The effect of modchip on Homebrew ???
January 07, 2009 04:15PM

Last time I post this topic, I face some miss understanding that send my topic to Junk...

I am not asking about any modchip, I am asking about the effect of modchip on Homebrew ; I am trying to do Homebrew for my Wii that have modchip in it and never been updated ( version 1.0), I cannot understand until now why Arikado close My last post...I am trying to follow your instruction in this topic :-


And I face these questions:-

I have NTSC Wii with modchip...but my modchip is getting to old that couldn’t run any of the new game like Mario Galaxy...

1. In your guide you ask to have a genuine copy of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’...could I use not original copy of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ that could be run with help from the modchip to do the trick???

2. Do I have to remove the modchip to do this Hack???

3. What will be my situation if I do not remove the modchip???

4. My Wii menu still on version 1.0 (never updated) do I need to update my Wii to 3.4 before running the hack or my version will be ok to run the hack and all copy games??

5. Do you advice me to update the Wii menu before do Homebrew??

Thank You

Re: The effect of modchip on Homebrew ???
January 07, 2009 04:21PM
Modchips don't affect the twilight hack.
You should update your System Menu to 3.1 or 3.2 but not 3.4. Since your System Menu is so old, the Homebrew Channel will not install unless you update to at least 3.1.
Re: The effect of modchip on Homebrew ???
January 07, 2009 04:32PM
Thank you for your reply

But as I have been told if I update my System Menu to 3.1, it will break my Wii because of the modchip...Will updating break My Wii...?? please if your answer is no Please can I still be able to run not original copy of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ using help from my modchip so I can run the hack??? Do I have to remove modchip after updating???

Thank you
Re: The effect of modchip on Homebrew ???
January 07, 2009 04:44PM
As Akirado said, this isn't a modchip forum. We have no idea if your Wii will break if you update with your modchip attached. Hence why he closed your first post.

That and the fact you were talking about pirating with a "non-original" copy of Twilight, which is forbidden on these forums.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2009 04:48PM by whodares.
Re: The effect of modchip on Homebrew ???
January 07, 2009 04:56PM
Thank you whodares. I'm doing the same to this topic for exactly that reason (again).
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