I'm trying to follow this video of YouTube And it's just putting on a video instead of the health and safety screen, Iv gone to priiloader and installed the crazyintrovideo.dol file and set it to boot the file, and to return to the system menu but when I switched my wii off then back on, my tv says no signal for about 10 seconds then goes to the wii system menu but dosent show anby Videodude747 - Homebrew Applications
I have the cheat website, a sd and a wii but I don't know where to get the software the converts the cheats and puts them in your sdby Videodude747 - Cheat Codes
Well I saw wii home application that could change your wii menu but the in the description thing it said I neaded preloader so I got that and saw I could do extra options on my wii so downloaded that too tried installing it to my wii it came up with the message " failed to get root aborting misson" after the screen that says press - to uninstall and press + to install And my wii is one oby Videodude747 - Getting Started
Problem with preloader 0.30 with wii 4.3e when installing it goes to a screen that says failed to get root aborting mission What do I do!!???by Videodude747 - Getting Started