I'm having trouble getting the libwiikeyboard example to work. I entered the code under "alternate usage" over at and it compiles and runs okay. I get the "Hello World!" message and the "keyboard initialized" message but pressing keys does nothing. The lights on the keyboard don't light up, either. I've tested the keyboard on a PC so I know it works. Any ideas what I'm doby DarkNation - Coding
How does one go about submitting an application for inclusion into the Homebrew Browser?by DarkNation - Homebrew Applications
I'm guessing I would either have to access the Startlet timer somehow (but isn't that an ARM processor? How would I write and compile separate code for that?) or do something with threading, which I have no experience in at all. :( I just want something where I can say "every 15 milliseconds, run this function" (in code, of course).by DarkNation - Ideas, requests
I know the NDS has a timer (or timers) that can be set to automatically do something every so often. Does the Wii have anything like that? I want to be able to set a timer and then forget about it until I need to access the data that the callback function is updating (ie. I don't want to have to manually update the timer in every piece of code that may take longer to execute than the timerby DarkNation - Ideas, requests
Does anyone know where I can find a good working example of code that uses libogc to play with the Wiimote LED's? Thanks!by DarkNation - Coding
I have an Allegro-based game I am trying to port to the Wii. As the Wii does not have an Allegro port, I saw 3 possilibites: 1. Rewrite for a supported library (SDL or GRRLIB, for example). 2. Write a wrapper for a supported library that is compatible with Allegro's API (at least the functions I use). 3. Port Allegro. I've decided to try my hand at option 3 (as it would probby DarkNation - Coding
I'm trying to compile VBA GX from scratch just to get some experience compiling real code. I'm using devkitPro for Windows. Right now, it's stuck on the tremor library. I tried to compile tremor, but I'm getting an error when I run autogen.sh: $ ./autogen.sh checking for autoconf... checking for automake... yes checking for libtool... libtoolize I am going to run ./cby DarkNation - Coding