Hexen Wii 0.5 Released
August 28, 2010 02:56AM
A lot of people were really happy with how my port of Heretic to Wii turned out so I decided to do an original port of Hexen to Wii. Right now, it's at about the same stage as my Heretic port so I'm calling this initial release version 0.5.

You may be thinking "There's already another port of Hexen to Wii. What's so special in your port?". My port has the following features not available in the other port:

* Full USB Support
* Support for the Hexen Expansion WAD: Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel (hexdd.wad)
* Saving
* A wiimote and nunchuk control scheme that uses the wiimote's IR
* GC control scheme
* Classic Controller control scheme

My port does not support using cheat codes yet, but it's on the way (I'm in college now so I figured you'd rather not wait a week - or more - for it to be finished).

You can download my port and get the source code to it here: [code.google.com]

If you're kind enough to do so, you can donate to this project here: [arikado.chipin.com]
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