I have returned
February 16, 2010 01:49AM
Hey guys, Sorry about my extended absence, for christmas I got a netbook, and I've been screwing around with that. I also haven't really touched my Wii since Christmas. So, how's everybody been? What's happened in my absence, and all that good stuff?

Also: nice big red letters on the posting screen
Re: I have returned
February 16, 2010 01:56AM
Hey there.

Lots of changes have been made. Here's the discussion thread:

[forum.wiibrew.org] (Its closed now)

Here're the changes:

Welcome back. :P
Re: I have returned
February 16, 2010 02:19AM
Awesome, and its great to be back. I missed this place... Now where's my Wii SD Card =p
Re: I have returned
February 16, 2010 03:12AM
Welcome back! Many new things have happened. E-mail finally works....
Re: I have returned
February 16, 2010 12:14PM
SNEEK was finally released. That's the only REALLY big actual homebrew thing that I can think of has happened since Christmas...
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