I've recently installed Wii64 on a couple of Wiis (well, reinstalled it on mine and for the first time on a friend's) and in both cases it can't open the roms folder either via SD or DVD. Comes up with an error message on trying to open the directory. I also tried Not64 with the same result. Is this a new or common problem or have I missed the boat on this one? I've moved hby slimboyslim - Homebrew Applications
I had been running it through Gecko just in case but have now run the update without any issues to HBC. Gave me a new YouTube channel and now launches FIFA through the disc channel as expected. Thank you both.by slimboyslim - Getting Started
I've bought a new game (FIFA 15) and when I put the disc in, my (hacked) Wii shows the disc channel as 'Wii System Update' - if I click it, will it update my Wii automatically, and is this going to cause problems with my homebrew?!by slimboyslim - Getting Started
4.3 and then Letterbomb worked beautifully, basking in Homebrew glory. Thanks for stopping by to help a noob! =)by slimboyslim - Getting Started
Hi, Brand new to this party, can't wait to get started; I looked into hacking my wii to play imported games since I moved to the UK and brought my US wii, and I'm tired of paying to import discs. But then the more I looked, the more curious I've become so I bought a new (used) PAL wii just to play around with homebrew... Once I know what I'm doing I still want to region-freeby slimboyslim - Getting Started