clever stuff :) Thanks guys you have been VERY helpfulby thedemon13666 - FixMii
so will there ever be a way to have the same protection that bootmii in boot2 has on an lu64 le250 model?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
ok so how often is this likely to save you? I mean are most bricks related to a dodgy ios/system menu?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
oh lol silly me, soooooooooooooooooooooo how do you reinstall the system menu?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
ahh so if you bricked you wii, in some cases you can use preloader to load system menu, from there you can use the wad manager to reinstall ios's such as system menu, what ios is the system menu?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
OOOOOOOOH ok, bit of a misread, thanks a bunch :)by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
ok. for an older wii which can install bootmii as boot2 i assume you dont really need starfall for brick protection. For the newer wiis (lu64 Le250 etc), how does starfall/preloader protect you against brick protection?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
can you have starfall and preloader on at the same time?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
Hi Guys Its my understanding that if bootmii is loaded as an ios, it cant restore a nand and so doesnt protect you in the event of a brick. If you have a wii that can only install bootmii as an ios then what protection can you get that would be similar to bootmii in boot2 form? I mean how can you recover from a brick that you could recover from if you had bootmii in boot2?by thedemon13666 - FixMii
i found it for genesis plus gx, but for snes9x gx for save states the options were network, usb, sd card. :Sby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
I was wondering whether it is possible for the snes9xgx (for the wii obviously) to save to a gamecube memory card, in the same way the genesis plus can Thanks :)by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
tbh though most things that can be done with the wii dont really give any benefit, its really to see if you can :)by thedemon13666 - The Junkyard
yes, i do own a copy of it though, its for ease of useby thedemon13666 - The Junkyard
pokemon battle revolution link upby thedemon13666 - The Junkyard
I am currently trying to make my wii connect to my ds flashcart (m3ds real) but by normal means this isnt possible. Apparently this is due to the fact that my flashcart is sending unsigned code to my wii, which my wii cant read. I am wondering if there is any wiibrew out there that would allow my wii and ds to connect when using a flashcart? Cheersby thedemon13666 - The Junkyard
come to think of it ive never seen it mentioned on here. Fair enough, thanks for the help with making the dvd, i dont think ill bother now xby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
so what about the backup channel?by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
lol did not know that, if its illegal for channels to be made, why is the homebrew channel allowed a channel?by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
i have a channel made for the homebrew disc loaderby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
i like the convenience of simply slipping in a dvd that contains roms and emulatorby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
the elf came with the genplus thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
kk that was a typo i meant dvdby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
Ive ripped my FFVIII cd 1 into a bin and cue file and placed it in a psxisos folder along with my scph1001.bin file now i load the emulator and pick the settings, and after it gets past execute im left with a message saying fps 000.00 FL< FS DI GF 1735kb MEM1 available DoClearFrontBuffer This is as far as it will go, ive tried the different settings (interpreter dynerec etc)by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
no success, i followed your layout of a directory but still havent managed to get anything out of it. I load the homebrew disc loader but i just get a black screen. I dont understand where i am going wrong. Should i not be using nero to burn the dvd? Also i had a .elf file spare, should i be doing anything with trhat?by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
aha thanks, ill give this a try and see how it turns out thanksby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
I have got DVDx installed. The root of the disc has a roms folder, a boot.dol and a meta.xml. Im using nero to burn itby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
im running 3.4E, is that a problem?by thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
Hi I have been trying for months now to create an emulator DVD that can be run using the homebrew disc loader. For these months I have had no such luck. I was wondering whether it would be possible for someone to post a full tutortial or such that can guide me through it. Thanksby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications
Is it going to be at any point possible for the WiiSX to be able to play original psx cds? If not could someone explain why it will never be possible? Thanksby thedemon13666 - Offtopic
tried that, it read the disc once but said there were no suitable programs, then the second time i tried it, the screen just stayed blackby thedemon13666 - Homebrew Applications