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Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer

Posted by wapoo 
Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 24, 2008 05:49AM
I orginially have a Jap Wii with 3.1J firmware. Yesterday I installed the homebrew channel and run the anyregion changer. I successfully converted my Jap Wii into a US Wii into 3.2U. Then, I updated to 3.3U in order to get the weather and news channel work and downgrade back to 3.2U.It was all fine, i successfully downgraded back to 3.2U. I figured out that i have 3 weather channels and 3 news channel. 1 jap version, 1 US version which was installed from the mario kart and 1 US version from 3.3U(The only channels worked).

So I downloaded the Wii duplicated Channel Remover. However this application deleted my jap channels and my workable US channels. Only the unworkable US version channels left inside which is the ones installed from the mario kart. Then, I upgraded again to 3.3U through the official update and got my workable channels back, and ran the Wii duplicated Channel Remover again.But the Remover still remove my workable news/weather channels and left that unworkable channels.

Bad things happened, after that i decided to downgrade back to 3.2U. I ran the Anyregion changer again, it came out this error!

Although, i could still got into the menu, but when i try to downgrade, it came out this error

I am totally screwed! I cant change region, i cant install any other versions. I am totally stucked in 3.3U and cannot make any changes!
Pls help!
thank you
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 24, 2008 12:57PM
Your own fault, your changes coincided with a new update.
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 24, 2008 04:05PM
I got a similar problem, since stupid me has installed the latest update. The new system configuration is not identified by AnyRegionChanger 1.1, respectively the system region is identified as ".".

I have a PAL console and switched the video output to NTSC. Then I did the update which kinda semi-bricked my Wii. Since the region settings are not consistent any more, the software brings up a brick warning. Now, I dare not to touch the settings to change it back to PAL. I also have a former system.txt backup on SD, but I dare not to write it back on the console, too. Does anyone know if those actions are safe in this semi-bricked status?

So I think there is nothing left we can do than waiting for the coder guys, who are certainly trying hard right now to find a solution.
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 24, 2008 08:58PM
Most of the stuff that can access and modify your FS stuff directly (Like writing to the settings file) require fakesigning. I don't think you could get any of that to work if you tried, unfortunately.

Edit: Hm. I just managed to do the same thing to my Wii somehow. And I certainly haven't updated.

Edit2: I see what u did there. It's grabbing the updated IOS35 instead of the normal one, now. I'll have an update out soon.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2008 09:49PM by tona.
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 25, 2008 02:31AM
I too have accidentally updated my wii
I read the message and figured, "oh, it'll only update the shop and remove the TP hack" and while it was updating i checked wiibrew and it said to not update, but it was too late
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 25, 2008 05:54PM
Most of the stuff that can access and modify your FS stuff directly (Like writing to the settings file) require fakesigning. I don't think you could get any of that to work if you tried, unfortunately.

Edit: Hm. I just managed to do the same thing to my Wii somehow. And I certainly haven't updated.

Edit2: I see what u did there. It's grabbing the updated IOS35 instead of the normal one, now. I'll have an update out soon.

looking forward to ur update :)
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
October 27, 2008 10:28PM
Yeah, me too. 8)
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
November 03, 2008 11:01PM
hmmm... wow, you can see the lights on the wiibar with the camera picture
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
November 15, 2008 01:43PM
any news on when the update will be available?

thank you tona for your great work.

Maybe it would be better to check the downloaded files with a hash?
eg if nintendo changes an update, than you would notice, and not patch a changed file.

at the moment I do not dare to use it, because of the patched IOS from nintendo.
but I would really like to downgrade from 3.3e to 3.2e so that I can use starfall

I heared not very good things about waninoko cios downgrader...
would THAT be an option to downgrade to 3.2?? (no change of the region, just downgrade)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2008 01:50PM by lurbi.
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
November 30, 2008 12:22AM
Your own fault, your changes coincided with a new update.

ur post really doesnt help, if u dont wanna help, dont try rubbing it in his face.

anyway, reckon u cann describe wat the photos show because for some reason i cant view them
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
November 30, 2008 06:21PM
I'm also interested in downgrading my Wii... But I'm kinda unsure of this... I have 3.3Uv1 (didn't updated with 23Oct or 3.4U)... Does AnyRegion Changer works for downgrading to 3.2U? (I want to install Starfall)

EDIT: tona updated the app! Thanks!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2008 04:42AM by DanielHueho.
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
December 02, 2008 06:03AM
*finally updated :P
Re: Cannot downgrade my Wii with Anyregion Changer
December 02, 2008 09:15AM
Fine. Now moving on to the shop region thing.

No offense, just kidding. ;) Great job, thanks a lot!
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