I was wondering if anyone else had tried this or similar projects?by musicinstinct - Offtopic